Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Daily Challenges

While we were with the Wallers, a number of incidents happened that kept us on our toes. With the snow and cold arriving, the only heat we had was a wood-burning heater. Having never used a wood burner as the only source of heat, I had trouble maintaining a constant temperature. The room would go from a roaring 95 degrees to a frigid 50 and back. Temperature maintenance with a wood stove was diffucult enough, but then we were accused of being the ones to stop up their sewer lines. We were crushed. The Wallers had to call the septic company to come and clear out the line. I went to watch as the technician removed the plug from the line, and the entire backed-up line poured out its load on him in the basement. I felt so bad. Then he went out and looked in the septic tank and discovered it was full and needed emptying. We asked him if we could have been the cause, and he said, “by no means.” We asked if he would please let the family know this in order to keep tensions down. God’s grace was certainly needed.

Our questions before the LORD were many, our wonderment was continually off the charts, and daily our emotions were going from high to low then back again, almost like the temperature in our little room. Yet, God was always working ahead of us, unfolding His plan, but just out of our sight. It was during the second week at the Wallers that we discovered where the LORD wanted us to attend church. A large independent, charismatic church in town kept coming to our attention during conversations with different people. Most advisers suggested we not attend, while just a few suggested we should. It seemed to be where the LORD was leading, so we decided to go check it out. At this point we were anxious to find our next move, because we certainly had to get out of the Waller’s home.