Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 59

Praying For The Next Open Door

We arrived back in Lawson, homeless again. We had a little money, but nowhere to stay. We checked into the motel that we had stayed at when we left the Cromwell’s home. After a long drive, we were mentally and physically exhausted. We were in need of a major miracle. We knew that most people renting require references and huge deposits. We were becoming frantic. Finally, we received another answer to prayer. We found a Realtor who seemed happy to let us move into a two-bedroom condo without a deposit. Someone had vacated one of her new rental units and had left it trashed. She said if we would take it as is and clean it up ourselves, we did not need to make a deposit. As an added plus, we discovered it was a berm apartment, and the basement was unfinished. That gave us twice the space as the square foot we paid for, because the basement worked well as a second large area. We created an extra bedroom in the basement; we lined up the mattresses, and again we were off to the races!

We continued our prayer meetings at church every saturday night. There were several faithful church members that showed up each week but never anyone from the church leadership. Only once did a board member attend and that was while he waited for his daughter to return from a church-sponsored event. However, even though he was at the church during the prayer meeting, he did not participate in the prayer service. The church did not have a regular prayer meeting and even frowned upon our desire to start one. Church leaders fail to realize that as the leadership goes, so goes the body? There is nothing more important for a church to do in order to move toward spiritual growth than to have corporate prayer. Those who attended our saturday evening prayer meeting were truly prayer warriors, and there were many miraculous answers to our group’s prayers.