Homeless by Gods Design by James OKeefe - HTML preview

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Chapter 60

Something To Think About

What would possess a person to allow god to take him and his family through such difficult times: homelessness…and rejection? The answer to that question for us lies in the promises god had given to us during the previous years of prayer and fasting. Yahushua (Jesus) said, “The Kingdom of God is like a buried treasure, that when a person finds it, goes and sells all he has to buy the field where the treasure is.”1 yahushua was speaking of something tangible and at tainable, something we can find if we seek for it. Though space does not permit me to reveal my hopes and promises, know for certain they are worth all that we have been through and even more. God has hopes and promises for each one of His children.

“For I will be found by you, says the LORD… and I will give you a future and a hope.”2The entire walk with Yahushua is all about the intimate relationship that He desires to have with us. He has many things He desires to bestow upon us, but first He must see if we will be faithful even when the times are difficult. Yahushua (Jesus) learned obedience through the things He suffered and so too shall we learn obedience through the things we suffer to attain the Kingdom of God, which is Christ.