How to Have That One Big Idea by Marc Stewart - HTML preview

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S a n g r e a l W a y o f

P l a y

R u l e s

During play. Any player. Who laughs. In an obvious mocking. Or who gets angry. At another players comments. For any reason. During the entire game play. Must leave the table completely. And try. To remain as silent as possible. For any length of time as decided prior to play commencing. Or an ordinary 3-minute kitchen egg timer. Of course once the time out is over. The player concerned. Takes up a turn. When the die comes around. To them again.

Sangreal rules continue.

Players choose a small cup each. And the 7 same color pawn playing pieces. And select. A starting position. On one. Of the seven points. Of the playing board.

A pile. Of Great Thoughts cards & The Rest & The Quest for the Sangreal cards. Are placed face down. On the table. Leaving the others. In the game box.

The player who throws the highest score with the two dice begins the game.

Players remain on the outer pathway. Until they collect the full set of "Hallows" cards.

Players may move in any direction. On the outer pathway.

When a player lands on a Hallows (H) square. All players focus their attention on the moment. For A Gathering has been called.

The player who is on the Hallows square picks out a single card from off the top. Of either THE GREAT THOUGHTS or THE REST cards.

The player on the Hallows (H) space reads this card out loudly. To all the players present.

The purpose. Of the game. Is to allow opportunities. For all players. To express themselves. Speaking in any way they would like. To express themselves. Regardless. Of age. Life experience. Or standing. In eyes of anyone. Other than their own. The player on the Hallows (H) square. Must speak out aloud. Their comment first. Before the other players get their chance. To make a comment. Of their own. As simple. As A.B.C. And this. Is all there is. To this game. And more-so what follows. Is the magic. The game creates. It makes conversations happen. In a very good way. On a wide variety. Of subjects instantly. It gets people talking.

It is a truth serum. Being really cupids arrows. And bow. To play romance. Or friendship. Between older players. And the young for fun.

As the case may be. Either a discussion. Of note. Ensues. Or the voting commences as follows.

Time for the "Reckoning" to begin! Players! If you decide on as little as a whim. Our player on the (H) Hallowed Ground is far from Dim. Then drop a sphere into the Spirit Measure Cup.

However. If you decide our player’s notion. Is. Shallow Small- Talk or back-pedalling. There’s no need. To pout or shout. Simply do not place. Your sphere. In the cup!

Sangreal does not need any. Rhetoric. To hurt. Its players. Forcing turtles. Back into shells.

So relax Jack and Jill. And allow King Arthur. Queen Guinevere and Company. An opportunity. To show their way. Their Round Table Way. And those who sit around it. Honor the art. Of Chivalry. Courage and courtesy If you are standing on "Hallowed Ground" and the Spirit Measure Cup sounds out its Reckoning Tone alone or by the many. You may select a Hallows card. (cup long neck up)

If on the H and you do not hear Merlin's tone drop in like a cherry pip stone on its own. Be still with your throat. You can only collect a "Hallows" card when at least one sphere enters the cup. Or when the cup runneth over through jubilation or discussion. (Being simply the Hallows card given as this player’s comment has set the game, every brain alight . . . on fire. Being the hearts desire).

Once a player has collected the four Hallows cards. He or she. Throws the die. On their next turn. Beginning their journey. To claim the seven Virtues. It’s the timeless fascination. Of the Virtues you must now. Unravel. As you travel. The inner pathways.

The seven Pillar of Virtue (V) spaces are joined. By a maze. Of pathways. Each player seeking. To express their true self’s ability as best they can proceeds. To the Pillar of Virtue. Of their choosing. And so on. To each. In the order. They deem best.

Exact number does not need. To be. Thrown. To achieve position. On a Pillar of Virtue. These positions are marked with a V.

Once a player arrives on a pillar of Virtue (V) space. They may. Choose. To pick a Quest card off the top. Of the pile. And answer its question. With a yes. Or a no.

A player other than the player attempting. To answer the Quest card question. Reads the card out loud. And gives the answer. On the card's back.

When the card is no longer required. It is returned. To the bottom. Of the cards. For selection.

When a player successfully answers a Quest card question. They collect the Virtue card. Of their choosing. And leave your color pawn like marker playing piece.

On this Pillar of Virtue (V). Before you go. To let you know you have been. To this. Destination. On your travels. As the playing boards magic ride. Drives you deeper. And into its magic inside. Letting you know you been. To this V space. And are. On Track. To empower yourself. With the entire seven Virtues If unsuccessful at answering a Quest question. Try again. To get your Virtue card. On your next turn. Of the die. These Quest cards are simply small stories. Of things. Of adventures in Mallory’s book titled King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. And each answer is either a yes or a no. No harder then this.

More than one player. May be positioned. On a Pillar of Virtue. At any one time.

A player who has collected all seven Virtue cards. Immediately heads. For Camelot. And the Round Table. Being your original starting outer playing board corner position.

Players must on their turn. Of arriving back home. Tell a story. Based on one. Of the virtues displayed. On the Virtue Cards. Or on one. Of the dictionary definitions. Of the word Virtue. Example given. Excellence. Worth. The practice of duty. A good quality. An accomplishment.

The characters you use may be real or imaginary. Animal. Mammal. Insect. Or cartoon.

The player may mime. Dance. Act out a part. Impersonate a hero. And draw from legend. Fable. Or poem. The sky’s.

The limit. Be creative. Explore! And you can use your time outside the game. To think up your Virtue story ending.

You do not have. To tell your story right away. You may wait until the turn. Of your own making. Best suiting you being ready. Improvisation can be the key. Just pick a word. Another player commenting on a quotation. Or something perhaps. Of the adventures. Of Sir Lancelot. Or of the Lady Dinrane. As your friend. Or as Morpheus put it to Neo. You think it's air you are breathing. Say anything even absolutely outrageous and stop them. In their tracks. At the end. Of some absolutely outrageous story. Of complete and utter unbelievableness by adding at the finish . . . oh and one last thing. You can’t believe a thing I say. How cool is Sangreal?

Your five to fifteen minutes of fame awaits.

Audience! One sphere in the cup will show our storyteller. Or actor your appreciation.

You win the Sangreal prize. By majority rule. Example given. If there are five players. Then at least three spheres must enter the shorter end. Of the Grail Cup.

Also players prior. To starting the game. May designate the winner. To be the first player. To collect seven "Virtue" cards. Reach Camelot. Their home starting corner. And dramatize a Virtue. With at least some degree. Of earnestness.

Finally. Another twist. Is to use the board for a first player round the seven Pillars. And home again. Wins the game. Leaving your pawn play pieces as you go. Plotting the course you reason. To be. The shortest route home. (This version does not use the games cards. Grail Cup. Or spheres).

When a player completes their story without victory. There’s no time. To bleat. To get back on your feet. Its focus you need. To bring together. A new act. Line. Mime. Rhyme. Story. Or chorus line. So. Change tack.

Select another virtue. And before you know it. You'll be back on stage. The set lit up. And this time. Its. Ground Hog Day.

By now you will have worked it out. It's communication. Open minded. Trusting. Honest. To goodness. Communication.

Being the key. To the Sangreal Round Table Harmony.

And to the winner

Take a bow

It’s customary somehow

Sangreal . . . beautiful
