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A sales letter for the Sangreal board game.



Are you frustrated? With having too. Little topics. Of conversation. Of concern. And curiosity? Springing from absence. Of effort. Or influence. Of memory.

Causing an unbroken inability. To bring. Into. Your life. The transcending merits. Of excellent communication. With one another?

Are you angry? About regularly. Being unable. To take up. The care necessary. To lead the way. And urge. We prepare. The way. To quench. Our gusto. For what. We are. As a whole. Unable. To achieve. Without free. For all conversation. Built on. Which everything. Turns and relies on. Freedom. Of speech. For all?

Would you like to get your hands on. A user-friendly board game? Designed. To help. Communicate. One. To one conversations. On a great variety. Of matters. Of interest. On. A wide selection. Of subjects. Boundlessly giving you. The means. To bring into action. Full privilege. To utilize. The complete power. And potential. Of your. Personality?

And by now. To be satisfied. As. To the truth. And certainty. Of this awesome. Opportunity. To develop. Your staggering perception. All you need. Is. To make available. To yourself.

The potential. Within this game. To unite. In a free. For all. manner. The devices given. To help realize. The power. And potential. Of your personality. To increase. Your chances. Of forever more. Developing. Enduring life long friendships. And continuing. Positive mental attitude.

How are you? My name is Marc Stewart I am author. Of this book. You are reading. And the creator. Of the board game Sangreal. If you are searching. For a well-balanced. State. Of mind. And feelings. Promoting. A tranquil demeanor. And self- possession. Favoring. Not one opinion. Or belief. More.

Than another. Then listen. Very carefully. Because. I am going. To share. With you. The mystery. Of Sangreal. I would like. To present. To you. The benefits. Of Sangreal .

It promotes happiness. Which. Is expressed. By. An inner contentment. Wellbeing. Pleasure. And a feeling. Things. Are good. And now. To the second benefit. Collaboration. Working together. On the same task. For the same purpose. To be attentive. To minor details. Of action. And behavior. To work out. In detail. Endeavoring. To influence. Persuade. And advocate. Solutions. To the difficulties. Confronting us today.

And now. To. The third benefit. Openness. The Sangreal's way. Of play. Promotes. The revealing. Of one’s true nature. And feelings. Encouraging cleverness. And talent. High mental ability. Straightforwardness. Genuineness. Freedom. From pretending. And a favorable disposition. Good nature. And kindness.

Here is what one. Of the players. Who took part. In the pre launch trials. Of the game said. In a recent letter. To me.

Loved the game. It’s good. To see. Friends. And family. Enjoying themselves. With the benefits. The game provides. An opportunity. To engage. In good honest. To goodness. Conversation. On meaningful. Topics.

And this. From a CEO. Of a large. Private investment. Corporation. Who writes.

Our employees. Who played. The game. All felt. The same impetus. To empty themselves. Of their need. To express. Openly. Their desire. To communicate. Their points. Of view. On matters. Important. To. The future growth. Of the company.

You too. Can begin. Today. To reap. The benefits. Of the exciting opportunities. This game presents. Such. As. Its. Ability. To stimulate. A continuous flow. Of original. Ideas. Of. A Unique. Nature. Drawn. From. Within. The minds. Of all. Its players.

Go ahead. If you want. To eliminate. The problem. Of endlessly. Boring dinner parties. And corporate affairs.

Seldom. Going. Beyond. The mundane monkey-like chatter. Of everyday speech. We all have. To endure. On such a regular basis. Without any recourse. To enjoy. The benefits. Of collaboration. Openness. And happiness. Not to mention. The. Wealth. Of opportunities available. To us all. Through the ongoing. Dialogue created. When players. Leave the realm. Of play. And venture forth. Into the wide-open. Expanses. Of life. Continuing. To express themselves. In the open manner. Afforded them. By the games. Ability. To stimulate. And hold. Their interest captive. Well beyond. The boundaries. Of play.

By now. You will realize. The benefits. Of ownership. Of your. Very own. Boxed set. Of the board game Sangreal. Enabling you. To gather your friends. Family. And colleagues. Together. For play awakens. Your dreams.

The family board game Sangreal . . . beautiful thinking!

Go ahead and Google QuestionOfSelf.Org. And you will be able to see the beautiful hand crafted wooden set. And hand made cards. And Grail Cup. And the tiny wooden spheres. All made. So we could play the game. These handcrafted wooden sets will be made available for purchase.

Also I am selling fine art poster reproductions of my artworks. All available at

Pocket Notebook.

The following. Happened. Today. Date 1.29.2013. Remember. All is a flow. Of God's thinking (kind winking at you). All data. All information. In communication. With me (Magnetic Energy). With you. To be given here. For you. To be enlightened. By its. Laying down. Before your eyes. As truth.

Off motorway. Van in front. Of me. Has signage on it. Custom light engineering. Plate BLB834. B∫be ( identity one). L∫light (as a go-between). B∫be (identity two). 8∫a communication. Of primary. Concern. 3∫C guided always. 4∫D (degrees. Of differences. To be. Ironed out). Truth. To prevail.

Bullet. And Signal (E) Motor Company.

Self-analysis of all thoughts today begins.

First thoughts from incoming source. Of a second identity. “Super 8” style monster alien. Persecuted here. In most horrible way∫the reality. Of his. Or her. Negative polarity planet. Is built. Out. Of the substance. Of its data.

In work dining room. Prior. To beginning. My day. I was just about. To write about. The effects. Of bullets flying. Creating holes. Tearing. Into. The magnetic. Data weave. Of this reality. When a staff member. At the next table. Said, “They were. Trying. To clear. Their weapon. And. It miss fired. And. Went forward. Hit a rock. And hit me. Putting my shoulder out”.

I watched movie “Pollack”. Then “Super 8” with Joe's father the deputy. Then saw movie 'Dune”. At the video store. But took home “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. In it was the actress who played artist Pollack's mistress. And the “Super 8” movie deputy. Was also acting in it.

Back at work. A compliment from a far. Enters my mind. Comparing me. To the TV show character. Called “The Mentalist”. Negativity taints enormously. To the point. Of perhaps. Being. A deliberate mask. Of a good cop. Bad cop. But my suspicion's. And intuition. Gut instinct. Remind. Of the “Super 8” movie alien. Oppressed. By air force. Confused. But in the end. NOW! Reverting. To full God-like. Kindness. A real insulting. Negative thought enters yes. But followed. By a sense. Of humor.

Next thought. A sense. Of relief. By way. Of compassion. Received. From me. Now rising. Within. My distant. Acquaintance. To a fullness. Of joy.

Next thought. First thought. To be. One. Of my own. Shared. Of a real breakthrough. But perhaps. To be broken through. In Ernest. When. In the silence. At home.

NEXT! Experiencing. Absolute. Tremendous sense. Of sorrow. At treatment. By as if. At hands. Of those. Pro-porting. To be. At least. By name psychiatrist's. To the point. Of tears. Of loss. Of human. Rights. And dignity. To have. Even. A single moment. To. Be able. To think. Own thoughts. Please bear. In mind. These thoughts. These experiences. Are not. My own. But. Of an entity(s). Who cannot hide. The nature. And intent. Of their thinking. From me.

Thoughts. Thinking. Capable. Of reaching out. To others. Of. Compassion. And drive. For inner. And. Outer kindness. To. Be shown worldwide. To enable. Release. From. This. Critically forced. Bondage.

My new. Acquaintance's thought's. Just went. To we. And my reply. Of for God's sake. Hold this thought. I picked up. A three-foot length. Of small bore. Plastic pipe. I used it. As a weapon. However. This was. The actions. Of the interrogators'. In real time. To. What are you thinking (doing?).

I asked. If they were romantic-beings? They replied yes. My awareness shifts. To. Constant. Unrelenting testing. By those. In authority. Explaining. Their conditioned. Replies yes and no.

Request from friend's. Regarding psychology. In my mind. Their question. How. To combat. “We like you now”. I replied humor. By way. Of rhyme.

Staff member. Here. At lunch. Mentions. Word. “Movie”. Thought enters. My mind. Transmissions end. Which I decoded as Resend. Next thought. from them is “Marc. We have had. A breakthrough. Thanks. To you. “TRANQUILITY”. By way. Of. GOD'S intervention. On your behalf.

A clear thought. Comes. Through. Congratulating me. On securing. A word phone number. For a new self-employment. I have. In mind.

Next thought. In. May your last hour. At work. Before your two days off. Pass. Like. Five minutes.

Whomever. Aside. They are. Teenagers'.

Who are you people. Regarding my interference. Is the thought. Into my mind.

Next source. Military. In make-up.

Now I am home. And an. Unwanted shadow. Tells me. In regards. To today's. Proceedings. Have I any idea. What I have done? After trying. Some psychological warfare. On me. For about. Five minutes. He gave up. As I asked him. To tell me. How I do. What I do. Decoding movies. And. The flow. Of data. Around me? He most certainly. Did not. Want. Me. To write my notes. From today. In my book. And now. It is written. We have agreed. To wait. And see. What any. Of three movies. I borrowed tonight. Will yield. When I decipher. Any messages. Laid. Into them.

I believe. Around. The new Mayan calendar. Which I can tell. You all. My readers'. God has opened up. A doorway. Into a freedom. Of thinking unparalleled. In the history. Of humankind. Everywhere. Except for Atlantis. The Ancient Egyptians'. And. The Mayans' especially. All descendant's. Of. Earlier times. Of the human journey. Through consciousness.

At the. Takeaway's shop. I opened up. A magazine. To an advertisement. For fine bedding. To clearly see. On the bedroom wall. A blackboard. With a chalked drawing. Of. The incorrect. E driven. Anti-clockwise. Spin. As seen. From above. A pendulum.

I have taken out three movies. I must choose one out of. “Splice”. “Termination Point”. Or “Merlin the Return”. I have chosen. “Termination Point”.

Last trailer is titled. By way. Of advice. For 2013 especially. “BELIEVE IN ME”. ME decoded. As MAGNETIC ENERGY). “Believe! In magnetic energy”. IT the magnetic focus. Of your minds' now! All around. And. Especially. Inside you.

This movie. “Termination Point”. Is about. A teleportation invention. And. My new. Friends'. Are offering me. The secret. To teleportation. As a gift. For the gift. I gave them. Today. Of believing. In them. And not. In the negative. Opposite influence. At any time. I spent many hours. Working. On. Teleportation. I decoded the movie “The Lakehouse”. Which. Had. A very valuable. Piece. Of information. Regarding. The nature. Of the Earth's. Light. At different. Locations.

Also. Encoded. Into. “Termination Point”. Was the following GPS. Long 22 36 22 N (C# by 22 + 22 = 44 degrees prismatic. Not 42. As E). Lat 45 12 45 W.

Embedded. In the movies dialogue. Is the following. “The teleporter signal. Is on. The red (E). Side. Of. The red. Blue (C#) shift.

Type in the numbers 633 (decoded = frequency of radio C33 plus her 16 upper partials).

Door 21522 (decoded = 2 is Be for a person's eye (I)dentity. And. 15 is the oxygen. Light is breathing. Differently. In. And half 44 prismatic 22. Which I still. Have not. Fully decoded. As yet). This was the door. Of the house. Where. The second tele porter controller. Was hidden. In the piggy bank.

On the entry. To the plane. The hero's wife says. “The Mayans' invented. Mathematics. And. Astronomy.

The name on the plane. Was “Sky Wing” (decoded = purple ring. Of my uphill. Gravity defying. Frozen tap water experiment).

“Splice” movie has another movie advertised titled “LET THE RIGHT ONE IN” decoded = let this. Mayan predicted. And led C sharp C33 plus 16 overtones fun begin. Inside your brain space. And you will have a win∫grin). Let “Spice” begin. To get under your skin∫DNA thin. Or not the new world consciousness. Is well in.

“Splice” movie. Has the same production company. As worked on the movie “The Fifth Element”. Hexagonal scales. Shown. In development. Dialogue: If God didn't want us. To explore. His domain. Why did he give us. The map?

NERD corporation boardroom table. Is round. Like King Arthur's. Table.

To music” There are 26 letters. In the alphabet song. Thoughts about some beautiful notes. I wrote. A story. Of the present. Hard life. Of biological cells. In the human being.

“Merlin the Return” movie. Its laid-in code. Is the Earth's magnetism. And once again. A teleport device.

Electromagnetic. Research facility. Decoded = one. Of my dreams. To work. In this kind. Of environment. When not painting.

Merlin's. Purple light. Gamma powered. Radio wave. Energy control.

Dialogue: Here. What is IT. Decoded = what. Is your. Magnetic focus. Well for∫4∫D∫degrees magnetic. In water.

The liquid nature. Of radio waves. Of magnetism. What. IT. Is worth. Decoded = girth. Of the Earth. = Great Pyramid's placement. Center. Of land. And. Water. Masses.

ITS. An irregular. Magnetic pulse shifter. Decoded = a 180 degree phase shifting. Of E's hertz frequency magnetic.

To neutralize. The inwards. Flowing. Black-hole. Called. The Sun∫made us mentally on the run. Stressed. And half. Brain dead. To. Our creative. God within. Right hemispheres).

You push this button here. And. As you point IT (magnetism) and IT (magnetism) releases. A frequency. Producing waves. In the Earths' magnetic field.

Merlin movie scene. Shows Stonehenge rocks. Covered in electromagnetic. Transformers. In the middle. There is. A large purple. Rock like crystal. It has. A doorway. Looking. Like. A blue colored. Liquid teleported like entrance. As I envisaged them. In my notes. Set up. Whereby. The intricate weave. Of. The Earth's. Tesla KP-index. And magnetometer. And spectrometer. Give. Detailed. Readings. Of. The Earth's magnetic field. In-between. Any two geographically. By light differences. Tele porter locations. Decoded = indications. = static indicator's. Of. E's presence. On. Oscilloscope (decoded = great white hopes). To establish. Presence. Of cosmic microwave background. Radio static. Induced into. Our magnetic environment. To render. The Earth's natural positive. Outflowing magnetism. From its. Sunlight giving core. Has. A mere. Battery power. Now. No longer coping. And bringing about. Stoppable. Earthquakes. And. Dangerous. Weather systems.

Next. I watched the movie “Darkest Hour”. Scene set-up. Reveals God code laid-in props. Of a lucky golden Chinese cat.

With a lemon. In front. Of it. Revealing. My change. Of mind. Over. Using the title. Code Breaker. But retaining the text. I wrote. Near the beginning. Of this book. Dialogue = electricity gives them∫our E enemy) away (a way). The negative characters died = changed. To. A greater state. Of negativity. Being. Ordinary people. Everywhere. Are. Experiencing. Put down. Negative E enemy driven thoughts. Flowing. Into. Their minds.

Dialogue: I think he's an electrician. Or maybe. A plumber.

It's. A microwave projector. A compressed microwave beam = kindness theme∫change reaction dream∫scheme∫ream = papers = changes of their E laws = a lessening. Of their. Easy C scores.

Next movie. Is “Men in Black 3”. Crystal busts. Of past agent's. With each. Labeled. By a letter. Of the English alphabet = information in communication. All around us. And within us.

As data. In the form. Revealed. Inside. This book.

Dialogue = I told you to trust the Pi (RPN refer previous notes).

Dialogue = A miracle (“How To Have That One Big Idea”). Is. What seems impossible. But happens anyway.

Dialogue = Have you still got. The ARKNET? It will save your world.

K and J. Inside wire mesh. Lift cage. Rising onto the top. Of the Apollo 11 rocket = K = magnetic infrared (J) waveform. Of E. Neutralized. By its. Mirrored. Upside-down waveform.

Next movie. Is called “The Black Hole”. First pre-presentation film trailer. Has actor. John Cleese. Again. At a blackboard.

With chalk (RPN code breaking notes. For movie “The Day The Earth Stood Still”). This code. Being a prequel. To the code laid-in. Into “The Black Hole”.

Also. Trailer. For a movie “The Covenant”. It shows. The hero. Smash his car. Into. A truck. And the car. Is assembled (code reveals = our future build. Of a computer. To interact. With God. And be able. To have him. Form. Out. Of the air. Anything we need.

Next trailer. Is a movie titled “SOLAR ATTACK”.

“The Black Hole” begins proper. I will leave most. Of the decoding. To you. AS there is enough data given. For you. To solve. The final details. Of the wireless magnetic energy invention.

Explosion in collider. At position. Shown in red (E in far red). As 22755. And rising.

Yellow (=contemplative thinking). Golf cart O (= too many zero's in physics' math regarding point particles).

Stops. Near small black hole. At bay 116 (decoded = K. And. F. Being. The Earths magnetic frequency).

Three hours. Shown in red. And collider lab assistant's spectacle lens. Showing. A blue. To purple reflection. Of color. On them.

Dialogue: There must. Be. Something (numbers) missing? Where's the clue? Decoded = some. Of the 2's inside. Phi. And. Pi. Are out. Of place.

We need. To figure out (= expose the true position of the 2's). Think. Of some way. To get. That thing. Off the transformer. It's reacting. To the siren. Maybe it. Reacts. To sound ( decoded = tone of B emanating from black hole found).

Helicopter #515 (5 = energy in musical notation. Not noise. Caused. By the disruption. Of the Earth's oscillation from harmonic. To a dampened oscillation. By E signal aerials'. At critical points magnetic 33. Of the Earth's crust).

Containment trap (Albert Einstein's photon [light] trap) for electricity loving creature. Is number 109 (= 10 being. This new physics. And 9. Being human beings. Striving. To maintain. A positive consciousness).

Dialogue: Lock it. On T-minor (= lock it 9IT decoded = magnetism). On. To the. Frequency. Of time past = E. Being. The f flat. Found. Alongside. The C sharp sound waveform. In deep space. By the NASA CMB [cosmic microwave background = E static radio dust] probe).

Dialogue: If that thing's (Sun) electrical in-take. Really. Is connected. To the black hole's (Sun) growth Riker ( Riker = same sounding name. As second in command. On board. Captain Picard's. Star Fleet. Ship. I have had my mind. Of. Watching. The Star Trek movie “Generations”. And IT. Will be. The last movie. For this book).

Movie “Star Trek Generations” begins: Menu visual. Gives me. Thoughts. Of a ribbon. Of energy. Available. All around us. Weaved. As part. Of. Space-time's. Tartan-like. Fabric. And the red. And. The blue. Of C sharp. And. F flat. Known as. E. Are clearly shown. On the ship.

Dialogue: Time (design online just fine). Is the fire (E presently mire). In which. We burn (= learn about wonder. Not all this dangerous. For body. And. Mind. Thunder).

It ( = E) appears. To be magnetically sealed∫C future. Healed. I believe. I can reverse. The polarity (of E [negative inwards flowing energy magnetic]). By attenuating (pretending I am waiting = impulse). My axial servo∫Data's forearm decodes.

As Pharaoh. Tutankhamen. Forearm measurement. In regards. To his instruction's. For the hieroglyph. Showing the circuit.

For the 180 phase-shift E waveform removal. Of the enemy threat. From the Earth. By. Way. Of The Great Pyramid. As. Earth. As equator (separator) equivalent tone generator.

All you will want. To do. Is stay. In the Nexus∫in the next us∫let us discuss∫Sangreal board game.

Next scene set-up. Has. A purple light∫do what is right. Prop. Time. Is like a predator (pre-dater) Captain. It is stalking (still talking [to]) you.

Another wire mesh cage (RPN refer previous notes same). To get. Into the Nexus∫they are in our solar plexus.

I've got a problem down here∫stomach chemical factory. The magnetic interlock∫Earth's special normally buried. In the crust. Crystal rock (location's of E aerial's). Has been ruptured∫raptured∫sound deceived∫received.

Dialogue: Captain Jim Kirk. Last words, “Oh my”∫let's fly. Captain Picard. Steps. On a rock. Covered. In the same. Kind.

Of lines. As shown. In the Egyptian hieroglyph sketch copy.

Revealing. The steps. Involved. To make. Positive. Outwards. Flowing. Magnetic powered. Wireless energy.

Data. (God's mathematics). Finds his ginger cat he calls Spot∫Dot my daughter's ginger cat (RPN).

Dialogue by Captain Picard: “Time is a companion that goes with us on our journey”.

Epilogue: Today at work. A friend. Who. Also likes physic's.

Told me. He had Googled. At my suggestion. To find out more. About a black hole (worm hole). Emitting. The tone. Of B. He said, “It will be. Ten years. This year. On the 9th. Of September. 2013. Since this began”.

Suddenly. Out. Of the blue. The God code. Breaks down. As follows. By way. Of. The date. And the nature. And. The importance. Of B in the code. Please bear in mind. The zero. Is an E invention. And are thereby. Deleted. From consideration. Leaving 9.9.23. As the day. This B transmission. Began. The nine's. Are the English alphabet letter I. For human-beings. Being your. True C sharp. Broken E glass trap. Identity true self. One 9ʃI is Earth people. The other 9ʃI is another Earth like people. The 23. Is BC. Decoded as. First people. To people. Broadcast.

But the true cipher breakdown. Is revealed often. By looking. At the two letters. The other way. Around. Giving CB. For CB radio. Letting us know. They became aware. Of our presence. In the universe also. By way. Of a radio sound we sent.

I have finally. Just taken a look. At the Fibonacci numbers.

And realized immediately. They are musical Hertz frequencies. As they grow beyond the first three digits.

Place a decimal point. And either round up. Or Separate out the remaining digits. After the first tone. Into further tones of three digits. ETC. Also I began. To match. The Fibonacci numbers. To the prime numbers. To realize quickly. Beginning with the number 1. In the Fibonacci list the match up.

To the 19th prime. Being the English alphabet letter S representing sound only misses. By the amount. Of 2. To being the same Fibonacci number 6765. Which decodes as gravity (magnetism) consisting. Of two frequencies. The foremost one being E. The prime giving C has the foremost polarity magnetic. The Fibonacci musical frequency number.

17711 being C radio 177.11. Is also only 2. As an amount. Away from the Prime 17713. God Code decoded = misses by 2 = B = tone of B holds the key. To be free. Of E.

Of course the Fibonacci number. I was most interested in. Is the 33rd in the list. Being 701408733. Which is the same as the prime rounded up. To 70141. The Fibonacci number.

Breaking up. Into the three sound notes in Hertz. Of. A 701. A 408. And. A 733.

Just the same. As when listening. To an orchestra playing. You can hear. The instruments. Having a conversation. Numbers when matched. To the English alphabet. Tell many stories. For instance. Not too far. Into Pi. The following stream. Of data. Is found.

4696406665315.Translated by way. Of the God Code decoded = 4 = D for degrees magnetic. 6 = F for frequency. 9 = I for human-beings. 640 = the unwanted noise E. 666 represents E also but more-so from its REALITY dividing of you up to communicate away from each other physically. 53 = the C as a middle influence empowerment formed. Of. And capable.

Of gamma power radio. And. Lastly the 15 = O for the pure Oxygen. You need to be free of this single carbon utmost fear.

Next I have taken a quick look at the number digits making up Phi. The first thing I noticed. Was the many times. The Fibonacci number 17711. And rounded up prime number 1771(3). Came into view. In different combinations. Yet in my quick search. From Phi's beginning. I did not find an exact match. And this validated. A long held belief. Of mine. Nothing in a normal natural magnetic environment. Should be ever deemed. Exactly. As a dead straight line. Rather since this Q-C (quantum-classical)-Mechanical reality seen. Is built. Of Pi's curves. Laid onto the B-Z-Mechanical slightly (light with a little e) straight lines. of Phi's making.

I began. To locate. The shortened version. Of the 33rd Fibonacci number 701408733. Which as I stated earlier matches the prime of 70141. When rounded up. As I have stated before. Zero. Is not. A number. It is the E enemy O out of the word GOOD. To negate the power of GOOD into God.

Of course the O will have the last word. Being the oxygen you are breathing.

So now back at home. I looked for 70141. Or similar. Inside. Phi. And there it was. Being the sum. After 704. All rounded up. To 705. And the digits. The individual sums. Before. And after it. Being. As follows. 433387051667149. Decode from the God Code. As follows. In short. 4 = degrees magnetic.

Of 3 = C33. 8 = hydrogen engine (Great Pyramid as an EMP engine. Being a magnetic pulse). 705 Hertz tone alone. 1 = A =apple = pips = Morse Code = free strange quarks inside water. Of a negative E charge. 667 = two polarities magnetic.

Negative E and positive C. 14 = the English alphabet letter N for Nonesuch. The composer. Who put the KP Index. Of the Earth's magnetic strengths. To music. With the cover. Of this LP record. Glued. On my collage artwork titled QUANTUM OF TIME. As found on my art website.

And lastly the 9 = whatever it is to be human. When E is removed.

There are USA. One million dollar. Cash prizes. For any readers. First to prove. Any. Of my inventions. Detailed. Inside this book. And who. Find a way. To contact me. By posted.

Handwritten. Signed. Letter.

Another Great Thought by Sangreal player Guido Bruno (1548 – 1600).

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is or is not believed by a majority of the people.

One last clue for you. When ever stuck. Say whatever is on your mind out loud with a Scottish accent. Just like when Scotty the Star Trek Enterprise Ships Chief Engineer is talking.

Footnote: It is time. Which is the difference factor. Which decides the position. And momentum. Of a Mobius Ring and sphere. in quantum mechanics. Not probability. And it is. The sphere when away. By distance from its Mobius. Mirroring the same characteristics. Of its companion.

The following are artworks I have done for this ebook.


Smoke Kills 1971


Egyptain Hieroglyph of Clean Wireless Energy

The last blank page represents. The great unknown. About to be known. By you. By way. Of Your direct questions. To God. Being my gift to you. For buying my book. The following description. Is about how. To progress. Whenever stuck. Looking. For a rainbow thought bridge. For an invention. Follow these instructions. As if. A kind. Of magic. And you will get an amazing sense. Of contentment. Similar to the playing. Of Sangreal. Or the reading. Of this book. I present to you The Holy Grail Method. Take a blank piece. Of paper. Begin with Dear God. Once your question is written. Take your pencil or pen. And follow what you have written. Saying the question out loud. To yourself alone. Then simply pause. And a thought. Will enter your minds free space. Write this answer down on the same page. If ever the answer seems. To be. Unclear to you. Or you think it is not the answer you wanted. It means you are being asked to think a lot more about it. As contemplation builds the bridge made of thought to reach the unknown. Stepping stones across water. Another good practical kind. Of question. Is to write a selection. Of numbered alternative outcomes. When you need. To make. A certain decision. Always give a last number with the words.

OR OTHER. Which. If given in reply. Means. Think some more first. Meaning another direction. Think as a movie writer first. Then as a director. It is your story. And on this page write in pencil only. So you can use your eraser to hide away the work you are doing.

This books edit completed. At exactly 4.40 pm. On 7/19/13. And last scan. Of content. For visual accuracy. To be an artwork. Not just a book. Completed at 7.33 pm. Exact serendipity. To the last fullstop dot. Synchronicity rules the lot.

My promised Bonus!

Poppa’s Secret Pizza Sauce Recipe


Half an onion

An eighth of

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