Everything about her says ‘Wow!’ Her long, silky hair . . . those bright, beautiful eyes . . .
the way she seems to glide like a runway model when she walks. Wow! She’s elegant and graceful and alluring. And here she is . . . stretched out next to me with her arm draped across my chest and her head resting on my shoulder. She catches me looking at her. She smiles, snuggles closer to me and whispers, “You are the man of my dreams.”
Huh? Me? I’m not a millionaire or anyone famous. I'm Mark, an average guy who makes mid-level managers’ salary and lives in a comfortable middle-class house. I’ve always dreamt of a woman like her . . . and she’s saying I’m the man of her dreams!?
How could that happen?
Guys, not only could it happen, it really did! And it continues to happen for me each day with my beautiful and loving wife, Anna. So, how could this happen?
You’ll be shocked how simple the answer is.
Before I answer that, try this: Imagine having a woman in your life who is affectionate and who completely adores and admires you. Imagine having a wonderful relationship that alternates between totally comfortable and totally hot with passion. With a woman who holds your arm as you walk down the street and looks into your eyes with such pride as if to say, “You are my man and I love you so much because you make me feel like the luckiest woman alive.” Got it? Now, imagine all of this affection and adoration coming to 7 | P a g e
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you from a genuine heart of gratitude and love that has no other agenda but to make sure you are both happy. But it goes beyond that: this caring soul comes to you in a package that is so beautiful that you will see other dudes stare at you with envy as they wonder a) who y ou are, and b) how to find a woman as gorgeous as yours.
So, how could that happen?
Three years ago I sat down and asked myself what type of woman I wanted and what kind of relationship I wanted to have. That was easy. I wanted a gorgeous woman with traditional values where I come first, and who loves me unconditionally (and guys, if you say that’s not what you want, you’re lying). Now for the hard part: where am I going to find her? In my town? Not in this lifetime. Online? Doubtful. Local bars and clubs. Yeah, right.
If you’re a North American guy and have only dated women in your home country, then you know what I’m talking about: the majority of American women are too modern, too career-oriented, and too insecure to be focused on us. Tell a 21st century woman that you wish she was a cross between Marilyn Monroe and June Cleaver, and watch how quickly your phone calls end up in voice mail.
Anyway, the answer to where I was going to find my dream girl came to me while traveling abroad. After a really wonderful date, I might add. It was so brilliant! So obvious! Just to be sure, I researched my theory for the next year and voila – I was right.
I was so excited with my findings; I could barely contain myself as I told anyone who listen: You’ve got to date internationally!
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Of course the overwhelming response was less than . . . overwhelming. I've had men tell me, “Mark, I've dated Asian girls, Latinas and Russians, and they’re really no different than any others."
That’s when I ask them, “but were you in Asia, Russia, or Latin America when you dated them?"
“Well, no. They were here,” they’d respond.
“Then they were American women. That’s not international dating," I'd explain, "That’s not what I'm talking about."
"So what’s the difference," they'd ask. Great question. What is the difference?
It's bigger than you could imagine.
Because, thank God above, there are still some remaining cultures in this world that value what you bring to the table more than anything else. Yes, YOU! The secret that you don't know is that you are the hottest commodity on this planet to an entire world of women outside of the top "industrialized" nations. I can just hear you guys now: "Oh, sure, Mark. I really want to be a hot commodity to some third-world barefoot village woman!" If a guy were to actually come up to me and say something like that I’d probably fall on the floor laughing! That myth is part of the big secret - let me explain.
Where are the most beautiful women in the world? Sure, there are many in North America. But what do you see around your town . . . at the supermarket . . . at work?
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So, where are they? They’re in the countries that win the Miss Universe pageant on a regular basis. In countries that I’m sure you haven’t thought much about. In countries like Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Russia, Costa Rica, Kosovo, Ukraine, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.
I’m fairly certain that these places have not been on your ‘must-visit’ for dating list.
But that may only be true because no one took the time to tell you about them and show you a path. And do you think any of these women are poor villagers? Not a chance!
Just walk the streets, visit the markets, check out the work places of these foreign gold mines; you’ll be amazed at the sheer number of beautiful women there are. You won’t find many overweight women (except among the elderly), they pay attention to their style
– and they dress to impress. Think back on first day as a high school freshman when you were awestruck by nearly every girl in the hallway. Yeah, it’s like that.
What you will learn in the chapters ahead could change your life and make you the envy of male friends and strangers wherever you go. Most men in the U.S. live lives of quiet frustration, either dating women who don't respect them or feeling trapped in relationships with women that they somehow chose to settle for. They don't know there is an alternative because they've believed so many myths about that mail-order-bride-thing or the ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em broke’ horror stories that are the rare exception instead of the rule.
International dating is a growing movement. According to the International Marriage Broker’s Regulation Act of 2005, more than 10,000 American men marry foreign women each year through dating tours (a number I’m confident has grown since then). These marriages are happy and experience fewer divorces by percentage than their U.S.
counterparts. U.S. statistics indicate that the divorce rate among this group of men who 10 | P a g e
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married foreign women is around 20%3. Compare that with other American marriage statistics and you’ll understand one reason international dating is growing in popularity.
Throughout this book I’ll try my best to prepare you for the brave new world you’re about to encounter. Your journey will be different than mine but the sense of adventure we’ll share . . . and the rush . . . and the excitement will be the same. I’ll share with you the stories, details, and reasons why things are different around the world. I’ll help you see how easy it is to travel internationally, maybe even cheaper than coast-to-coast travel in some cases; but you will be guarded, just like I was. That is the process. There is no short cut. You’ll have doubts and questions, just like I did. But at some point in the next few pages ahead you'll say to yourself, "Aha, I get it!" Then you'll wonder, "Is this for real?" And you'll start thinking, "I could see myself doing that." Once you get to that point, an excitement will start to build as realize what dating internationally could mean for you as you begin your journey to finding the woman of your dreams.
C’mon guys! Everything you need to make this dream a reality is in the pages ahead.
Let's get started.
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Isabel, 23, 128 lbs., 5’7”, Colombia
Self Description: I am cheerful, funny, serious, responsible, independent and kind.
Comments: I look for a hardworking, serious, honest, friendly, caring and family-oriented man. Up to 43 years of age.
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