How to Meet the Woman of Your Dreams Overseas - When You've Given Up on The Girls Next Door by Mark Edward Davis - HTML preview

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Blind dates are a nightmare. I had been "set up" by a friend of mine to go out with her best friend, Angie (using her real name would be justifiably mean, but I’ll refrain).

So I pull up to the address I was given and ring the doorbell. To my great delight, Angie was one of the most beautiful women I'd EVER been out with - and I mean EVER!

Wow. She was 5'7" with large breasts, small waist, mid-back length brown hair and warm brown eyes. She had a slender neck and graceful posture. In fact, she looked a lot like Isabel from Colombia.

I was stunned, but kept my cool. However, the entire night I was keenly aware that I was with the hottest woman I'd ever been out with – and felt a little out of my league.

Of course, I took the time to create a romantic date. I brought flowers. We'd have dinner at an elegant restaurant on the riverfront - a window table with a view - and then walk along the river shore after dinner.

She was funny and intriguing. She intentionally did things like ask if I was going to finish something on my plate and reach over to get it with her fork. After dinner we talked and she confessed that she did some of those things on purpose to see how I would 13 | P a g e

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react. She wanted to know if I was able to get past the posturing and get real. This intrigued me even further and the chemistry and sexual tension continued to build.

When I got her home we kissed in the car and then made out in her living room. I left as we were both feeling a little giddy and agreed to see each other again within the next week.

So, when does it go wrong? That sounds like a dream date? IT WAS! It was for both of us. She called her friend and told her how wonderful it went. I went home and just sent her a quick email to say that I enjoyed the evening and asked her to let me know what her schedule looked like for connecting again.

Then . . . nothing. No response. I waited until the second day to call her cell phone but only got voice mail. I called our mutual friend who told me that she wasn't sure what was up, but would find out. She called back an hour later – but wasn’t sure how to tell me the news. She said that Angie called her after the date and said you guys had a great time, but she thought she was troubled that you sent her an email right when you got home.

She is terrified of stalkers and you violated the 72 hour no-contact rule. WHAT!?!?!?!

Yep, that's right. I had violated her unwritten law about waiting 72.3 hours before communicating after a first date. Evidently, I learned that Angie had other "issues" in her life, but her friend hoped that we'd make a connection. She thought I was a nice guy who would help her friend find stability for her soul. Sorry, Dr. Davis is not Dr. Phil.

Have you ever had a moment with a woman where you just step back and say, "That was really weird"? What am I saying? Of course you have! All men have! We go out into the world daring to meet and date women. We try to be ourselves just to find out that there is some unwritten code that we violated and the weirdness descends!

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But that was just my first date after becoming single again. As I went out with a dozen more women – some irritating themes kept arising. I had one tell me with a condescending swagger, "I've been asked out by many men. If I went out with you, what kind of date would you take me on?" What? Is this a high school talent show and the women are hosting a panel of judges like on American Idol? I couldn't believe the in-your-face arrogance! But this was not the first or last time I would detect this type of attitude. The common theme with dating American women was, "Listen, mister, I make good money and I drive a nice car already. What else are you bringing to the table?"

Did I date some nice and sweet girls? Sure. But they didn't seem to care about their physical appearance as much and the attraction faded. Yes, Angie was just my first date after becoming single again. Yes, I was married before. No further comment is required since so many of us have been there and done that. But these two questions seemed to follow me:

Is the simple, and less expensive, life of a bachelor for me?


If I opted to get entangled with the fairer sex again, how can I be more successful in finding a love that makes me happy and richly fulfilled?

If you’ve been in a long-term relationship and considered the prospect of dating again, one of the first emotions that accompany such broken-heartedness is that of disgust and resignation. Why would I ever want to go through that again?!? Can I get an “amen”

from the back rows? Thank you. There are many successful bachelors, although none 15 | P a g e

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come to mind at the moment. I'm sure a lot of people prefer living alone. But that's not me - and I know it's not you either (or why would you have bought this book?).

I spent several months in contemplation of this subject. Then, my best friend Steve Marks and I decided to make this a pragmatic research project. We ventured out to study the realm of women, relationships, masculinity, and sex. We’d read books or listen to an audio seminar and then reconvene to compare notes. Most of this intellectual feasting took place over a few shots of brandy and a good cigar, as all good studies should.

In one moment of brilliance, Steve had an idea about how to make the study more scientific - taking it to the lab. I was to go on 15 dates with 15 different women with no other consideration except to get to the end of it so we could study the results. I wish there had been a simpler way to study the subject, but I was game.

The experiences were painful and frustrating dotted with moments of fun and spontaneity. I dated women who were both younger and older than me. We went different places. I averaged spending $225 on each date. I met them through Internet dating sites, set-ups from friends, and on the street.

At the end of it all, we still shook our heads trying to come to conclusions. Why was this so dissatisfying? We just couldn't put our finger on it.

Late one night, it happened: we had a moment of clarity. As we were sitting and discussing my latest date, Linda called. She was another great date, like Angie, that ended weird. She just wanted to call and tell me she had been thinking about me.

Okay . . . so far so good. She said she was exhausted and had been walking a precinct for a friend of hers who was running for office, and then did some other stuff and was about 16 | P a g e

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to collapse into unconsciousness on her bed, but wanted to say ‘hi’ before she passed out.

We chatted for a few minutes in her semi-conscious mind-set and said our good-byes.

After hanging up, I was numb. She really thought she was doing something nice, so why did I feel like crap? Then this phrase hit me: “I got the leftovers.” She gave her very best to everyone else and I got the leftovers. It hit me hard. That was exactly how I'd felt so many times before. I was not the first thought on her mind, just a left-over thought.

I was done going on dates. I would rather be a bachelor than be leftovers to anyone ever again. I did not find what I was looking for.

I am not condemning American women or men who find love at home. I personally believe I was being directed and motivated to be open to an alternative – one that was just around the corner.

I am sharing my path with you so you can find yours – wherever it may lead you. This is about you finding happiness and fulfillment. But, if you find yourself relating to what I just shared, I’m about to make your day – read on.


Then it happened. Well, OK, it was less dramatic than that, but the results were dramatic. I went on a guys' vacation trip to Rio de Janeiro. I'd been to Brazil before, but 17 | P a g e

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only for adventure fishing on the Amazon River, not for this kind of fun. There were six of us and we went for nine days of girls, sand, eating and drinking, girls, and girls.

The legend of the Latin American beauty is justified. Sensuous curves, full lips and soft eyes. It’s feminine beauty defined. Every move is exotic poetry. And to watch one of these goddesses dance you’d think they had been trained to move that way. Just thinking about them . . . ah well.

We went to different dance clubs each night and spent a lot of time with many beautiful women. They were very different from the others I'd just been dating in the States. It was something about their culture and appreciation of men that grabbed my attention.

Everything they did, said, asked was about me first and foremost.

When I was with one of these bronze beauties, the questions were about me: my life, likes, interests, experiences. They would continually gauge my state of mind and body –

was I hungry, bored, or thirsty? They wanted to know so they could respond in kind.

When I was with one of these women, I was their world – even if it was for only that hour.

They wanted to know if I thought they were beautiful. I'd had American girls ask me if I thought they were beautiful, but it was asked in a way that demanded I acknowledge her power and that I was smitten by her looks. That was not the case here. It was asked in sincerity – hoping for a positive response.

The way they view beauty is unique. It is something they have to work for each day.

They are mindful of how they dress, put on makeup, their style, posture, physical fitness, and presence. It is work for them and they just wanted to know that it was appreciated and noticed. To give a sincere complement about some specific attribute will make them light up like a Christmas tree. It seemed to make their efforts to be beautiful all 18 | P a g e

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worthwhile. To enjoy being with these women was effortless. I never felt self-conscious.

I was embraced like the man of the hour. And it truly was their pleasure.


I didn't fully understand this dynamic until Dani explained everything to me over dinner one night in Rio.

Dani and I met at one of the dance clubs and she fit right in with us. We often had tables of 10 or 12 people since the six of us on this trip would usually have a date. I was captivated by Dani. She was 23 years old, but carried herself with warmth, grace, and self-confidence. She had already earned a degree in marketing and had worked for McDonald's corporate branding department there in Rio some years before. She then opened a beauty salon, sold it, and opened a grocery store in her home town. She was in Rio making plans for opening the second grocery store.

We both seemed to connect, so we made plans to spend the next day together.

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Gazing upon this horrible picture of me and the amazing beauty that is Dani; you should find encouragement. This was the dinner when I learned the great secret.


This is when I learned the great secret.

At dinner that night she told me more of her life story and it opened my eyes as to how these women see men. She told me she had been married before and had a two year old daughter. One day she found out that her husband had another wife and children in a 20 | P a g e

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nearby city. She found herself living on her own with a baby on the way. Her family, especially her grandmother, helped her make it.

She told me that her story was not uncommon. She said, "It is very difficult for women here to find a good man. We know that men can't stay with just one woman – that’s just not possible in Brazil. But we just hope that they will be discrete and not embarrass us.

“We say that there are three kinds of men: the Good Man, the Superior Man, and the Complete Ass. Most men are in the last category. They don't want to be faithful to their wives and they don't care about their family. They provide no money for the home and woman has to do all the work. Most times this man will come and take what money is left – so the smart woman has to hide it.

“The good man is the one who wants to be part of the family. He will bring home some of his money from his work and actually enjoys being with his wife and kids. There is a family unit and relationship. He enjoys being the man of the house and talks to others about his wife and kids.

“The superior man is rare – and not always the most desirable spouse. This is the rich business owner or maybe the mayor of the city. But those men don't usually give love or attention to their women. Some women just want the rich lifestyle, and that's why we call them superior men. But most women in Brazil would just hope for a good man.

“Every day, when I was married, I woke up thinking about my husband. I wanted to make sure every meal was his favorite food, his house was clean, and he was happy. I would do anything for a good man and build my world around him - even now."

It took me a while to fully grasp what she was saying. A thought began to grow as I related her story to myself. It slowly dawned on me, "I am a good man." I like being connected to a family. I want to have a relationship where I look forward to spending 21 | P a g e

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time with my wife. I am proud to be the bread-winner and financial provider for my family. I am GOLDEN here!

I have been fishing in the wrong fishing hole with the wrong bait! I was trying to bring what I had to offer to a market that didn't find it valuable. I began to believe I was not very valuable. I had been trying to sell ice to Eskimos.

One of the Greatest Secrets is that I am one of the most valuable commodities in the world to women in most other parts of the world! The most beautiful and exotic women in the world would find deep satisfaction to wake up each morning and pour themselves into the love of a good man. But for most of them, the love of a good man is a dream that will never come true - if she could only find one.

If you are a good man who wants to be faithful to the love of a good woman, be part of her life, and be a financial provider; then you are one of the most valuable things on this planet to most every woman in the world - outside of the industrialized nations.

Are you with me? Do you see the difference? I want to help you have the same experience and open your eyes to the value that good masculinity can bring to the world –

and how rich and fulfilling your life will be as a result.


I couldn't wait to get back to the U.S. and tell Steve about what I'd discovered. It just made sense. It resonated deeply. I had allowed women in the U.S. to define my value.

Yes, I allowed that to happen, but I didn’t have a good frame of reference to help define my masculine value. I was worth a lot; but not to the group I had been dating.

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I cannot begin to understate the difference this understanding makes. Being a good man is gold. I'm not talking about being an arrogant or abusive man who dominates women as a power trip. I'm talking about the average American man who is the backbone of this country. He works hard, brings home his paycheck to support family, works on his house over the weekend, and enjoys vacationing with his significant other.

He is faithful, and dedicated, yet often unappreciated.

The good man will rarely be more valued in this world than he will in these cultures.

As I continued my travels to Ukraine and Costa Rica and other parts of the world, I learned that this value of the "good man" was echoed again and again.

In Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine and the Slavic nations), the stories may vary slightly from Latin America or the Far East, but the results are the same – the good man is gold.

Men that have worked and lived in a socialist country can develop a deep seeded despair over their hopes for economic improvement. One man I spoke with at a disco in Nikolaev, Ukraine told me this, "You can work hard or be lazy. It doesn't matter. Why work hard when you know that you'll always make the same amount of money. What I make today is what I'll make five years, ten years, even twenty years from now." So, for many men in this part of the world, they turn to heavy drinking and chain smoking to escape the monotony.

Since they don't see economic hopes to pursue with their energies, the inner drive of the man turns to conquering more women. Staying with one woman doesn't make sense to many of the younger generations there.

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This is especially true when it appears that there are more women than men in these countries. I’m not saying it just seems that way – it is a statement of fact4.

Why would so many countries have many more women in their populations than men?

Some say this phenomenon is the result of years of war in these regions taking its toll on the male population. Other studies point to unsafe drinking water and other pollutants as a possible cause. Francesca Lyman writes for MSN Health & Fitness Online5. She wrote an article entitled, “Are Boys an Endangered Species? ” In it she states that, “Half as many boys as girls are being born in some places around the world – and pollution is the prime suspect.”

Whatever the cause, it is clear that women feel they have to work hard to get a man –

any man. And what kinds of men do they have to choose from? Many of them are chain smokers and heavy drinkers who have no plans for marriage in their future. Of course, some women find their man and get married only to be the breadwinner in the home and suffer physical abuse.

Of course, there are good men in each of these countries who will make good husbands and provide for their families. But it is a difficult task for women to make their dreams come true.

I've heard women talk about the attitudes of men. They say, "If I'm sick, my boyfriend will just say, 'call me when you're better' and I better not call him until I am. That's just the way it is." Another woman told me that women always have to stay beautiful or their man will just move on. You will rarely ever see an overweight woman in these parts of the world. They have a saying among women, "A woman must always be beautiful; a man only has to be better looking than a monkey." Do you think you'll ever hear those words spoken in the U.S.?

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And, here’s the best part, the sex is focused on pleasing the man so they can keep him.

I just tell you all of these things so you will realize the value you bring to the table.

We’ll bring this into better perspective when we talk about masculinity and femininity from different cultural perspectives.


How do we get you, The Golden Man, connected with that wonderful woman who is looking for you? International Dating is your connection.

First, let’s establish some definitions. Dating is doing anything with a woman for the purpose of getting to know her better, evaluating your heart’s response when you are with her, and/or creating a memory. International dating is just doing that with women in other countries.

That kind of international dating is different from what I call recreational dating.

Recreational dating is when you choose to do something you enjoy and adding a beautiful woman who will only further enhance your enjoyment of the experience. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re the man. It’s your experience. Sometimes you just want to take your adventure further by adding a beauty to it. I’ve done that myself on occasion. Sail fishing, for example, is an awesome sport that is only made better by landing a big fish and having a bikini-clad beauty taking the pictures. Hopefully, each of your fishing buddies has one of their own beauty enhancers along with them as well.

I would imagine that this is how successful bachelors make life work for them.

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Me, I am selfish . . . I want that every day. I was dating to find someone to bring along with me on my everyday adventures in life. Typically, the kind of woman you want to keep is not the same one you would rent for a day of fishing. The women look the same, but the successful bachelor usually finds himself connecting with the successful bachelorettes. She isn’t looking for a relationship anymore than he is.

This is where I get to share with you the secret to looking for love in all the RIGHT

places. To me, International Dating is looking for a satisfying and enduring love relationship with a beautiful woman in all of the right places.

So what do you need to know to get from here to there? Here are the basic questions guys ask:

 Where should I go?

 How do I get there?

 How do I meet women once I’m there?

 What do I do with them once I’ve met them?

Wait. Allow me to simplify this whole process for you. You’re a man who wants the best dating experience in the world with the finest women in the world. At what point did it become necessary to become a travel agent just to go on dates?

Before I learned about romance introduction trips, I had to figure out how to travel, secure good lodging, find the hot spots where to meet women, how to stay safe, and how to keep healthy. Most of it I gleaned from other travelers who had experience and I followed their lead. But the tricks to traveling in one city may have subtle 26 | P a g e

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differences from other cities. That’s a lot to try to pass along – and is that what you really want to learn?

What if I could show you a way to get to these exotic destinations and amazing women without the travel agent program?

I’ll show you how to participate in a dating introduction trip where you will meet several hundred women in several exotic cities during the course of your exotic excursion. And, trust me on this one; you’ll be able to take your pick of women to date. It will blow your mind! You’ll be the hot ticket – the Golden Man.

I’ve done this the hard way in the past. Now I am a raving fan of the romance trips. On a romance tour, you will have staff meet you at the airport, transport you to your hotel, provide quality accommodations, food, and more. But most importantly, they will take care of so many details that you’ll only need to think about who you want to go out with next.

European Dream Connections is one of those companies. All you have to do is show up, have a blast, and go on a bunch of dates. Everything else is handed. Do you really want to have to think about anything else?

This is very real. This is dating like you’ve never known was possible. Now you know a great secret – and it could change your life!




Do I have to marry them? Can’t I just go date a bunch of gorgeous foreign women and have sex with them? Sure: you can do whatever you want. The world is 27 | P a g e

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getting smaller all the time and you can find a Fantasy Island experience almost anywhere. These women are all consenting adults, but it is important to decide which path you want to take: pleasure trip for a week of fun or pleasure trip to find the love of your life.

You have to be honest with yourself and with them. Here's what I mean.

If you just want to have a wild vacation with adventure and great sex with many exotic women – I will just pass along what I've been told. There are many places to go where the women are exotic and beautiful and don't expect to see you after your trip.

They just want your money in exchange for fun with you. They'll stay with you, dance with you, pleasure you, wake up with you, and fix you breakfast. You can get this kind of a pleasure escort at reasonable prices in nearly every emerging nation – and it will be legal in most cases. You can find the same in the industrialized nations, but for much more money and it is usually not legal to pay for pleasure escorts. I think all of that is common knowledge. There are bulletin boards of guys who share info on where to go for this kind of pleasure splurge and how to do it safely and legally. You can mix this up with other fun activities and do so at a safe distance from your home country. Just pay attention to what they say about theft and disease risks.

However, when the thousands of ladies from around the world sign up to meet men from other countries at a local "Marriage Agency" office they have entirely different expectations. That's what they are called in their languages, a “Marriage Agency”. They have to personally appear, prove identity, verify whether they are married or have any children, be interviewed, fill out a questionnaire, and have a photo session. Can you imagine if every member had to go through all of that?!!

For these women, their expressed goal is a husband, not a one-night-stand. These ladies are not the same ones who are involved in the escort business. Does sex happen on 28 | P a g e

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one of these trips? If that’s what you both decide to do, yes. Do they sometimes marry that man? That may also happen. You'll have to judge the chemistry for yourself and decide what you want to do. Just understand the difference. These ladies have an expectation that they will be meeting men from around the world for the purpose of finding their other half.

You have to ask yourself this question, “If I did marry her, how would we like to look back at how we met? What was our dating and engagement time like? Was I a horny bastard that just wanted to get into her pants, or was I a romantic knight in shining armor who swept her off her feet?” These women may be starved for romance and genuine attention. But they probably don’t want you to think that they are easy and loose.

What would I recommend? As you can tell, I completely endorse the romance introduction trips for one reason:

You can have the best of both worlds and wake up to an exotic