Justin Spring on Noah's Ark, Atlantis, UfOs and Aliens along with Books Critical to Understanding any Alternative Theory by justin spring - HTML preview

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The one critical question that has yet to be answered about  UFOs and Alien Visitations/Abductions is this: Are they imaginary or real? If they are real, are they as physically real as you and I and the houses we live in.



The most important of these are spiritual in nature and always about the same things: the nature of the Gods, the nature of the world and its creation, and most importantly, the creation and nature of human beings.


What we didn't get in many cases were transcriptions of those oral story poems that were of less significance, poems that would give us a better, fuller sense of the culture in question.


It doesn't mean that when you physically examine a human being down to their smallest elements you will find mud and light. Unfortunately, this is what is happening when Alien theorists examine these early transcriptions. I hope you can see why this can lead to wrong interpretations of these texts.


Although the particulars of these oral story poems may differ, they are the same throughout the world and always about the same things: the nature of the Gods, the nature of the world and its creation, and most importantly, the creation and nature of human beings.

Therefore, even before we start out, we must question the most basic assumption of Alien theorists: that the texts they like to quote, such as the early Sumerian texts (which are transcriptions of preliterate story poems), are factual records of Extraterrestrial visitations in which early humans were elevated genetically and mentally into the human beings we know today.

If this is so, then the hundreds of thousands of hunter/gatherer tribes around the world who created such oral story poems must have been individually visited by Aliens. It is possible that happened, but not  probable,  and it is the most probable explanation that we are looking for, as anything is possible.

Far more probable is that the similarity of the early creation story poems is due to the fact that it is the inherent nature of humans to create stories about everything, but most especially their nature and origins, because the desire and ability to create stories is what separates humans from all other animal species.


This is not to say they are unreal, or imaginary, presences, only that they are not factual, physical presences. They are real, but psychically real, and as we shall see, they can be almost indistinguishable from physically real presences.

They are as real as Jaweh was to Moses on the Mountain. What I mean by that is that Moses' psychic visitation changed the course of the history as much as any of the physical events of that historic period c. 1200 B.C..

I'll say more about this later, and lay out the tests that have


If you understand this, you can begin to understand why we have never physically trapped an Alien or a UFO for scientific investigation and why we never will. As for those printed and audio reports and videos that purport to show or describe such evidence, the actual evidence has never been made available in physical form for rigid scientific investigation. Never. Remember that.

Again this is not to say that such Aliens and UFOs are hallucinations. They are real, but real in a psychic, or spiritual way, not a physical way. To see the truth about Aliens and UFOs you have to change your eyes.

Let me also say right from the start that UFOs and Alien Visitations are completely different phenomena that we have somehow linked together despite the fact there is only one incident in which the two have been witnessed together by outsiders and that incident has been pretty much proven to be a fraud.

They are indeed linked, however, but in a much more subtle way. I'll go into this in detail as we proceed . Here is what I think is the actual situation vis a vis the physical reality of UFOs and Aliens.

1.  UFOs  are in most cases physically real and in other cases, psychic manifestations that have an extremely compelling reality. I'll give examples as I go along.

2. Aliens and Alien Visitations /Abductions are not physically real but have a compelling psychic reality that is often indistinguishable from ordinary reality. There are tests, however, that will reveal whether it was a physical or psychic happening. I'll give examples as I go along.

Before I get into the heavy stuff, I want to mention that most Alternative thought on UFOs and Alien Visitations/Abductions is based on the belief that there is no other universe than the physical universe, i.e., there is no spiritual or psychic universe.




Yet for someone like myself who is familiar with psychic events and their characteristics, as well as how real they can be, it is startling how those who have experienced Alien visitations/abductions are so oblivious to the clues embedded in that reality that they never seem to consider that the visitation/abduction, as real as it seems, might not be the same kind of “real” as the clothes they are wearing.

What exactly are the clues that signal these visitations are a psychic reality? First of all, my own experience tells me that the psychic visitations I'm talking about are so compelling and absorbing that in almost all cases the person being visited only becomes aware of these clues after the visitation has ended.

When it does end, however, any or all of these clues will indicate that it was a psychic visitation.



This is not a Hollywood fabrication unconsciously imitated by those who have been visited by aliens. For one thing, Large eyes are a primal unconscious projection of “those who know, who see all" and this depiction has roots going back to the beginning of time. They can be seen in preliterate cultures around the world. See the preliterate figures above and the preliterate Egyptian Mother Goddess figure who has large ( knowing) eyes also on her breasts (below, L).


Preliterate humans, in the few places they survive today, see the world in the same way that I have just delineated: that the voice and visions they have are real, but they are from the Other World, the non-physical world, and that they are the voices of ancestors (or the Gods that created those ancestors).


It doesn't help that Alien theorists can go on and on like this forever, substituting "Alien" for ancestor or divinity whenever those terms, or depictions of those terms, occur in ancient, preliterate pictographs, petroglyphs, statues and oral story poems, all of which they take as factual records rather than the metaphoric, artistic statements they really are.

This failing indicates to me that Alien theorists don't have the slightest idea of the "vision" nature of preliterate art, i.e., it was an art created as the result of a psychic/spiritual vision rather than an art that sought to realistically portray a factual event, which is what most of our art is today.

This only reinforces my belief that Alien theorists are completely ignorant of the nature of preliterate cultures and the preliterate mind that gave rise to these artifacts. Part of the problem, as I've just said, is that these verbal and visual visitations recorded in various oral story poems and works of art have been taken by Alien theorists as representations of factual visitations by superior physical beings, but that is not how preliterate man saw them ( and recorded them).




Simply put, something in us recognizes that this is a psychic reality that is communicating with us. This intense emotional sense is not present in ordinary reality, but is always present in psychic visions. Just so you understand me, I consider the Virgin of Guadeloupe and Virgin of Fatima visitations to be the same kind of psychic visitations.


Rather they almost always occur as an individual encountering an alien or a small group of aliens, which is how psychic visitations generally occur and indeed as they have been recorded in the spiritual man/God encounters that have come down to us from the beginning of time.


6) Another clue lies in the fact that what is being said by the "Aliens" is metaphoric in nature. This occurs in all psychic visitations back to the beginning of time.

We can see it in the ancient stories of what the Gods said. While there is never any confusion as to what the Gods have said, i.e., they spoke distinctly, there was often a great deal of uncertainty as to what the Gods meant, i.e., what the Gods said may have had several meanings.


That is their nature, and that is why, in most early cultures, seers and shamans were employed to ferret out the true meaning of dreams and visions, all of which are metaphoric communications from the unconscious. If you need an example of this, think of Joseph's dream interpretation abilities in the Bible and the Pharaoh who depended on him.

Let me give you another example of metaphoric speech. The person being visited by a psychic presence might ask: "Why is my mind so confused as to why you have come?" The psychic presence might answer: "No one knows," or " You are confused because your mind is limited" which are direct but not very helpful answers. More likely however, would be a metaphoric answer like this: "You are confused because your mind is on fire." It could mean many things: your mind is diseased, your understanding is clouded by fever, you are thinking too much, etc.. This failure to recognize these ancient preliterate divine/unconscious communications as metaphoric is perhaps the most serious failing of our Alien theorists, as they take it as factual. Wrong. Wrong.

7) Let me add another clue: the idiomatic aspect of the "telepathic communication" experienced in an Alien abduction / psychic visitation.

As I mentioned earlier, psychic presences always speak seamlessly in the local idiomatic language of the person being visited. There is never any confusion as to what they were saying, although as I've mentioned there could be considerable confusion as to what it meant. The Hebrew God always speaks the Hebrew of that time, the God of Joan of Arc always speaks 15th century French.


Thus we would expect their speech to be physical, since they are physical, and somewhat formal, maybe even awkward (or even archaic as it may have been learned through radio communication hundreds or thousands of years before their visit).

Yet from all reports this isn't the case as there is every indication that a familiar, flexible, idiomatic language is used by the Aliens. There is nothing mechanical or formal or awkward about the Aliens' speech. That is because the Aliens are psychic presences issuing from the unconscious and therefore using the hearers' own internal idiomatic language facilities.

So much for the clues that indicate that the visitation was psychic, and not a physical visitation by an Alien. As an aside, I remember one Alien theorist telling me that the effect of an Alien communication on humans is exactly the same as a psychic visitation, and that this was also true for all ancient physical visitations by Aliens.

What Alien theorists are saying, in effect, is that psychic visitations are indistinguishable from physical visitations which we know is patently untrue. It is also an absurd argument: either the Alien visitation is physical or it's not. You can't have it both ways.


What Moses and his successors did afterwards was not build a better widget or become more savvy because of some physical/ genetic information imparted by some Alien, but have one of those mysterious leaps in understanding that goes on all the time with human beings. What Moses and his successors did as a result of their leap was create a written theology ( the Torah) that would (hopefully) spiritually guide them so they would always be in spiritual alignment with the laws given them by Yahweh on the mountain top.

And please, please don't tell me that Yahweh's hundreds of moral and spiritual admonitions as expressed in the Torah are exactly the same moral and spiritual admonitions that our Alien visitors from 1000 light years away have always possessed. In other words the Aliens didn't eat pork either. Please. Please.

Alien theorists can dance up and down like medieval angels on the head of a pin, claiming Yahweh was a physical visitation by an Alien, but our deepest instincts tell us that this was a psychic/ spiritual visitation that changed the course of history. These deep eruptions of the collective unconscious are always shrouded in mystery as to why they took the form they did, and why they occurred when they did, and why they had such an impact on the course of human events, but that is their nature.

If Alien theorists are going to insist that the tens of thousands of humanity's leaps in understanding over the course of human history are the result of physical visits by physical Aliens, then I suggest they read what Einstein, or Beethoven or Shakespeare or Newton had to say about the nature of their experience when their great insights came to them.

One thing I really dislike about Alien theorists is they have absolutely no respect for the stunning range of human intelligence and creativity.

You can be a couch potato and claim it is Aliens doing all this and continue eating chips in a kind of blissful ignorance, or or you can be man up and accept that what guides the human race at its deepest level is an unfathomable mystery.


As I've said earlier, if these preliterate, metaphoric story poems and petroglyphs and artifacts are really records of physical visits, this would mean that Aliens would have had to visit hundreds of thousands of preliterate tribes around the preliterate world in order for those tribes to have created these artifacts, which differ in the particulars but are almost identical in their themes. I don't think so. We are looking for a most reasonable approach here, and by that I mean, we have to look for a proof that is based not on what is possible (because almost anything is possible) but what is probable.

What Alien theorists can give us now, and all they can give us now, are speculations similar to this: "This rock carving ( or this passage from Gilgamesh) indicates an alien in a space suit guiding a human," when there could be many other interpretations of the metaphoric petroglyph or passage from Gilgamesh. Among them would be that it is a representation of the psychic visitation of a God, or an intuition, or a dream, which is what ancient preliterate humans would have told us.

Preliterate humans knew the difference between a physical and psychic visitation. They weren't stupid, in fact they were more tuned into the difference than contemporary man is. What's more, this is exactly what contemporary preliterate people would say about such things.

Thus, while the ancient humans who made these carvings can't speak to us, there is plenty of supporting proof from contemporary preliterate cultures of my position as well as from the other things left us by these ancient cultures (spiritual practices, art).

If any Alien theorist can supply me with any kind of proof of their position beyond mere speculation, you know my email.

I think if those who believe in Aliens were aware of how preliterate peoples lived and thought, and how different their minds were, they would walk away from their belief in Aliens being physical beings from outer space. I suggest you read the free PDF of my RIVER MOTHER: the Face of the Sphinx to get a good taste of this.