I arrived at The Gurney Transfer Facility, Tennessee Colony Texas. I’m not sure of the date but it was before December because I spent Christmas there.
When I arrived at Gurney I was waiting with others in wire cages until called up to the desk first my hair was shaven then I went to get clothes and then to get my kit, it was a long process, the officers welcomed me hatefully to say the least, my Bible was literally thrown onto the desk, their feelings towards me was no secret and very obvious from the start.
I was put in K building where all new arrivals go for a week to be processed, when I opened my bible they had torn the pages very badly, my faith was also a very obvious target. During the time in K building things such as medical and dental checks were carried out as well as ID photos, general admin stuff.
I was given the TB test injection and was found positive so I was put on a six month course of tablets, I also had a chest x-ray and nothing was said to me concerning the result, I still had no chough and my chest felt fine, no smoking was allowed from now on which may have been a good thing.
The general abuse continued as it did in Dallas, and at chow we were made to eat fast so table manners soon had to go, eat it or lose it, the resentment towards me was very noticeable, the events in Dallas had left me in a very weak/feeble condition.
I went to church this was a big building with a choir and musicians, the lead prisoner on the stage would shout “God is good” the rest would reply “All the time” well they continued as they had done in Dallas, I was rejected from the start, and as I held my hands up tears ran down my face, this was something I had no control over, the Chaplin spoke down to me, if you have ever been in a situation like that you will understand what I am trying to explain.
I soon stopped going to church, I was most certainly going to be on my own, all the time, and yet written on the America dollar is “ in God we trust” well I certainly did trust in God, he was all I had. But they the system and the church were a disgrace to humanity.
I was moved to D3 dorm, Gurney was all 50 man dorms, the bunks were on the outside walls with the dayroom in the middle, showers and toilets were in a cut out section.
While at Gurney approx. 14-15 months I was in 9 different dorms, I do have to rely on memory and so may get things out of order a little however it is the facts that are really important and need to be focused on, even if I get the locations mixed up.
Gurney knew how to keep me isolated without it showing because everything had followed on from Dallas jail, and so they continued in that way, I knew the evil-one wanted this knowledge, so obviously they were conducting experiments and capitalising on the knowledge.
While in D3 my mind was like a TV, I could see all sorts of things, I was like an antenna or receiver, I was trying to figure out what had happened to me or what was happening to me, but there was no mercy from the abusers that’s for sure, yet despite the abuse I was in good spirit.
As I lay on my rack (that is what bunks were known as) I could feel this sensation in my feet, I pondered for a while then I realised it was their thoughts, I know how funny it sounds I couldn’t believe it myself, however I was really feeling their thoughts literally, and that is how they were getting away with what they were doing, and this put a whole new meaning on the word abuse, it was spiritual, and I could feel it physically.
I sounded crazy obviously, although I was not attempting to discuss things in person I was writing letters, I made many offers to prove it because this could be proven so easy beyond any doubt whatsoever, there was physical proof.
I made a comment softly to myself “I can feel thoughts in my feet,” I then made a joke about where my brains must be, I could after all only talk to myself which I would do very softly, but I was also amazed, I could feel peoples thoughts in various ways, some in my feet and some other ways also the effects it had on me would vary depending on the type of thoughts, hate or love for example would feel different, and I don’t mean regular type hate but focused hate, and the type of person, this added to further abuse and torture as they would focus day and night they were organised and so they rotated like shift work, I could actually walk around the dorm at night and pick out those who were pretending to sleep but were really focusing their thoughts, and no they were certainly not dreaming about me, it was constant 24/7 physical abuse and torture being carried out in an unseen spiritual way. I will explain in more detail later on.
They continue doing the same things and a guy jumped down from the bunk above me and said “vengeance is sweet,” he had “Hit man” tattooed on his back, They had their way of sending a message, but I was not afraid of death, I was suffering in a way even I did not understand, I had become so sensitive to everything around me as if all my sense’s had been magnified a thousand fold, if you have ever had a feeling when you have been in a bad environment, you sense things are wrong, have you ever felt uneasy, you know something is wrong, have you said I don’t like it here or I don’t feel welcome and left? Magnify that feeling try to imagine how that would feel, even sound was increased.
I was harassed by officers and prisoners, my body was being hit, and I was rejected. How could I explain this to anyone outside? I’m just a working class man, a handy/maintenance man, remember Del Shannon’s version of “Handyman” well this was my sense of humour, it was this and my love of music which helped carry me through, but mainly it is the real one by who’s miracles I am alive today.
I was put in school for a short time but because of the abusers I was unable to function in fact my ability to function anywhere was impaired, and they had no intention of allowing me to recover, I asked for some scotch tape (sellotape) to repair my Bible, I was refused so I sent my bible out to my wife to ask if she could repair it for me. I was taken out of school and put to work in the fields on what was called a garden squad.
The garden squad was in fact a chain gang which had been reintroduced into the system first in Alabama on the 3rd May 1995 and the first female chain gang was introduced in Arizona on the 18 September 1996 and was in use by other states including Texas.
The work consisted of chopping the grass in a field with a garden hoe, so it was named by some as the hoe squad, I don’t know how many was in a squad because I never counted, a various number of squads would be called out and we would do something they called four stepping.
Four stepping consisted of every man in the squad having a garden hoe, which we would collect from a cart, we would walk in two columns outside the prison gate where armed officers on horseback would take over and walk us to the field to be cut, once there we would form into straight lines, one prisoner would lead so on his word we would hit the floor four times with the hoe thus chopping the grass, then we would take one step forward hit the ground four times and so on, this was continued until the area was done. In order to keep everyone in time the lead prisoner would also count out, “1 2 3 4 step” sometimes we would even sing, for example one song was, “woke up this morning Ms Bells got us four stepping, one two three four step” Ms Bell was a female field officer.
I had been writing to a ministry since leaving Dallas, in the hope that they would understand this. I also wrote to my family and my wife but no-one could understand I started writing to the British Consulate in Houston Texas, also to Prisoners Abroad in London; I was trying to bring this to the attention of the outside world.
My wife and I agreed it would be best if she divorced me because she was not an American citizen, and I was to be deported after my sentence, she was afraid they may deport her also, but we remained good friends and still kept in touch even when I was back home, she visited me twice at Gurney, once with our friend, once with my brother in law.
On the visit I couldn’t communicate properly, I was talking in a very nervous tone, my voice was very shaky, so I told her of the things officers and prisoners were doing with their minds, this was my chance to tell someone, she got up and went to talk with the duty officer and everything stopped, I could speak properly, I did try to explain during the visit, but I could see she thought I was nuts, even though she had witnessed things did improve and my speech improved, I was talking better the change was instantly noticeable. This is how easy it was to prove what I was claiming was completely true.
The Vice Council Ms Tonks also came to visit me while in the private visit an officer sat outside of the door using his mind to disrupt the visit and it worked, my speech was as it was when my wife had first visited, the officers were not going to let me talk, and played dumb regarding my claims.
I protested in many letters, Prisoners Abroad also wrote to Gurney’s Medical Department but it was the same thing in there, people didn’t have this knowledge, this was a spiritual breakthrough and those in power were going to keep it for their own evil use, so I had no chance whatsoever, however there were some good people in the system, I dread to imagine what type of things could have been.
Let me explain something here, normal people in a normal environment would be no problem to me, I was at this time a new born, and therefore at my weakest possible point, a spiritual baby, good thoughts would not hurt me because it was a different type of feeling.
Most people say they hate something, we all have our loves and hates, but that is completely different to the type of hate that comes from the mind, and the people that I am referring to hated with a vengeance.
We are all individuals so therefor we differ. Officers took active part in the abuse and incited the prisoners in whatever way suited them, my bunk became my torture rack.
I know I sound crazy but so have others who made discoveries in the past, I was not crazy this was a very serious and dangerous situation, and if you think I’m crazy now just wait until later when things really heat up.
I am now in B building, the most intriguing things happened in dorm B6, there were events in other dorms also, but for ease and lack of memory regarding the locations, I will mention the events rather than the location, as I said before, most importantly are the events themselves.
I was supernaturally attacked in B6, I was laying on my rack which was a bottom one and as I lay there fully wake I heard these audible words “ There’s the Rabbi let’s get him” this was instantly followed by an attack, my head was being hit off the pillow I tried to sit up and was knocked back down, it was a good job I wasn’t laying on the floor or a hard surface or my head would of received serious injury, then something was trying to pull me off my rack, this was taking place in a 50 man dorm so there were many witness’s, and I could hear the prisoners making comments, such as “there trying to pull him off his bunk” they were laughing, I guess this was fun to them, after all to them it was just a game.
I told no-one of what had been said prior to the attack, and so when it was mentioned much later on by other prisoners I knew it certainly was not in my head, and that others must have also heard what was said.
When you think about it logically it makes sense, I am not Jewish, and neither do I have any Jewish ties that I know of, so there is no way I would of made that up, plus I never told anyone about the attack or what I heard, why would I be referred to as Rabbi? How did I survive this type of attack? Simple, I called Lazarus, this was most certainly not my words, I said “Lazarus come forth” and there was an audible sound of electricity, if you have ever heard the buzzing of power cables you will know what I mean, the other prisoners heard it also, it was certainly loud enough, and when I held my hands up there was lightning or a spark between my finger on each hand, I was full of electricity or power, depending how you look at it. The thing is something happened for real and it was not of this world.
I refer to those who attacked as demons, there voice was not what I would have expected it was like the smurfs, this seems funny to me, I have no idea how many there were, I do know that I have proven that angles and demons are real, you can call them what you want to but the main thing is that they really exist, there was physical and verbal evidence and many witness’s and yet the authorities kept it all to themselves. I believe the people need to know this truth.
To try and explain how their thoughts were hitting me it was like hitting raw flesh, it was inside without the protection of flesh, so the pain is indescribable, however the pain was real, and they knew it, and so they increased their focus it was like being eaten alive internally it’s hard to put into words so I use terms that I hope you can relate to, thing is this is still only 1998, I’ve got years to go yet and things are still to get much worse, and yet I kept joyful which was a miracle in itself.
While walking down the bowling alley (that is what the outside area was called) an officer said to me “ we’ll wipe that smile off your face” I just ignored the comment, and then the officer on B building said, “you Brit’s aren’t worth shit over here” I did reply to that and said “You ain’t met a Brit like me” I otherwise I would just ignore their comments, and I’m proud to be a Brit, and of my Irish/Welsh heritage. I was not afraid, and I stayed joyful which they hated, that’s why the officers wanted to wipe the smile off my face, a new meaning on joy in persecution. My spirit couldn’t be broken despite what was done to me, only my flesh can break and die.
One day while working in the fields two prisoners ran up to the an officer, and said to him about me “ He’s just like a robot he follows are thoughts” which is true, I did respond to their thoughts, and yet the one in authority continued to do what he was doing. Storm clouds came over and the wind picked up, they got afraid and we had to come in.
Another time while I was standing in line I was hit in the chest, the thud was heard and the impact was seen on my jacket, also on are way in from the fields I was kind of drifting into the aggie trailer, (that’s what the hoe’s were stored on), and a guy said,” there trying to push him into the Aggies” what had hit me and what was pushing me? It was all being witnessed, and commented on, and yet I was treated like a novelty being discussed by the prisoners.
So not only did I feel thoughts but I was also influenced by and responded to their thoughts and they knew it, now they knew for sure that I had problems with supernatural/unseen forces. Officers / staff and prisoners were all aware of this and yet decided to conduct experiments on behalf of the evil one, all for knowledge which equals money and power.
You probably know what telepathy is, well imagine a telepathic person in a situation where people around him would focus their thoughts to him, he would not be able to stop it any more than you can stop hearing sound, it is communication by thoughts or spirit, common sense goes a long way in understanding what I am trying to explain.
I could be blocked off by the minds of others when they are organised against me, if you are bombarded by others how can you think for yourself? So it would be possible in that context to block me off.
Well that was the type of things being done to me, my gifts are far more hi tech than telepathy, but it’s the best way I can explain it, but what goes in the mind can come out the mouth, so words can also be affected.
I had no Bible because I had sent mine to my wife as I mentioned earlier, so I asked a guy if I could borrow his bible, I opened it to genesis chapter six and it read to me as verse two, “The sons of God came down,” I checked Bible after bible since then because none of them said that the sons of God came down, it seems that I would read things that wasn’t there, some would say it was misreading but this I will explain later.
One day while on my rack this is now a top rack, and I said out loud “Drink no water at their table for they have turned against God” now I was well boggled, I wasn’t sure on this because we have water and juice on the table at chow, so I drank coffee, I was confused because they contain water, it never dawned on me to drink nothing, however water was the stipulation, I’m going through a multitude of abuses in many difference ways, and I did not understand.
I even said to myself at times we must have taken a wrong turn and left America because America doesn’t do this, but obviously they do. They had certainly turned against God; they had joined them demons that attacked me.
I had to figure things out for myself, they would overhear everything and come to their own and often wrong conclusions and interpretations, a prisoner said that God doesn’t work like that; he was soon to be proven wrong, churches have their beliefs and are totally narrow minded to anything outside and I was outside and therefore a reject.
I had requested a bible from the Chaplin’s office, still the King James Version, so I opened my Bible to (1 Kings chapter 13), it tells of a Prophet who was told by God not to eat bread nor to drink water in the place to which he was sent, sadly an old Prophet lied to him and so he eat and drank with him, even though the old Prophet had lied God sent word to the old prophet, and he prophesied to the other Prophet who later died for his disobedience, it was being proven to me that God has indeed given the same degree in the past and therefore did work in that way albeit old school, God never changes only the way he does things.
I’m not a Biblical scholar so this was all knew to me, I’m learning as I go, but everything was being shown to me in writing that was relevant to my situation, God has worked that way in the past, and I was certainly prophesying.
Another thing I prophesied again from my rack, I said “A triangle standing up will not be crushed” I recalled that I had overheard it being said as I was leaving Dallas jail, “Get his knowledge and crush him” I assumed that I was getting answers and they were being told that I would not be crushed.
Someone or something came forward when Lazarus was called forth, so we have a mix of the old and new, this was literally a spiritual war.
You are free to make of this whatever you want too, but none of this could possibly come from me, I spoke things that I knew nothing about, there were real spiritual attacks, and also spiritual defence, I do have spiritual support, but what else is to come I wonder.
I was in the fields one day when it was said by one prisoner to the others “Send him back a cabbage” which I’m sure you know that means to destroy my mind, the prisoner was relaying the orders given to him by his boss who I call the evil-one, and so mental, emotional abuse was used apart from everything else, they were more determined to destroy my mind.
I realise the controversy, I was now causing, even the prison ministries had outcast me, I know what was happening is contrary to many peoples beliefs, but as I warned already this is not a book based on anyone’s beliefs not even mine, these are facts that were witnessed by many other people. I am the victim and the messenger.
The incitement and abuse done by the evil ones workers continued, I think the evil one is now afraid and so driven by guilt and fear continues with destruction. Spiritual gifts were outlawed; I was being used for science.
It was pouring with rain one morning when I was told by an officer that I was to go to sociology, the building was located a little down the bowling alley, which had a wire pen attached to it where prisoners had to wait, I was locked in the pen and I was made to wait there in the rain outside sociality building while other prisoners came and went, then after 4 hours I was taken in, by now I was dripping wet, I was told to sit down and then spoken to like dirt, I can’t remember the exact words but no discussion took place, it was a sheer waste of time I was just told to get out.
It seemed to me that it was just an excuse for further the abuse and keep me in the rain for four hours, it was now lunch time and he just sent me to the chow hall, I had spent all morning locked out in the pouring rain for nothing.
I know it was just a means of abuse, and the sending in and out of other prisoners was so that it would not be obvious that I was being singled out, but this is how they operate in order to cover up what is really going on, they hide behind people.
I have had dentures since the 80s, and I had problems with my gums my dentures had dug into my gums so much that skin was hanging they had cut a grove into my gum, so I applied to see a dentist, this meant a trip to John Sealy Hospital which was in or near by Galveston, so this meant a bus ride to Huntsville, and an overnight stop over at Robinsons Unit it was a two day journey.
We set out on the bus in the morning and the abuse still went on, it was constant day and night so really is needless to say.
We arrived at Robinson’s unit later that day and I was taken to a two man cell, locked up and tortured in the same way I have explained, I have no way of making you understand this apart from what I have already said, the next day we continued the long ride to Huntsville, not a joyful ride because of the pain being caused by others.
We arrived at Estelle unit, it was also two man cells, the hostile treatment continued, it was being co-ordinated by the evil-one, everything was organised and pre-planned, and the next day was the bus ride to the hospital.
On arrival at the hospital we had to give everything on us to the officer in charge, I was at the hospital all day while everyone was dealt with, the dentist trimmed my dentures and made an appointment for me to come back to have the skin surgically removed.
On our way out of the hospital we picked up our things, I had a picture of my wife that I would carry with me; I noticed when the officer gave it back to me that he had put three scratches across my wife’s face, I looked at him, and he looked back with a smug look, but I said nothing.
When we got back to Estelle unit back in our two man cells an officer hit me so hard in the chest (not flesh to flesh) I will explain how this was done later on, just try and bear with me for now, but it was as if my heart was torn out, the pain was so intense, I just wish there was a way to show you how real this was. The journey back was more of the same.
Time came for me to return for the surgery, the second visit was same as the first, only I had good news from the dentist; the skin had gone, and so no surgery was needed. I already knew this and had told officers but was told I still had to attend.
Another comment that was made to the prisoner was, “ If we can’t have him no-one can, destroy him” so everywhere I went be it hospital, surgery, work, church, administration, Chaplin’s office, even on the prison bus the abuse was intensified.
When they knew that they could use their minds to inflict pain then it showed there true colours, anyone with eyes would have seen that I truly physically had to endure pain, and this is torture in every sense of the word, and yet knowledge was being increased through me, while they capitalised on it.
When I was walking down the bowling alley one day I looked up and I said “fire in the sky” I could see fire in the sky, but how could I figure out the meaning when I was under such constant onslaught? I had constant abuse, harassment, and victimisation, so it would be much later on when things become clearer, things had got so bad especially at meal times that
I stayed away from the chow hall for nearly two weeks, from just before Christmas into the following year, I lived off what I brought from commissary, I also kept to not drinking water at their table even when I was in the fields, the abuse and torture was increased at Christmas, and other holidays, what a big disgrace to the State of Texas.
There were signs and wonders, supernatural happening at the Gurney that I’ve not mentioned maybe I will further down the line, It’s now 1999 and time to leave the Gurney.
I get the chain to Diagnostics otherwise known as the Byrd Unit in Huntsville Texas. It was where I would be assigned to a unit, the abuse was still intense and severe, I never knew such hateful people existed until now, and in the Justice System of all places.
What could one person do against so many? I am still only human. I truly was a prisoner in Hell.