Proven... We are not Alone by Peter Evans - HTML preview

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17 Final destination

Allred was on lockdown when we arrived, May 1999. Lockdown is when there is no movement throughout the facility, and often involves a shakedown which is a search of persons there cells, and locality. They had no cell to assign me to at first, so I was put in building 11, segregation or punishment block, the other prisoners were also placed  in the adjourning cells, to continue the abuse, I know that anyone not knowing what was being done would think me crazy.

I would be talking and venting in my cell, you see the truth isn’t always what is seen but often what is unseen. What is done to me is unseen, so all that is seen are my responses, so I knew how I could be seen as a mental case so I kept my composure best I could, by not commenting about anything to anyone, my venting was talking quietly to myself, so I kept a good attitude, and was not a nuisance or  a problem prisoner, and yet they are continuing to do it all the time.

The next day I was put in cell C38, this is located in 3 building, the buildings consist of three pods, each pod having three sections adjoining, there are four cell buildings at Allred, all buildings had numbers, three, four, seven and eight, two dorms, eighteen and nineteen, the facility was spilt into two sides, A and B. three building was on A side.

The pods had three sections consisting of three floors of two man cells, eight on each floor, making twenty four in each section, so C38 is in the second or middle section, forty-eight men per section, hundred twenty-four men per pod.

My celli who was an ok type of guy, a good celli, which makes this even harder to explain, by an ok celli I mean that under normal circumstances he is someone that I would be able to get along with, but in my situation it was the friendly front while stabbing me in the back, or two faced in other words, anyone who was not in the game would be moved elsewhere. The cells were two man cells; the toilet area was all chrome which we would keep shining and share the task of keeping the cell clean, it had one writing table.

Parts of my body could be hit as you know, so this had become the focus of the evil-one, now my eyes are the target, and all I can do is lay on my rack and endure the torture, as my eyes were burned, the physical effects of all that I am saying could be seen, and so with the right type of people things would have been so much different, it can still be proven today.

I continued talking on my rack, I can’t remember all that I would be saying, there would be groaning and cussing, I was suffering real physical pain, with physical proof, in my mind the whole lot of them were cowards and the evil-one being the biggest of them all, I was a helpless victim in the way of fighting back, or even with regards to defending myself, so needless to say what type of opinion I had of them.

I was my own company, if I sound off in my cell alone I look like the nasty or unsocial one while they look nice and friendly, I never insulted anyone or caused trouble, I was polite because that’s how I am, the sounding off was on my own, to myself and caused by things that were unseen.

I would try and confront the problem to their face but no-one would acknowledge what was being done, I never went into specific details concerning thoughts or anything else so there comments could not be based on anything I said to anyone, and yet I would hear them talking among themselves, I once spoke of the abuse to my celli, I simply asked why are you doing this abuse? He replied “no-one’s abusing you” I guess I just wanted to know why? However I still never said how the abuse was done so any mention of their thoughts came from them and certainly not from me.

I did put a grievance in and was called out to A-turnout where a Lieutenant saw me about it, his attitude was not good, and he was playing so dumb he made it impossible for me, I was not going to appear paranoid or crazy when I knew that everyone knew what was going on.

I was put to work on the garden squad again, it was much the same as Gurney, I was still in a weak and feeble condition physically yet I was slowly, very slowly getting spiritually stronger, as if I was growing up in real time, as a baby grows year by year, so I was still very young, the targeting of and the hitting of my body parts continued, this time it was my back, and hip, once again I can’t describe the pain, I have had back pains ECT in the past and so I knew the difference, and this was nothing like that, this was unlike normal pain, I could feel it coming from without.

So it was no surprise that the next day I could hardly get off my rack, or even walk to my cell door, I was unable to go to work, so walking down the stairs to the dayroom was slow, then they suddenly stopped hitting me temporally, when they stopped targeting, it got better instantly, I could walk again, it is possible that those prisoners refused to continue doing this to me, but I think this was all a part of the tests that the evil-one was doing for knowledge, he was experimenting on me mercilessly, if there was any doubt about the ability to physically hit my body by spirit, thoughts are spirit, it was now proven for sure, there could no longer be any doubt, obviously the prisoners would not know how to do this without medical knowledge, they had to be getting coached by someone, the mental abuse continued in many ways by the officers.

I knew that I had to stay sane and endure to survive, there was going to be no help for me in there, they wanted me destroyed but this knowledge was so valuable to the evil-one. I stayed on my rack most the time because it was the best way for me to endure the pain, (it was like hot irons were being pushed in my eyes) this would often annoy my celli because he wanted some alone time so I would have to go to the dayroom or to outside recreation in order to give him some space.

It was constant suffering one way or the other, this was also a way  of keeping me isolated and in pain, I would still write my letters, I would protest about my treatment in my letters, I still sang and stayed in good spirit, how I could do this God only knows.

I don’t intend naming individuals, but across the way in C35 a guy was apparently shanked, (stabbed) I only heard about it, I never witnessed it, once the blood was cleaned up I was moved into that cell, I had another ok celli, at least my eyes had some rest from being burnt, but they were still often a target, if the intention to scare me was the reason for moving me to that cell it didn’t work.

I got the book Joan of Arc out of the library as I had been talking about her, my talking was mainly to myself, or thinking out loud in other words, I had been contemplating how she was burned at the stake as a heretic, and then she is honoured as a saint.

I had been told I had to see the immigration judge at Goree Unit, one day before I was to go while I was laying on my rack in C35 a guy came walking into the cell, and he said “Your our gravy train, were not going to let you walk away” and then walked straight back out without me having any chance to speak back. My celli had also made the following comment, “ God can’t help you now” certainly I must be the victim of a conspiracy.

These are direct comments from prisoners, so I concluded that they must certainly be getting paid in some way for doing what they were doing in order for me to be there gravy train, and God was the only reason I was able to endure and remain joyful.

My hearing with the immigration Judge was for the 16th of November 1999, so it’s time to get the chain once more, another overnight stop at Robinsons Unit.

I got to the bus cuffed to another prisoner as usual but when I got to the bus door one of the officers told me that I couldn’t take my property with me, and that I had to leave it with them, so off I went on a turn around to Goree Unit, it was more of the same but I had my hearing and it was ordered that I was to be deported, this meant any parole would be to immigration for deportation.

I returned to Allred and was in three building, A-pod, I can’t remember the cell, I sent a request to the property office for the return of my property, I was told my property was never signed in, it never got there so I had lost it all, my wedding photos as well as other personal things, we had to buy are own hotpot to boil water all had gone. I found out later that the officer let prisoners have it, in other words he stole my property.

There were four chow halls, A-side was number 3 & 4, and B-side was number 7 & 8. When I was in the chow hall one day this was on the A-side chow hall, a prisoner stood up he pointed at me, and said that guy can’t even think for himself” he was disgusted at how I was being treated, he was so right I couldn’t even think for myself, there were some good people in there and this was a prisoner who had the guts to stand up in front of the whole lot of them, needless to say I didn’t see him again, but it was good to know that some people in there did not agree with what was going on, however they were dealt with by the system, and kept silent, this was a very sad situation.

I was taken off the garden squad and put to work in the laundry, my hip and back were being hit again and it was hard to walk, I would  drink a lot of coffee and there was a coffee earn in the laundry, coffee became an issue for some reason back in Gurney, I think it was because I would not drink water with them, well it had been carried on here, we could buy bags of coffee in commissary and I use to drink a lot of it.

I was still feeble in many ways but who cared or understood? On my way to get a coffee a prisoner said to me, “There doing you wrong Peter” I replied, “I know they are” everyone knew what was going on but I was helpless to do anything about it except to write letters, I knew they were doing me wrong big time They were very well organised, there was nothing anyone could do, even though so many people knew about it the evil-one was just too powerful and had a lot of influence I knew they were using their minds to block me in as well as to try and control, and torture me, there is a difference between a natural pain or sickness, this abuse was coming from outside and hitting me inside, I can tell the difference between natural pain and affliction, and I was being afflicted.

Another prisoner who was working on the same table he was only across the table from me said to me “we have been waiting for you for two years” Allred had been getting ready for me for two years before my arrival, they were planning ahead all the time, the prisoners were telling me things without directly talking to me, so if I was on camera they would not be seen to approach me, you would only see their mouth moving.

I was taken out of the laundry and put back in the garden squad, however on reflection if they were expecting me for two years then I must have been led to jail in the first place.

Also I overheard it being said We can’t let the people see him as good” now this confirms that I was being shown to others in a bad light, I couldn’t be seen as good, so did this mean that I was really good? As the prisoner said, they were certainly doing me wrong, but I was  pleased to see that there were those who did not like what was being done to me.

Permanent damage was done to me by persistent abuse which needed expert knowledge in order to carry it out; not only physical damage but I also carry physiological and emotional scars. Many officers were very unfriendly even hostile, but there were still some that I liked I didn’t tar them all the same, there were many people in prison far worse than I could ever be yet they were treated better than I was, and some officers were worse than any prisoner.

I spent Christmas and New Year 2000 in A-pod, this was a very hard time, how could I survive all this I wondered? They were making comments such as “Kill the Millennium Bug” seems that I was the bug.

I was sent back to C-pod, this time to C40 cell, my celli was not as good as the others I had in C-pod, sounds crazy doesn’t it? But one has to learn to live with others regardless of their religious beliefs, nationality, colour or ethnic origin, one can’t choose their neighbour.

Prison can be a very hard place alone, things such as rape, bullying does go on, and gangs are a very serious problem in America.

So I’m back in C-pod and put back on the garden squad.

This time I have a bottom rack, this celli use to give me a harder time about being in the cell so much, he wanted some alone time or time with his buddies, and I can understand that so I did my best to oblige, it was hard for me though, because at least on my rack I could lay there or write give vent to things and endure by myself, needless to say I never watched much TV in the dayroom, and I had no radio.

I had replaced what I could of my property because my family who were great sent me money, but there was the un-replaceable. I count my blessings for the good in my life, and for good people.

I have left a lot out including the cockroaches in Dallas, and the ants in Gurney, that they even put in my bed. I am aware of outside influences and what they were trying to do; this is where it becomes more difficult to explain, so I ask you again to bear with me in the hope that by the end of this book you will understand what I am trying to say. When I say outside influences I am referring to things coming in from outside of me, I can feel it and so I know beyond doubt, things could be projected to me, and I will be dedicating a chapter later on to connecting the dots, but you need the facts first.

The prisoners in C-pod were now trying to pervert my mind, this was being done by using their minds to project their thoughts to me, this had to be with the help of science, there is no way regular guys could do this, and I know it sounds impossible but it gets even more unbelievable as I continue but this knowledge was unknown, and I am the evil-ones gravy train this knowledge was very valuable, it was even said, we can’t let this knowledge get away” this was not said by prisoners but by officials.

My celli was on his bunk one day and said, “Another one bites the dust” you can make of that whatever you will, you can’t even imagine what it was like in there, I was surrounded by vultures, and due to comments made a strong indication that I was targeted and led to the Penn.

We had access to a dayroom so we were not locked in a cell 24-7 so I don’t knock the facilities; in fact I think the facilities are very good.

I still had my faith and still sang; despite everything I kept in good spirit, ever heard of joy even when being persecuted? That doesn’t mean one enjoys being persecuted, I certainly never, but I was spiritually comforted and had joy which only made my persecutors more upset, Oh well! I never broke.

They knew my words could be affected and shouted out one day, “told you we could make him cuss you out” this was said to other people concerning me, the prisoners thought it very funny. I don’t mean cuss in the way of bad language, also do you remember Goree? I was  hit between the shoulder blades coming from chow, well now in my cell at Allred thoughts were being fired at me like cannon balls, I  understand if you laugh at this because even I do, although it was not funny to me at the time, in fact it was extremely dangerous.

I found myself having to try and doge them, this must sound funny to you but it’s true I must have looked funny if you could of seen me, one thing that I can’t explain is while I was laying on my rack something which must have been a thought was heard to hit my rack with a loud thud, however you may decide to explain this, but something invisible hit my rack with a loud impact, I believe it was deflected from me because it could have been a fatal blow.

While in Gurney they claimed to hear my thoughts, well C-pod in Allred also capitalised on that and would incriminate me as Gurney had, there was verbal confirmation of this when a prisoner said so loudly everyone in the pod heard, just like the guy who stood up in the chow hall and he said, “ We know he’s not a reprobate mind, that it’s are thoughts

[I will take a moment to expand on this. In Jail and everywhere else they had microphones and cameras most were hidden but some were exposed such as in 2p13 and this is why even what I said to myself could be heard by the authorities and is was the boss in charge of the authorities who told the officers and prisoners what to do, and it was he who the prisoners would shout out comments to and talk to, they knew they were on camera and played things accordingly.]

Confirmation occurred at Gurney and this is now the year 2000, in the Allred Unit again verbally confirmed by a prisoner, the Millennium Bug had survived and I was pleased that there were still people in there who would speak out for me even if it did no good, at least I had many witnesses, I was being blamed then for things when I’m known to be innocent, it was not my thoughts they were hearing, this will become clearer later, they still continued in this way, then one day one of the prisoners in the cell below ran from his cell in excitement saying That should get him creamed” I was being blamed for others yet again and it was being used to incite others against me, things were being heard and I was getting the blame because everything was recorded and I was not to be seen as good, and so degrading and profiling me also to make me look like the wimp was a piece of cake.

It was also said in the chow hall concerning me, He must be crazy to oppose them because of what they can do to his body” word gets around, and the real wimp is obvious, it’s the evil-one who has to hide behind others.

I still protested in my letters I wrote many letters so I still continue to oppose them, there are many in the Texas prison system who knows that this book is true, and what was being done to my mind and body. I had really suffered unmercifully, I have more years to go, and things get more interesting, I have said that I will dedicate a chapter to join the dots later.

When I was in C35 officers would call me out for work but would not let me out of my cell, or open one door then close another so I was locked in-between one door and another, or when I did turn out I would get sent back in then they would give me a case for not turning out for work, that give me six miner cases in 15 days, three minor cases made one major case, so I had two major cases, the garden squad didn’t go out every day either.

The case would be worded, refusing to turnout for work, I said that there was no refusal, but it was a waste of time, it was all to stop my chance of any parole, they messed me around so much until one day I did refuse to work, after all I’m going to get a case anyway, they pushed me until I did.

I got 90 days restriction, which meant no store, I would have buy or borrow off the other prisoners, some were ok with it but others wanted interest, this is what is called traffic and trade, which is when you buy  or sell amongst yourselves, this also carries a case if caught, however I would buy things I needed from guy’s who never had money on their books, the main currency were stamps or they would tell me what they wanted from commissary, but now I had a 90 day restriction and therefor had to trade with others to either borrow or buy what I needed, a guy threw a bag of coffee to or more like at me that I had asked for, he threw it with extreme force straight at my face, I was laying on the top bunk, and it seemed to slow down as it headed for my face, I raised my head and it landed on my pillow, we could make our own coffee in the cell, I had brought a hot pot from commissary.

Prisoners who never had any money on their books had to hustle, only the barest of stuff was provided by the prison, so traffic and trade was a necessity for them, they had to make their own way, maybe by drawing or whatever, I made it through the 90 days thanks to them, and thanks to my sister who always made sure I had money on my books, I owe so much to her and yet I have given her no recognition for it, she will never know how much it meant to me, if it wasn’t for her I could never of replaced my hotpot and other property that the officers stole, (my personal things were gone forever though) and so life would have been that much harder in there, I owe her so much.

I stood in my cell C40 looked out the window and still sang, my celli in C40 had made the comment to me Y ou don’t have a prayer, but I knew that God knows my heart; there was so much that I didn’t understand, and I had been given no chance to do anything because I was attacked from birth, (spiritual birth) and they had no intention of letting me grow up, or to prosper in any way, but I continued to grow still in real time so I was young and still weak and feeble.

I had also overheard some guys saying, “He don’t have a chance there’s too many of us” there was certainly many who were against me that’s for sure, and one would find this a scary situation to be in, what could one person do against so many? But I never questioned or doubted God, I was not afraid.

They was to be a revival service in the church and so I decided go to church again, this was held in 4 gym, I was still kept isolated in a spiritual way as in Dallas and Gurney, this was really obvious in  church, the church had a choir, and they didn’t even want to sing with me, it was a nightmare, the choir was hesitant, the song was “The old rugged cross,” so I never got to sing with them, they gave communion in this church, it was the traditional communion, but when the time came and it came my turn the Chaplin held back and he hesitated in the hope I would walk away but I never so he gave it me in the end, well what else could he do? He couldn’t really openly refuse me; obviously we had grape juice in place of wine.

I went back to my cell what was supposed to be a revival meeting did not take place and instead of singing because they would not sing with me, he just talked, I certainly got the message alright, and I was still rejected by the church, so I never went back to church again. I have good reason for my attitude.

Have you heard the song called “The deck of cards”? It’s the story of a soldier boy who takes out a deck of cards in church and is put on a charge for playing cards in church, when he goes before the CO and given his just right to explain, he tells his story of what the cards represented to him, without that right to explain he would have been judged in ignorance, people seeing him saw him as being disrespectful to God, but God would of known what was in the boys heart. God knows the heart, people don’t.

Now back to where they were firing their thoughts for a moment, I was lying on my rack when there was a thud on my rack, I was alone in my cell, and I knew it was nothing that had falling in my celli’s locker because he would often ask me to pass something out to him when he was in the dayroom.

So what could have hit the bunk in such a way and from underneath too? They had been firing cannonballs at me which really I couldn’t avoid, even though I tried, I would sit cross legged by the cell door in order to avoid the line of fire, however it seemed what was meant for me came to me, well amazingly as it sounds it was one of them cannonballs fired from the cell below that had somehow been stopped or deflected, it may of been a fatal one? It had hit the rack with such force that I felt the impact.

The bunks are iron and thoughts are spirit, they can pass through anything, iron, concrete, steel, they are not solid like flesh is, and they can’t be seen either.

As their experiments got more intense with every bit of knowledge gained they now started on internal organs, I guess burning my eyes and hitting my back and hip is a form of internal stuff but they were getting more intrusive, I’m not a scientist or medical person so this is in layman’s terms, as if what they had already done wasn’t enough, internal organs, raw flesh was the target, can you imagine  how that must of felt? My being alive is a miracle in itself; I never blamed God or Jesus for my situation it was man doing this to me, evil hard-hearted cold people. I was mocked, and they thought themselves superior, now that’s delusional.

I was still in a feeble condition and would have been a pushover so it would not have been glory for anyone, because that’s what bullies and cowards do. I wonder if they could have endured 5 minutes of what I had, would they be banging at the door Begging for mercy or topping themselves, or even go crazy? So who’s really the superior one? I still had my faith and so I continued the best I could, I still wrote and protested in my letters even though I knew how I must have sounded.

I still had years left to go unless I got parole, but what do you think my chances were of that? You got it, no-chance. Just think of the knowledge that would have been gained by working with me, money and science maybe there god but we all go to the grave sometime, what then?

I was on my rack while they were messing with my head internally, yes that’s right no internal organ was safe but expert knowledge was certainly needed in order to do this, they did want to destroy my mind. Well they must of hit something in my brain because there seemed to be a pop in my head and I went out completely, everything pitch black, but I came back almost instantly, should I of been dead? The years ahead get very scary.