Now I’ve moved into U-Dorm. The dorms are in 18 and 19 buildings, with four dorms in each, R, S, T, U, in 18 Building, V, W, X, Y, are in 19 Building. So I was in 18 building, the dorms held 75 prisoners in each, that’s 300 to a building. I have proven by now that thoughts and sound are spirit, sound that people make of course; in fact Jesus said “my words are spirit” now this has been proven true, words literally are spirit.
The dorms were more open than the cells I preferred being in the dorm, there was no celli to contend with, each rack was in a cubical with a writing table, so I had my own cubicle I could lie down or write, stay in or go out to outside rec was permitted between the times of 7- 10am, 12-3pm, 7-10pm. When it was time for bed the officers would come in and shout rack up.
I had spent Christmas 2000 and New year 2001 in C40, we were on lockdown at that time, and I made a collage with a Christmas theme on a large cardboard, the back of a big / long legal writing tablet, it was not allowed to put things on the walls so I hung it from the ceiling, then it came time for shake down, so we packed our things and headed for the gym, at shakedown the officer who was going through my things threw my collage in the trash, shakedowns were also hell for me, apart from the hostility of the officers the same old abuse continued, so it was made as hard a time for me as it could be, when we got back to our cells I opened my Bible and it said “make me a big sign son of man” I said out loud, “I did but they trashed it”. Christmas was a time of increased abuse for me, I did not understand the things I was being told.
Well it snowed and it was my first white Christmas on Boxing Day, and I know that a white boxing day does not qualify as a white Christmas but it was for me, although America doesn’t have Boxing Day, and so the mail room was open and I received two books which I had asked my nephew for, so that was my Christmas on boxing day, snow and gifts.
I was still in good spirit even when I was sad, my faith never failed and I never gave up hope, this was my Christmas. I started making collage’s with a Christian theme I even did the front of my Bible in a collage.
So it was 2001 when I moved to U-dorm, It was said in the Gurney to make me hate them, and it’s already been admitted in C-pod that they can make me cuss them out, well it was also being done in U-dorm and it was coming out in my letters, as they continued the same thing, to mess me up, there was no rest for me, I was still feeble also, and I would write that I hated Texas which was a lie because I never really hated them at all, and I still don’t, but I do hate what they have done.
People have a right to their opinions, and so I don’t care what their opinion is of me, my social or personal life, I don’t care what people think of me in that context, but when its deliberate abuse it becomes a crime as all abuse is. I can be amongst many people and have no problem whatsoever. Crimes were being committed against me by those who represented the legal and justice system.
Reason for my behaviour could have been proven, and in U-dorm I tried to do just that, I was being slanderously reported of, and my faults shown / portrayed as being the way of a Prophet way, and so it must be the right way and so you must do the same thing. What is wrong is wrong whoever does it.
I was annoyed, because people were being misled and deceived. Prophets were individuals just like you and me, and I had never claimed to be a Prophet and I still didn’t, I am who I am and no more, so why portray me in such a way if I’m not one anyway? They were defaming prophets which was far more serious than it sounds, sadly unless you were there you may not understand what I am trying to explain.
I had a visit from the vice consul and I asked her the question “Who are they degrading me for” She obviously had no idea, I do know how crazy I must of looked and sounded, but why degrade, defame, or make me fit a profile that I can prove I’m not? And I don’t mean the profile of a prophet either? What was being done to me had to be for the benefit of others otherwise there would be no point.
This was very frustrating for me because I knew how easy it would be to prove, the sad thing is everything had already been proven but to the wrong people, people who turned out to be Gangster-Terrorists, who wanted to continue illegal control of me while continuing the incrimination in order to justify themselves, however I do believe that my day will come, and then people will see the evil that’s really been done, and how good people have been deceived. It seemed the evil one wanted to close the good people down so no-one would be left to contest or challenge him.
I got a book on the paranormal out of the library in order to check out my gifts. I was exploring, I wanted to know what I was, I read that in a hundred and thirty years of study there was still no conclusive proof concerning telepathy, I said to myself I can prove that easy, which I could, the address of a professor was in the book, he was based in Scotland.
I thought that if I could convince him to visit me, I could prove it to someone outside and then I would have an expert in my corner.
So I called the consulate. we are allowed to make one collect phone call every ninety days unless you get a case then you lose the privilege, and I seemed to always be getting case’s but I had been case free for that time, well anyway I got my phone call, I told the then vice consular of my intentions and she asked if that might not be expensive? I told her that they would be lining up to see me for this knowledge, my gifts are real and I know the value and importance of what I have proven.
I wrote to the professor but the abuse also was increased as they didn’t want me proving anything if it was in my favour or defence, also I was there gravy train. I don’t know if the letter even got out because I never got any reply, but had he came I would of had an expert with positive proof to put before any judge or jury, I would have had someone to say yes Peter is authentic, his gifts are real.
My back passage was now the target and it was taking a severe amount of abuse (not flesh to flesh, no way have I ever had that sort of relationship with any man) it was hit in the same way as I have described earlier, so much so that it became very sore, but they kept on unmercifully, I would wince, noticeably isn’t that spiritual sodomy? See my flesh was being hit by spirit, I know it may sound funny to you.
Not ever having a heart attack I don’t know the symptoms except for what I’ve been told, well this day I was hit so hard internally in the chest and my left arm went numb it felt as if my heart had been hit, I know I keep saying these things were really being done to me and that it needed expert knowledge to do what was being done, they could target individual organs and still they kept me blocked with their minds, this was so well co-ordinated with so many people yet they have managed to get away with it, this was a prison within a prison as I have said.
I do realise that I repeat myself a lot but it is hard not to, I was living in Hell, and I know how impossible and ridiculous all this must sound to you as it would to me if I hadn’t of lived it.
I was moved out of U-dorm back to the cells, this time it was to the worst side, B-side because of writing to the professor.
B-side consisted of two buildings, 7 and 8 this is where you go if you get a serious case or are too troublesome, such as gang members or are gang associated, there are more restrictions on that side with less freedom, but sometimes a less restrictive pod could be used if needed, gang members were a bigger problem in 8 building which was where most stabbings took place although you could get shanked anywhere, (a new segregation, security part was being built at that time)
I was in 7 building H-pod 2 section, cell H60, that’s on the 2nd level end cell I had a good celli, an oldish guy I was thankful of that at least, I have said that I’m thankful for the good people in the system who without them things could have been worse.
The cell doors were opened from the officer in the picket but had to be closed manually, they would run a one hour out or in, this means that if you are in your cell you can’t go out for an hour so if you were out you were out for one hour, so every hour an officer would come round and shout in out for those wanting to go in or come out of their cells, individual cells would be opened for those coming in from work or coming from elsewhere then you close the door yourself, the picket was setup so the officer could see all the cells.
This day I had come back from somewhere I can’t remember where from, I was to be let in my cell but instead I was ignored by the officer and so I sat cross legged on the floor outside my cell door, how do I explain how my body felt? The prisoners started hitting my bowels, I would resist the best I could but eventually it turned to liquid and ran out as liquid thus going through my boxers and prison pants or uniform whatever there called which were white, the officer eventually opened my door.
I took off my trousers and held them up to the cell light, so I could look at them, there was a big wet brown mark, other prisoners could not see this, then a prisoner shouted up to me from the dayroom, he shouted “Were telling you your shit” thus confirming to me that they had really done this to me and is further confirmation that what I claimed was being done to my back passage was really being hit, otherwise how would the prisoner on the lower level in the dayroom ever have known? It was impossible for them to see into my cell from that location.
They were laughing about it but it shows the type of people there boss’s really are, there was always new players but the same boss, the experiments continued I had become a guinea pig, a lab rat, a disposable commodity, they had literally knocked the shit out of me by use of their minds, but I knew who the shit really was, it was there shame not mine.
This reminds me of a saying my Irish mother would use, “there a shower of shit” and they certainly were.
I was on the top rack and I had a dream, if one would call it that, the dream was that I was in some apartment somewhere, it was a place I had not been to, it had big full size windows from floor up, a long sofa, the sofa faced the window and so one could see outside, a kitchenette was to the right side with a breakfast bar dividing it, as we sat on the sofa facing the window, I saw a big storm heading towards us it was black as a tornado but much bigger, there were four of us in the room, my wife and I sat on the sofa the other couple sat in armchairs in front of the breakfast bar, I said to them to take cover and we all went into the kitchen and crouched down behind the counter.
It was all quite, nothing was happening and so I stood up, the storm was all around and we were in the eye of it, a male voice came from the storm and said, “Nothing shall by no means hurt you”.
The prisoners started hitting my body very hard, my back, hip, joints, the pain was immense, I couldn’t climb up to my rack so I pulled the mattress to the floor, prisoners were heard to say, well in fact they were shouting it out so boastfully “See we can hurt him” oh yes they were laughing and mocking. But how would they know what was said in my dream unless it was somehow heard? So was this a dream or a vision? And how could they of heard it?
Back in the Gurney they were claiming they could hear my thoughts, so did C pod and now there was further proof
I believe it was due to the microphones they used, they did have two years to prepare for my arrival after all, and so then my dream/vision must have been heard, makes sense right?
But also it confirms that it was not my thoughts they were hearing but what they were projecting to me, so they could hear what I was being told, this means I was really being spoken to by spirit, and that is why it could be heard, and this is one of my gifts which they capitalised on, and used against, they do not have the gifts or power, they are abusing and exploiting mine.
Yes they could hurt me and were getting better at it, the miracle is that what was being done to me would have killed most people and yet I lived and kept my joy.
Well what follows is where it was put into practice, in the Gurney when Lazarus came forth the sound of energy or electricity was heard, I had power in my body, so the prisoners hit me hard in this way, it was like being hit with many Tasers, this is now how I am trying to explain it because at that time Tasers were unheard of, in fact I believe that this is where the idea came from, I would never know what it feels like to be tasered , all I know is that it is an electrical current of some sort.
I was already lying on the cell floor in severe pain, because I was physically unable to get on my rack, the electric energy could be heard and my body could be seen to move accordingly. So many were hitting me as, the first wave hit then it was followed by another wave, I would have never survived that, but I went to the place of peace, to the eye of the storm. I survived that and I also recovered, but the abuse still went on, they also tried to block off my airways, but I still managed to breathe enough to survive.
Now my head and ears were the target, but I was back on my rack.
I heard the prisoners in the dayroom saying that killing me would be the perfect murder. Well hadn’t I already been murdered but survived? People are spiritually ignorant so therefore don’t understand what is possible and that makes them vulnerable to those gangster-terrorists but now I hope that through this book they are beginning to realise and wake up.
My ears were hit so much that fluid was coming out, I even found blood on my pillow it was always stained with the constant abuse, my celli was moved out and some crazy guy was moved in, he would shout and walk around talking and ranting and raving, more to add to the abuse now I had a crazy guy sharing my cell, I was still feeble due to the severe beating my body was taking, but still growing up.
Because the abuse was constant in one way or another 24/7 it is easy to keep repeating myself and I am trying to avoid that where possible, it is the responsibility of the prisoner to keep the cell clean, the toilet and surrounding area was chrome, well the cell soon got dirty because my celli certainly wasn’t doing his bit and neither would I do mine, I would not be anyone’s skivvy but that was never an issue anyway either then or now, and that celli was so dirty, although I had recovered in some ways I was still damaged in others.
I heard the prisoners being told to leave my head alone because they wanted my head, so they were to hit my chest instead, “leave his head alone, we want his head, hit his chest instead” is what was said, officers kept up the incitement, when I was in line for commissary it was said to some prisoners by a female member of staff that I would be like a woman by the time I left there. Can you guess what there next target was to be? and I can show physical sexual damage, even my back passage would continue to be hit causing me to wince in pain, going to the toilet was very painful, I endured all that they threw at me, and eventually I put in a request to go back to the dorms, the crazy guy was moved out, and not long after so was I, the cell did need cleaning up for the next occupants, which was done by two prisoners.
I was moved to S-dorm which is in 18 building, it had been said in 7 building that I would be carried out but I walked out of 7 building alive; with my head held high, a walking miracle.
It’s still 2001 but I’m not sure what month, why did they literally want my head? Well for science I suppose they must think they can duplicate it. So if you’re a player be beware of these people who pretend it’s only a game they will do such evil to a person in order to gain knowledge, power and money and use you then dispose of you.
When I walked into S-dorm and I heard it said “The individuals will take care of him for us” this was said by the one I refer to as the evil- one he was the boss, but he had colleagues or subordinates, and it was them who he was speaking to, the prisoners were the individuals.
This is how they work, they put out slander towards the person they want destroyed and the individuals do the rest, guess it’s the American way?
So things hadn’t changed the abuse went on in many ways including the tasering so to speak, I don’t know what other way to explain it so that you will understand or relate to what was happening in there, and the extent of my suffering, also the type of people who are doing this, this was something one does not expect from America that’s for sure.
Now if we take a moment to let common sense examine the comments, they can’t let the people see me as good, and the individuals will take care of me for them, would you agree that these two comments alone indicate, conspiracy, incitement, manipulation, so on and so forth was taking place, then is it still going on?
I was housed on bunk 43, so S43 was to be my new torture rack, my sister wrote to the warden about my claims of abuse and I think the Consulate put in a complaint on my behalf, all to no avail, Major Cook called me into his office not to discuss the abuse but to show his authority, and he then said “there are no secrets in Allred”. But I already knew that, Allred Prison has a lot to hide and to be ashamed of as does the rest of TDJC and it goes much higher than that, so they are liars, and everyone knew, so many people are involved in this, what was done is certainly no secret, and yet they hide it.
I still have five years to go. At least I had more room to move around than the small cell I know this sounds strange after me confining myself to my rack, and this still applied, but I was still growing up, I was very young in spirit, the outside recreation yard was also bigger than the one over the other buildings, because apart from basketball courts and weight lifting equipment there was also a track and volleyball court which we had to walk through a small gate to get to, so one could walk or run around the track, I had some space out there, and the further I was away from them the better, the abuse also went on out there obviously. Plus signs and wonders or supernatural happenings took place out there.
I was still on the garden squad, although I had been moved on to different one, we went out this day and it was more squads than was normal, and more officers on horseback, this is cowboy country after all, the point man was ahead with his rifle, a field officer back in the Gurney has said to me “ don’t make me shot you in the back boy” there was no love lost with the officers and me.
It was a big field, although I knew it was just another experiment, each squad, I think there was four or five, each faced in different directions, and when we were sounded off by the leader, he shouted out the steps and every time we took a step the wind blew, so it was one, two, three, four, whoosh, the wind blew once every time we took a step. The wind was four stepping with us, only in the direction my squad was facing, and when they stopped me, the wind stopped too, not only had the wind danced for me in H-pod it was now four stepping with me, and I think the reason they had carried out this experiment was due to the wind responding in the past, as far back as the Gurney, now there was no doubt.
I was taken off the garden squad after that took place because everyone out there had noticed, well it was hard to miss and certainly had everyone thinking, I think this was the start of the revival that was to come to the Penitentiary.
I was now assigned to the kitchen I was put on the 1st shift, that’s 7am-2pm, I was put to work in the pot-room, that’s where all the pots, trays, kitchen equipment were washed, I did prefer this to the garden squad even though there was never any change to the abuse it followed me wherever I went so the only thing that could change is how I coped with it.
I knew I would look paranoid or psycho, to anyone who had no knowledge about what could be done to me, and then I could end up in a mental institution where who knows what evil experiments would be carried out, I knew that although there was no secrets in there as Major Cook had said, but I also knew they must be deceiving other people, and who would believe me? I had already been told that no-one cares what a prisoner says.
I was in the pot room for approximately six months when I requested a job change into the dish room, and I was given the job in B side dish room on the third shift, that’s 2-7am but we could sometimes get out at 5am, depending on the officer and the time breakfast would end, if there were three of us workers we would rotate when possible, one would go and one would stay, it all depended. I was in there for a few years.
The dish room is obviously where the dish’s and utensils were washed, there was a hole in the wall through which the prisoners would put there trays through before leaving the chow hall, I did prefer to work alone and I’m sure you understand why.
It was while I was in the dish room that the evil-one said “I will make you curtsey to me” I said no way. I remained a good prisoner, I was never unruly, disruptive, I kept a sound mind, and gave the officers no reason to log any complaints against me, not that they needed a reason, my knees were hit but I never cowered and I never did curtsey or bow.
I did eventually request a move due to the things that was going on in the dish room, there were gay prisoners who worked in there, they were housed separately in I think it was 4 building, they would walk around with their tops tied around there chest showing their stomachs, with a female walk and talk, and they took part in sexual activity with other prisoners, even in the dish room. I did ignore it, I had no choice because I am not a grass, and I couldn’t leave because I had work to do, and so I was locked in the dish room.
Also the prisoners would slam there trays through the hole in order to make as much mess as possible, it was not a good place to work, I did not give any of that as my reason, the officers knew what was going on anyway because they were all players.
I got my move one can apply for a job change with no reason and I applied to work the floor, I was put in eight chow hall which is the worse of the chow halls, however after time I did get into three chow hall but then a rotation system was started so we would all be one week in each chow hall.
Working the floor consisted of wiping the tables, topping up water, juice or coffee, and cleaning the chow hall, I preferred being able to move around, it was worse for me to be restricted when being abused in the way that I was, the style of abuse would change with the increase of knowledge and the experiments carried out, which is what is done in research, let’s try this way or what will happen if we do this? I think you know what I’m trying to say, it’s just that I lack the right words to explain it.
I wanted to distant myself from the abuse that’s why I preferred the dish room at first until the evil one made that also unbearable, so at least now I could move around, I had been locked down in a small cell and tortured unmercifully over the preceding years, so I didn’t want to work the serving line where I would have to stand in one spot while suffering the various hits, but needless to say I did eventually end up there, not by my request, but the rotation system worked out good and fair.
There were pros and cons with every situation because I had to watch my back, in that type of environment the risk of assault is very high but then as the prisoners in Diagnostics said, “we won’t touch you, we’ll just think about you” they could Carry out assaults unseen, remember they were being told to do these things and were being incited by the officers and their boss, (the evil-one) there was a religious conflict being caused by the evil-one in order to get his own way, how he twists things may shock you and maybe even disgust you.
I realise that I may seem to contradict myself as I spent years on my rack even at The Gurney, but maybe you will understand it better if I explain it this way, if you’re feeling really sick or in severe pain do you want to lay down, or rest the painful part of your body, or do you want some peace and quiet? Would you want to associate with those who are either abusing you or have clearly rejected you? Or have you been in a place where you’re not welcome? Or with people who are being nice to your face but are really stabbing you in your back or using you?
Well I’m only human even though I have these gifts, I am not perfect, and would never claim to be, in fact I have proven that human beings are in fact a spiritual house, and so that makes spiritual gifts apart of being human.
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been treated so badly in Texas, yet I know that there are many good people in the system who would be outraged at the inhumane way I’ve been treated.
You can see that this is a very serious situation which affects the whole world, how many people have said there is no proof of the afterlife, and so believe that when you’re dead that’s it. I have proven there is something else and there is hope but the evidence is being withheld.
I can’t remember the month that I arrived in S-dorm but in was before September 11th 2001, now referred to as 9/11, I remember walking into the dorm on 9-11 and the news of the twin towers was on TV, it is possible to block my mind, and the prisoners immediately started blocking me with their minds, for some reason they wanted to keep me away from the TV.
It has already been acknowledged on different places, by different prisoners from as far back as 1997 in the Gurney when a prisoner said to an officer that I was like a robot following their thoughts, this was then being worked on by the people who worked with the evil-one, so it really was possible to block me off or interfere with my head, as silly or impossible that it may sound, they wanted to cut me off and control me. I just hope that the truth comes out one day.
The dorms had a dayroom at the front with tables and TV, my rack was around half way up the dorm, so some distance from the TV, however the entrance to the dorm was by the dayroom and so I would pass it on my way in and out the dorm.
So I just went to my rack, I must of looked uncaring but I didn’t realise it was real, I figured it was old movie clips or something, I asked the prisoners for a while after if 9-11 was real, because I was being prevented and cut off from anything, this did make it difficult when writing my letters, I was writing to many ministries including Messianic, and was trying to explain things about spiritual matters, the Star of David with a Cross was my letterhead, I was hoping that