Rescue 911 by Cj Randolph - HTML preview

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Truth is—I’ve always believed in GOD. I was raised by a Mother who Believes in JESUS. And a Dad that’s never been a fan of religion or church, but now knows Yeshua died for his sin. We were in NO WAY a religious family. Only by my Mom’s determination, did we attend church, during my early years. She was a Sunday school teacher for the teens and often helped out at the church by preparing communion and food for the sick & other special occasions. She took my older brother Steve & I to the Methodist church camp a few times, during our early years. But the thing that sticks out in my mind most about her faithful impact on my life—happened when I was about 7. One beautiful sun-shiny day, likely after Easter service, we ascended the 2-steps outside our front door. I asked “So is HE (meaning GOD) ONE or 3?” Mom took a deep, thoughtful breath & replied with a smile, “Well, Yes!”

I was purely satisfied, realizing it’s a deep water answer. And her Memory Bank Deposit still serves me well. But by the time I reached my teen years (1966—1972) national & world systems were deeply questioned—segregation/integration, war vs peace, politics & religion, famine in Africa—why is it & how do we fix it?

Truly, I believe every human comes to this Mother Earth with an embryonic PLANT YOUR SEEDS code—hard-wired into our DNA. A seed in the soil of our existence waiting on TIME, WATER, Light. We’re given glimpses along the way. For me, it happened in 3rd grade. Our teacher thought it great to invite a local politician to come visit our classroom. One student was chosen to WRITE the LETTER—& that student was me! I was over-joyed! I loved to write & couldn’t wait to get started! Literally from that moment,

I asked my teacher—everyday—”Can I write The LETTER, now?

Finally, she blew a gasket, “Cindy Smith! You’re a WORRY Wart!” Wow! Dagger in my little heart. As far as I remember, the letter was never written, I never asked to write anything, again, and no visitor came. But as they say, ‘Everything happens for a reason’.


GOD already had a plan—one that He Hand-wired into my DNA!

Many heartfelt LETTERS would be written around the world—to religious leaders, politicians, family, friends, strangers, and you— to declare GOD is REALmore real than anything we can touch! Therefore, every WORD the Ancient One spoke, every Vision He shown, every TRUTH He revealed—would have to be delivered! Yet not one went forth—until GOD was ready—August 22, 2001!

That day, “I AM” opened the sky & introduced me to His Eternal Reality & faithfulness to reveal all things! He caused me to drink 9-11’s TERROR, 20-days before actual event! From the ashes, GOD birthed a LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN & stood 2faithful beach bums on our feet to bear WITNESS for GOD’s Holy TRUTH.
