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Surrounded By GOD's GLORY

"A fine meal has been served. I pray you come to the banquet & keep the feasts" Revelations from GOD delivered to you "by the hand in love"

Your citizen sister & fellow heir to the Kingdom, Cj "Little Hawk" Randolph


20 days before 9-11

(20 = expectation, redemption, ransom; 9 = New life, a new civilization, fruit; 11 = disorder, disorganization, disintegration 20/20 = The Lord Revealed, & He was with all who Believed...& / or could forgive others their trespasses.

August 22, 2001 God revealed coming terror & the sky!

After a day of teaching, I went home, got into the pool, & looked up into the sky. I saw 100's of everyday morning faces. Suddenly, the sky opened as if watching a movie! I saw people gathering at the entrance of a tall downtown building—approaching from different directions, waiting for the door to open. I became part of the scene. I knew it was morning time, for each one was still focused on sleepy thoughts of home & family. Together, yet separate, we entered without exchanging words when the door was unlocked. I walked straight to the elevator & rode it many floors up. I got off on a floor with office cubicles. No one was talking. They were quietly setting up, preparing to work.

Suddenly & unexpectedly every one experienced the same horrific shock! Every eye widened in terror, every mouth stretched into a scream! For the 1st time ever, they were truly united. And in that state, they melted into one, tragic, united whole!

Witnessing their death caused me to jump from the pool and rush inside to tell my family what I had witnessed! Still choking on their fear, I pleaded our need to help! It was imperative that we do something to warn everyone...and to do it now, because something horrible was about to happen!

My family asked, "WHO were they"? 'I don't know'. "WHERE were they"? 'I don't know'. "WHAT happened to them"? 'I don't know, but they all saw they same thing & melted!!" One daughter said, "Mom! If you don't know anything, HOW are we supposed to help?"

Tears flooded my face. For the first time, I realized, I didn't know enough to help them! I knew something huge was about to happen, but I couldn't do anything about it. I cried 'WHY' wondering why GOD allowed me to see something so horrible, but didn't allow me to help. But I didn't lose hope!

First thing the next morning, I told my co-workers what I saw fully anticipating someone smarter than me would get it & know what to do. But most everyone looked away, not sure how to respond, I guess. Finally one in the group laughed as she was exiting the crowded office, "WHAT have you been smoking"? GOD's revealed vision was dismissed as crazy & laughable. I stood there disbelief that no one offered to help, no one asked questions, yet realized I once responded the same way to one who experienced God:

When I was 12, a family friend & her Mother visited one Saturday, morning. At the time, none of us knew that Saturday is the true Sabbath, but rest assured, I’m not here to wrestle such matters. I take to heart Romans 14— where we learn not to wrestle over what day to keep or what to eat...or not eat. But rather to know, that what we do & don’t do—we do unto the Lord who is our Master. He forgives as he chooses—the greater matter is to love. Anyway, the family friend was my age. She was a big time BELIEVER & clearly, I was not. Anyway, she shared something of great joy, declaring, “GOD talked to me!” I laughed & mocked, “Oh yeah! So what does GOD sound like???” : (

Point of interest: Don’t mock others! Remember the 40-years the Hebrew

Israelites wandered in the wilderness, during their Exodus from Egypt, well — GOD caused me to wander aimlessly thru life, wondering about TRUTH. Literally, I was in my 52nd year, when GOD chose to reveal Himself to me! Yikes!!

Back to 9-11: 20 days after the vision, as I prepared for work, our oldest daughter came in our bedroom, flipped on the TV, and said, "Mom, there's something going on you need to see." Together we watched in helpless horror with the rest of the world as the 2nd plane circled the smoking building of the World Trade Towers. We were in shock with them, yet knowing what was about to happen...and how it was going to end!

I screamed inside...inhaled fear! I'd seen their faces, known their love for the families left behind each morning! But "WHY? Why would GOD allow me to see something so tragic, but not allow me to help?

Ultimately, I would know WHY, January 2, 2006. But 1st, I had another 4-yrs, 3-mnths, 22-days left to go on my 40-Year Wilderness Walk Sentence, before I could meet the HOLY ONE & be set free! I was being humbled for my behavior towards a child of GOD. Never forget: Vengeance belongs to the LORD.

SOUND the ALARM in AMERICA! It was training camp for this prophetic role, crying out to you from the wilderness. A greater STORM is coming, but so is The LORD! May you know GOD IS! He LOVES. A RESCUE MISSION is underway! There is ONE SAFE PLACE—the Heart of our heavenly FATHER. QUESTIONS: How do we enter? Will we Seek GOD's WISDOM...will we accept HIS TRUTH?

3-years later...

(3 = important ideas, Divine perfection/completeness)

Fall 2004 A year+ before I AM called me to Witness TRUTH He sent a messenger

"When you're ready to know TRUTH, just ask GOD to show you, & He will."

Here's the story, Father helped build our home in 2004 when He came to my rescue during my deadline distress meltdown! He drove 2 critical nails for which I had not the strength nor energy to drive into an unseen solid cedar knothole! Father took wise advantage of my weakness to introduce His audible voice & strength. You see, I'd resorted to thrusting sailor talk into the air as I pounded a nail refusing to budge. Suddenly God lay His strong hand atop mine...and with a single, gentle tap drove that nail...full length like melted butter! As the nail slid gracefully into place, Father's loving voice scrolled my head, "GOD is my Father. GOD is my Father." I was awe struck to say the least, but didn't have time to stop & ponder what happened because we had a deadline to meet, & I had to keep moving forward...or so I thought.

A few minutes later, i was up against the same thing! Bad habit quickly took over & I thrust hammer & sailor talk, trying to force another nail into place, again into an unseen solid cedar knot hole. Suddenly, I remembered 'Oh yeah' & forcefully swung my hammer & words, 'GOD IS MY FATHER! GOD IS MY FATHER!' But nothing happened! And so just as I set my lips & mind to say ' was just a fluke', the LORD God took hold of my weak hand once again & with a single gentle tap drove nail #2 full length into place...just like the 1st as if melted butter! And His quiet, still voice scrolled thru my head, "GOD is my Father. GOD is my Father." With those words, I melted like butter onto the floor & had a good cry...& that was my entrance ramp into this Holy Amazing Grace Walk with my Father GOD & the Son He gave for me...apart from when He revealed 9-11 in the sky!

But still, back in August 2001 & again in June 2004, I was wrestling with JESUS being the only way to have a relationship with our Father. I just couldn't quite let go & be that humble. I mean I knew JESUS was awesome! I believed He died for us! I believed He was the One true Son of GOD...born of the virgin Mary. I believed He was buried & rose again & went back to heaven to be with my Father. I knew "JESUS loves me" and knew it was true, or He wouldn't have allowed Himself to suffer for us as He did. But still I couldn't quite grasp 'WHY' I have to go Brother, to talk to my Father. I mean on earth, I go straight to my Dad to talk. I don't have to go through my brother. So even after GOD shown me 9-11 in the sky 20 days before the actual event, and even after He took hold of my hand & drove 2 nails for me, audibly stating "GOD is my Father. GOD is my Father." It took a divine appointment with a bold Jesus freak friend to receive a Spirit-filled word of advice that guided me to knock on my Father's door & ask Him 'why'. You see, we can talk to our Father GOD all day without going thru Y’shua...Jesus, but we can't be forgiven of our sin...& return to His dominion without publicly proclaiming, "YAHSHUA...Jesus is Lord!"

After Father's house...our home was built, my Mom brought her believing friend down to see what 'we'd done'. I'd always called her 'The JESUS lady' & kinda cringed knowing she was coming, but at the same time, I was anxious to have company in our new home. Anyway they hadn't been here long, when we pulled lawn chairs under a big oak tree to sit & talk. Right away, Jane went for the jugular, "So Cindy, where are you with JESUS?" I squirmed in my chair...cringed having known this moment was coming. But all of a sudden, a light bulb went off in my head! "Well, actually I did have a GOD moment!" And proceeded to tell Jane & Mom about the nails I couldn't drive, and the LORD doing it for me twice,...and the words He spoke, "GOD is my Father. GOD is my Father." Surely I glowed brightly, sharing that glorious truth, for I'd experienced the voice of the Living GOD for the 1st time in my life! (And I'd shared my joy by the hand in love "in full 3 part harmony", just as Arlo Guthrie did in Alice's Restaurant when he sang about injustice meeting a blind judge :)

I'd explained how GOD took me by the weary hand to drive nails that wouldn't budge & how He caused them to penetrate the wood like melted butter, saying, "GOD is my Father. GOD is my Father". And believe it or not, Jane laughed! Truly, I was stunned. But just as quickly as she laughed, she added, "Well, when you're ready to know TRUTH, just ask GOD to show you, & He will." Clearly, those words came straight from GOD, instantly diffusing the offense. I thought, 'cool idea'. No pressure. No hard JESUS speech about going to hell. Just simple...good advice. Ask GOD to show you TRUTH, & He will.

And so I did... that question became my heart's cry for the next year +

2005 I Cried to GOD for TRUTH

GOD answered my heart's cry for TRUTH by showing how badly we really need Him. He showed me things about myself & the world that I wasn't really looking for. But I was glad to receive every insight He was willing to share.

Before too long, GOD's Eye view became too much...& my cup broke.

Scripture says, God's ways are not our ways, and it's true because His ways bear perfect fruit!! GOD's way caused me to plummet heart first into despair amid the knowledge that 16,000 children were dying daily for the lack of food & clean water. GOD allowed me to notice that we weren't talking rocket science or incurable disease. And National Public Radio & talk shows & the greatest minds couldn't touch it. So one morning stretched out full long in my big comfy bed...sucking in the early slow rising sun, I mustered up the courage to ask GOD "WHY"? WHY we've got poverty & hunger, death & decay & mothers laying babies in premature graves in this 'His world' of plenty. He answered instantly! It had nothing to do with His shortcomings, but ours.

So after, I finally turned my eyes upward in search of answers to the problems in my heart that GOD exposed; He wrote 5-powerful songs to stretch my mind's eye & wings. He filled me with His Manna; then sent me out the door to serve course one—HIS BRAIN SOUP to college students & faculty as an educator & into coffee houses with Tredway & Friends. The most hard hitting, for me to deliver & the world to digest was "WHY? In A World of Plenty" But I did it.

Father's point-of-view had to be shared. And it's important to know, GOD serves from both sides of the banquet table! For example, the 1st time,

I performed at a Tredway & Friends showcase...INSOMNIA Coffee House,

I found myself moved beyond measure, dining on a hearty slice of show bread "You Should've Seen Him Walking", delivered by Brother Randy Lee Tredway, to eat with Father's hearty brain soup. GOD is so good...and ever faithful.

Scripture says those who are faithful with a little will be given much…

 Luke 16:10 “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.

 Matthew 25:23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good & faithful slave.

You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’


WHY? In a World of Plenty

“I know it’ll sound ungrateful, but still it’s true, I simply had to know WHY so much has been given, for me & you—in this His World of Plenty.” Then the Father said, “I think it’s time for you to climb out of bed & spend more time inside your head. Take a deep think with the face in the mirror & let your glare hang there—In this, My Gift of Plenty!”


GOD is LOVE, “Serve One Another”

Truly, I believed, during a short season of my life—that only parents know how to love sacrificially.

What was my model, for such thinking? Almighty GOD? My own parents? But what about Yeshua?


WHAT if ? I knew where & when

What if I ran into the World Trade Towers 20-days before impact? Declaring, “GOD shown me Death”! You’re all going to die! How would you respond? Laugh? Deny God’s Existence? Think I’m crazy? Well, GOD shown something much worse, coming from the East. I can’t tell you the day & hour, but you   need to turn your Heart’s Cry to GOD. He LOVES & wants You to Seek Him. His Safe REFUGE awaits.