Saved by Grace: A Second Chance by Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel - HTML preview

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Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3)

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img18.pnge lived together in the same yard at No 13 Ukwunna Street, Abakpa, Enugu, which is where we were born. Of all my friends he was the closest to me in age. He was born on 27th November, 1989 and I was born on 1st January of the succeeding year. We were really close, closer than brothers I can say; we even shared the same name - Emmanuel.

We attended the same nursery school. Back then there were little or no daycare facilities. So the kids would stay three or four years at home before going to school. On our first day in school we didn't really want to enter class, because back then, the only ideology about school was that you go there to receive lashes on your buttocks. So as we didn't want to enter class through the door, they carried us in through the window. I remember vividly one day I didn't want to go to school, mum tried everything she could to make me go but I refused, so she flogged me mercilessly and I cried bitterly, but my friend never left my side, he kept saying sorry as we walked slowly to the school in our semi-oversized school uniform with our lunch box and slate (then the nursery pupils used slate and chalk; not pencil and exercise book). At a point on the way, I vomited and told him to go and tell my mum that I vomited. He ran straight to the house and told my mum that I had vomited on the way. I was thankful for the vomit because I hopped mum would come, and say ok, that I was sick, so I should skip school for that day. But when he came back, to my greatest surprise he came alone. He told me that mum said we should use sand to cover the vomit and continue on our journey. I saw that it was a dead end so I wiped my tears, collected from him my lunch box which he had held for me all this while, and we marched to school. I never tried that nonsense again.

We would always stay together as we trusted no other person, and we didn't want any third party. We always watched out for each other and looked for no one's trouble; but if anyone dared look for our trouble, we would give the person double. Of course we had such moments when we would have some misunderstanding that may even lead to fight, but we would make up almost immediately, and that was because I just couldn't play with other kids if he was not there, and same went for him as well, because no one would be there to come to the other's rescue if problem arose.

Our primary school period was not fun because we attended different schools, but then we would always share experiences when we got back from school. Close to the end of our primary school we relocated to Chibuko Street where we live now and they to Amalunweze Street, all in Abakpa. The distance didn't affect our friendship at all for we visited each other almost on daily basis.

We started secondary school together in Modern Ideal College as they later relocated to our street. Uzochukwu was added unto us and we became three friends that stayed together most of the time. Our friendship was unique as we were same height and almost same weight and complexion. We were always seen as one of the least people in class, not because of our age (because we were older than more than half of our class mates), but because of our height then. However, no one crossed our part, at least not intentionally.

At a time we started business in school. We contributed money and we used to buy egg pie then that was sold at the rate of N5 each; which we nicknamed ' achicha ogbo ndu'. We would then take it to school and sell at the rate of N10. Initially a lot of students were buying it from us and we made quite a lot of gains with which we would help ourselves during break period and transport ourselves to and from school. Well, after some time the business crumbled as most of our customers lost interest in taking our achicha ogbo ndu.

Because of how we behaved, how we watched out for each other and never allowed others to join our league, we were given so many names like Paul and Silas, James and John, and of course the famous Aki and Paw-paw (because of the way we would deal with them when they found our trouble). Well, it was fun while it lasted and we 'choputa-d not' as one of my friends would always say. Meaning that we cared less about what others thought about us.

Living close to each other really strengthened our friendship as we would spend our evenings and late nights together. We would talk about a lot of things, make so many plans and tackle so many issues. Most times we argued, but not serious argument anyway, and we did that whenever we had nothing serious to discuss. We developed a lot of codes with which we talked whenever we were in the public places and didn't want others to understand what we were saying; and then we had expressions that guided our actions too. Expressions like like ‘Better late than never’, ‘never say goodbye’, ‘half bread is better than chin-chin’, and so many others.

Most times in the cool evenings we would walk from our street to Liberty Bus Stop, turn back and pass through Edward Nnaji Street and enter our street again through Afia Four. We called it 'strolling', and it was fun. Such moments we wouldn't really have any particular destination, wherever the wave of our discussion blew us, there we would go.

Sometimes in the night when I would go to their house and we would have our normal chats, he would see me off to my house and we would stay for a while, then I would see him off to his house again; we would keep shuttling between his house and mine until we exhausted the discussion we had for the period, and half way between his house and mine we would call it a night.

Back then in school a lot of people were envious of our friendship, and most of them tried their best to join us but they just couldn't cope with our codes, signs and gestures. He was the only person I could tell anything and same went for him. We were just that way. I can't remember the last time we had any serious quarrel, though we always seemed to be on different points of view.

Being someone that always dreamed big he wanted to study astronomy, but we reasoned together and he decided to go for computer science to have a base, after which he could pursue his dream; and I was really glad when he told me he had got an admission at Federal University of Technology, Owerri.

His family, especially his mum was so very fond of us. She was always happy seeing us together and she would always say to other women that we were friends closer than brothers.

He was the second son and third child of the family. Bro. Okechukwu, Oga Isima as I call him is the first son and first child, followed by Aunty Nnenna, and then came my humble friend, who was followed by Chinonso; and of course there is Emma, his nephew. These, including mum (Mrs. Charity Ndubuisi) and dad (Mr. Ndubuisi Okike) make up the Ndubuisi Okike family; such a wonderful family.

When I think about it, it makes me wonder if death was calling my friend all along, or was it just that he had 'a Christian mindset' as he had said earlier. When those posts of his were coming online we didn't really see them as something serious, and up till now I still don't take them serious, because that was not our plan. We planned to grow up, and grow old together, even if we ended up in different parts of the country or even of the world, we would always have a get together of his family and mine.

In March 2014, the following conversation ensued after he posted something quite ridiculous online:

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - The day I die, I wish that 250 selected Hymns and 50 chanted psalms be performed for me and with a 500 man-choir performing the Halleluyah chorus. Then am happy. (March 16, 2014 at 10:20pm)

Iheanyi Emmanuel - Only on one condition. (Mar 17, 2014)

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - @ Iheanyi. Which is? (Mar 17, 2014) Iheanyi Emmanuel - If u die now. My advice? Pls dont. Bt if u wish to, na me go conduct d halleluyah chorus (Mar 17, 2014)

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - No ooh @ Ifeanyi am not dying pls. But atimes we talk of it, it is a necessity we apply when God appoints. (Mar 17, 2014)

Silver Iheanyi - @ ND r u just wishin 4 death? (Mar 17, 2014) Emmanuel Ndubuisi - @ Silva no way me I love my Life. Just being a Christian. Gudpm (Mar 17, 2014)

Iheanyi Emmanuel - Nnaa wat am saying is, if u die now, u did not die early, jst dat u did nt die @ d right time. So pls dont die, time neva reach. We get evangelism 4 Ugwogo oo, trans dey com pick pple 4 liberty by 6.00 pm evry day. (Mar 17, 2014)

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - @ Iheanyi this is how and when u are telling me. Thanks (Mar 18, 2014)

Iheanyi Emmanuel - @ Emma, dis is wen nd hw u've been available 4 d past few days.

Well, just like him I saw that post as a joke and we joked about it. Then in October he posted another one.

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - Friends, only time can tell for everything in life. I want to know if you hear that am dead (God forbid) what would you say about my lifestyle and personality. Let me know it now that am alive for only life can offer one the rare honor called, Another Chance. Am waiting for your response....? (October 17, 2014 at 10:00pm)

That was normal post which I've seen so many people make and comments follow, so to me it wasn't a big deal. But then in November he posted another one.

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - Do you know my pains? You are not here to comfort my sorrows, yet you are there. Good Bye is the only word I have ever hated to hear or say. But, I have to admit it.

Losing some Good Friends. (November 10, 2014 at 10:10am) Well, if after making all those comments and he one day went to sleep and never woke up I would have strongly believed he saw it coming. The only sense I can make out of all these is that he was just being a Christian who should be ready at all times.

He was really expecting his birthday and he commented on it too.

Emmanuel Ndubuisi - Each year I celebrate my birthday it calls for a sober reflection and appraisal for the immediate one year spent.  So, having looked back at the last year of my life on earth. I can summarize it with the 3Rs-REFLECTION; RENAISSANCE; REVOLUTION. The 3Rs occupied my life in this past one year towards my journey to Greatness. I made mistakes,  disappointed some and phantomised some. But, no Regrets all these made me more of a human I am. Am grateful to God for yet chances given to me, in the form of LIFE. November 27 uploading to His Glory. # The - DEFINITION#

The accident we had was such a fatal one that one wouldn't expect a survivor. No one really knew how it happened. Some say the driver was overtaking a big truck while another one was on coming and they hit face to face, (which resulted to the death of at least ten persons), but when I look at the pictures taken at the scene I don't seem to agree with that theory. But then does it matter what one thinks, if putting things together and figuring out how it really happened could bring my friend back then I would do everything possible to figure it out.

I just surrender to the will of the everlasting God for I know it didn't happen without his knowledge. He knew it was going to happen and he allowed it. This simply means that IT WAS TIME. I guess God must have said it is better to take him earlier than to lose him forever. Well, I wouldn't know. We leave it all to God. Maybe one of the reasons why I was spared was because someone had to live to tell the tale, but friend, this is the most difficult tale I've ever had to tell.

There will be no more codes, no more plans, no more strolling. The streets seem to be so quite, it hurts so much that just in a glimpse everything is taken away. I find it hard to believe that the soft drinks we took that Wednesday morning was the last breakfast before the man is taken away, and it is obvious we had the last supper the night we strolled out and drank yoghurt.

One of my codes is 'never say goodbye'; and I guess he didn't want me to break that code; that was why he allowed me sleep all through. And he kept saying I should come and sit beside him that morning, he just wanted us to be together, and he wanted us to fight the war together so that he would fall by my side. Well, I see it as an honour to me, but friend it didn't have to be this way, and definitely not at this time.

The love that existed between us was greater than that which existed between David and Jonathan; so living this life without him is going to be hard, but I will do my best and leave the rest for God. I take consolation on the promise of God in 1 Corinthians 15:52-55 as I dedicate this song to the memory of him, my friend and brother, Ndubuisi Uchechukwu Emmanuel:

“I hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind,

and it's closer now than its ever been;

I can almost hear the trumpet

as Gabriel sounds the call;

At the midnight cry we'll be going home.

I look around me and I see prophesies fulfilling

and signs of the times appearing everywhere

I can almost hear the Father

as He says Son go get my children

At the midnight cry the bride of Christ shall rise

When Jesus steps out

on a cloud and calls God's children

the dead in Christ shall rise to meet him in the air

And then those that remain

Will be quickly changed

at the midnight cry When Jesus comes again”

I just hope that at the midnight cry we will see again -my brother and me.

For those of us that remain, this is just our second chance to do well, let us please use it judiciously, so that when the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more, and that roll is called up yonder, we all will be there. Amen.


"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

(1 Corinthians 15:52-55).