Saved by Grace: A Second Chance by Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel - HTML preview

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"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:1-3).

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img19.png am most grateful to the Almighty God for that mighty deliverance. In Him will I continue to trust, and I pray He will lead me to where He wants me to be. Amen.

I am grateful to the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Enugu as a whole, Nike District in particular and Nike Local Church in earnest.

The Uches of Trans-Ekulu and in fact all the Ekulites, the Anyatonwus of Emene and all the Emenites, the Ufombas of Ugbene and of course all the Ugbenites, the Ekeleme's and the entire Ugwogites, and of course the Aniokes and the entire Amorgites, I thank you all for your prayers and words of hope. Accept my sincere gratitude, and may the Almighty God meet you all at the point of your needs.

In Nike church, we are just like family. Because acknowledging them individually will definitely take more pages so I'll do it collectively. My parents initially didn't know where I was taken to, because the Nikites, as I call them, carried me on their way back from the burial, brought me to the clinic, paid the initial deposit, arranged for food and water, and of course Emeka Nzeadibe (Mekoyo) who slept over for two nights before my parents came back. When Honourable advised that ' ije anyi biara abughi ije eji akupe eje' (meaning that a hand fan would not be able to serve the purpose for which it was gotten), Elder Iyk Alum came back the following morning with a Binatone standing fan. One of the greatest words of encouragement I received all the while I stayed at the clinic came from Elder Iyk. He didn't call on phone to say it, neither was it on any of his frequent visits; it was posted as a comment to one of my posts on facebook. To that post he commented, “We might as well bring you a keyboard, so that you can start playing when you can't sleep at night...lolz. The battle has been won in your Favour, what you are experiencing now is restoration and re-building of affected areas as a result of the war. He that got you this victory understands too well that you need be re-modeled for the work ahead. So espeaklekwe, relax for The Heavenly Host is at work.” I really picked courage from those words.

Elder Chigozie Oriaku visited as often as he could, and he would always call on phone and ask whether I have started using clutches, and when I started using clutches he would always call to know when I would be discharged. When I was finally discharged and I informed him, he came and carried me home. And then he would always call and ask me when I would start coming to church. The day he came to carry me home, I was chatting with someone when he arrived. The person was like 'Ifeanyi what kind of person are you? Look at the caliber of people that come here to visit you', then I replied, 'my dear, I just belong to a good family, they are really a wonderful people; if you want, you can come and join us'.

The day Elder Nwachukwu visited me, I really felt the impact for more than two weeks. The bottled groundnut and cashew nuts he bought, I couldn't finish it anytime soon. And he always called to know how I was doing, though most of the times he called, bad network interfered.

Pastor Israel Adonu visited as often as he could too, and on those visits he offered the most important gift – prayers and counseling.

I think Eld. J. O. Ogbonna was the person that visited me the most; there was no week that passed by without him coming at least twice to check on me. Even when his son had a dislocation during December period, when one should expect that he ceased visiting for some time, he kept on coming, and for that I say, thank you very much Sir.

Like I said, I cannot begin to mention their names one after another, because no one was left out in the kind gesture. They visited in groups and alone, and even if I had said they should stop bringing food and fruits, I knew it would have fallen on deaf ears, so I didn't bother mentioning it. People like Mrs. Chinwe Chinedu would breeze in and breeze out, leaving a lot of enjoyable delicacies for my consumption. There were so many things to eat but so little appetite. If I was the kind of person prone to obesity, I guess a fork lift machine would have been hired to take me in and out of the room because of how obese I would have become due to the abundant food and drink that were available for my consumption. When the youths came to see me one Saturday afternoon, they sang and prayed for me, and they gave me a purse. Wow, I least expected that, but I received it with thanks anyway. The deaconry, led by Eld. Iheanyi James, also came to see me, and I felt the impact of their visitation. The day the women came, everybody in the compound knew some people came around. They sang and sang and sang, people were watching from the windows and doors to know the people singing, it was such a wonderful experience.

Emeka Nzeadibe. He is more of a brother than a friend and he proved it at that period. He always came around after spending the first two nights in the bone setting clinic with me, and we chatted often on whatsapp when I got my phone back. We have been together since he came to Enugu and he has been there for me as an elder brother, a friend, a mentor in so many capacities and in music especially. When he told me he was closer to getting a job at Babcock University, I did not pray for him not to get the job, neither did I pray for him to; I was just neutral. I knew if he eventually got the job, distance would take him from me as he was the closest person to me after Uche, and I had just lost Uche. However, I called on the heavenly Father and said, 'Lord, let thy will be done in Emeka's life. Well, God had his way and he got the job, and we all rejoiced with him even though we were going to miss him. I am thankful that he is alive somewhere a bit far, we can always communicate on phone, whatsapp, facebook etc. Chukwudi Isiguzo would always make me laugh with his funny exaggerations, and he was among the first set of people that were carrying me to the theatre, him and Mekoyo, and then came my brother Chinwendu, and My big cousin Dede Israel, then Elder Ekeleme Osondu. But later I needed help no longer, because I started using my clutches. I condole with you my brother Chukwudi, and the entire Isiguzos, for the loss of your wife and mother. The day I visited her when I came back, the whole neighbourhood got to know I came, and she so much wanted to serve food to me, if only she was fit at that moment. Well, the Lord gave, and He took away when He wanted to. We hope to meet again to part no more when Christ shall come.

Eld. Osondu Ekeleme and my big cousin Mr. Israel Alfred (Dede Israel), I am thankful to you two for leaving all you had to do and always came around to help me out on those moments when I called on you. Those moments when you two would haul me up, one person on each of my sides, and then carry me to the 'house of pain' as I called the theatre; and waited behind to haul me back.

Thank you so much, and may God bless you immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine.

One of the days I will never forget was the day I received a presidential visit.

Anonymous : The president visited you? Wow! That's awesome.

Me : Well, yes the president of Enugu Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church visited me and it was awesome as you said. At that time it was Enugu Ebonyi Conference. However, it was not the first time I received a presidential visit.

Anonymous : Do you mind telling me about it?

Me : Sure, why not? It was one Sunday morning, such a lovely day and the sun was shining bright. A gentle breeze, though coming from a standing fan, was blowing my way, and I was having a very sweet early morning sleep because I didn't sleep well the night before. I didn't hear the president walk into the room so I wouldn't know how long they had stayed in the room before I opened my eyes. But I know I felt uncomfortable and it was like I heard a voice say to me ' enyia si n'ura ahu bilie now' (my friend, get up from that sleep now), then I opened my eyes and beheld the President, Pastor (Dr.) O. Pu Nwankpa and his first son Pastor 'sake' standing there beside my bed. You might wonder what kind of name is 'sake', well, that's what he calls me, and that's because we bear the same name (Ifeanyi). It simply stands for 'name sake'. He asked how I was doing and I gave a positive answer. He felt the broken leg, arm and finger and said, 'kpele'. I know what it means so I was not confused, but I was rather surprised because I didn't expect to hear it from him. I was actually expecting to hear it from the one and only person whom prior to that moment ever said it to me; it was Pastor Sake standing right beside the president. I didn't expect him to stay with me the whole day so after a few discussion and counseling, he prayed for me, gave me something nice and they left.

Anonymous : Ok. But you said that was not the first time you received a presidential visit, I really don't get it. Does it mean another president had visited you before?

Me : Hahahahaha. That's not what I meant. What I was trying to say is that prior to that day I had received countless visits from the presidential family, and you know when a member of the presidential family visits you, it is also a presidential visit. Or is it not?

Anonymous : Of course it is.

Me : Yea. Pastor Sake visited me as often as it was possible for him. Sometimes he would come with his siblings Chinyere and Confidence, and you would always hear countless 'kpeles'.

Shepherdess too visited me. The first time she came she was really in a hurry so she didn't stay for long; but the second time she came, I really felt the impact of a presidential visit. She stayed much longer and thrilled us with stories which she later made me understand were not meant for my entertainment but to cheer me up. She brought udara which of course I consumed immediately, and then Moi-Moi, and Zobo drinks. I met your expectation as regards doing justice to all those things she brought. You don't get such gestures all the time, do you?

Anonymous : No comments.

Me : I thought as much. Well, it's not such a big deal for the presidential family, that is just their way, and you can ask around if you think I'm lying. Like a good shepherd, he is making sure that even the smallest of his sheep is being accounted for.

I will not forget what Eld. Ugochukwu Nzeadibe did one of the days he came to see me at home. I didn't sleep well the previous night of that fateful day, and in the day time I still found it difficult to sleep. I applied all the tactics and methods I knew to conjure sleep but none of them worked. So I just lay on the couch, faced the wall clock and started counting time. Well, the time counting worked and I fell asleep after quite some time. I heard a voice, that voice that woke me up when the President came to see me in the clinic; it came again and in its normal command said ' enyia, si n'ura ahu bilie now' (my friend, wake up from that sleep now). When that voice talks, I hesitate not. So I woke up only to see Eld. Ugochukwu Nzeadibe standing near me, he had just dropped a note on my hand and was about to go. We greeted and he sat down and we talked. He made me understand that he had been there for a while, and went against all advice to wake me up. It was as if he knew I needed that sleep at the moment, so he waited for that length of time. I looked at the time and realized that it was about an hour and half from the last time I remembered counting, and then I saw the note he placed on my hand (the content of the note is better left at your imagination). I really appreciate that kind gesture Sir, and I pray the Almighty God to bless you immeasurably more than you ask or imagine, even as you lent me your laps for my head, and the occasional visits you did with your family to the clinic where I was, and of course the note.

I'll like to extend my gratitude to my good friends Nma Splendid and Dika as I fondly call them, and a host of others from Enugu and Enugu South Districts respectively; I really appreciate your visits and words of encouragement. Of course I will not forget the Nsukka youths whom on their way back from a one night youth program came to see me one beautiful Sunday morning. After a little chat with me, we sang a hymn and Chinenye prayed a powerful prayer, and they left.

I cannot thank enough the tenants of 13 Chibuko Street, Abakpa-Nike, Enugu where I live with my parents and siblings, they really were daring and made a lot of loving sacrifice for us. They contributed some money to pay part of the hospital bill and most of them visited me also. And even when I came back to the house they always checked up on me and Mma Nneka to know how we were doing, and would always offer to help us out in any way they could. Chinaza and Ebube were my errand boy and girl until they relocated to another street, then came Kamsi, Kosi and in fact all the children in my yard, God bless and keep you all. My gratitude greatly goes to my friend Amarachi who always made out time to come and stay with me almost on daily basis. She really made my stay at home much easier as I had someone to talk with all the time. She always came around to cheer me up and update me on school stuff as we attend the same school.

Ozohaji Bone Setting Clinic: Well, when I look at and feel my leg, then I look back and see what it used to be, and what it has become through your collective and relentless effort, I'll simply thank God for you, and pray God to continue to use you people to heal the broken parts of people; equally as He heals any brokenness in your lives and in the lives of your loved ones, family and friends. However, one thing remaineth, well two things actually. One is the environment, and of course the other one too, I bet you know the one I'm talking about. But in all things, you people really did great, more grease to your elbows.

I will not fail to mention The Daughters of Divine Love Publishing Firm, we call it Divine Love Publications (DLP), Enugu, and that is where I work as a graphic designer. One might find it hard to believe that a Sabbatherian, a Seventh-day Adventist for that matter would be working in a firm belonging to the Catholics, especially one run by nuns. Well it isn't such a big deal, it depends on personalities. For somebody like me, it's nothing. I just see them as normal human beings like me, and we get along very well. However, they did something astonishing the period I had the accident. Don't worry it's not something bad, it's actually something quite interesting. Did you know that all through the period I stayed in the clinic and at home since I had the accident, my position in the office was reserved for me without being replaced by someone else? Well I guess you didn't know, and you might find it hard to believe, but it is the truth. Even when I got a laptop and requested that they give me some jobs so that I could work at home in order to justify the position preserved for me, the MD, Sr. Chiemeka said to me, 'Ifeanyi, get well first'. Well, I don't know how long I'll serve when I recover, but I promise I will give you my best. So I say a very big thank you to Srs. Chiemeka, Edidiong (who fed me Fio-Fio and yam one of the days they came visiting) and Chinenye, Aunties Chinwe, Anthonia and Doris, and then Teacher July (please her real name is Juliet, so I suggest you call her that); Oluchi and the rest of the students, and of course Oga Chukwudi. Chioma and Oga Emma used to be staff too, but Oga Emma left in search of greener pastures, and Chioma went to Afikpo for higher education. My prayer is that God will meet you all at the point of your needs. Amen.

Tenants of 36 Obiagu Road, I am grateful to you all as well. Thank you for being there for the patients. Only God will reward you all the way He deems fit.

For those that couldn't come around to visit me at the clinic and at home, but called on phone to wish me quick recovery, and even those that did not call, but prayed for me in their quit time, and even those that neither visited, called nor prayed, God will bless all of you abundantly. And my prayer is that none of you would encounter such situations, Amen.

Even you that are reading this book now, you are appreciated too. God bless you for making out time to read through the chapters of this book. I urge you to make sure that you don't read alone. If you find yourself in the groups above or below that have been appreciated, then that means you are receiving double appreciation, and God will bless you more.

My nuclear family, Dad, Mum, Dede, Ng, Ihy, and of course Granny, I owe it all to you, and I promise by God's grace I will pay with interest, just be patient with me.

To the Igwes, I thank you all for your understanding that it was just the will of God that happened, and we appreciate your efforts, both financially and otherwise, in making sure that your mother was adequately taken care of. My sincere gratitude goes to the extended family and friends of the Igwes too who contributed money for her treatment, and those who contributed prayers too, God will reward you all mightily, and He will spare you such occurrences in your nuclear and extended families. Amen. Once again, thank you all for your understanding.

My sincere condolence and gratitude goes to the entire members of Eziogo compounnd, Ama Nna Agwu Village, Arochukwu L.G.A, Abia State, the entire members of the St. Peter's Presbyterian Church as a whole, Abakpa-Nike Parish in particular, and the Ndubuisi Okike's family in earnest for your understanding that no one had a hand in the unfortunate incident that claimed the life of one of you. He was my brother and friend, and a member of yours, so we will miss him much. I pray that God the Almighty will give us the fortitude to bear the loss, and provide one who will do better the things that he was supposed to do for us. I know how you feel. I know you already know but I still want to tell you that I feel worse than you do. So let us console one another and surrender to the will of the Almighty.

The PYPAN Enugu, I condole with you for the loss of a very important member of yours, and I thank you as well for your understanding. May God Almighty strengthen you all and provide someone who will serve His purpose well and better than “Elder” as some of you do call him. Accept my condolence as I accept yours.

I cannot forget the words my friend’s mum Mrs. Charity Ndubuisi told me one day when I went to see her. She said: “I have set my mind to sing again”. She also said that we do not need to be angry at God, so that He too will not get angry at us and leave us alone. I felt so relieved hearing those words from her; and just like her, I too have set my mind to sing again.

When I look at everything that happened back then, and the caliber of people that lost their lives in that bus, of which I am almost the least, then I just conclude on one thing – I'M JUST A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE.

If you know the song, join me as we sing:

If you could see what I once was,

 if you could go with me

back to where I started from,

then I know you would see

A miracle of love that took me

in its sweet embrace

And made me what I am today -

just an old sinner saved by grace

How could I boast on anything-

I've ever seen or done?

How could I dare to claim as mine

the victories God has won?

Where would I be had God not

brought me gently to this place?

I'm here to say I'm nothing but

a sinner saved by grace

I'm just a sinner saved by grace

When I stood condemned to death

He took my place

Now I live and breathe in freedom

with each breath of life I take

I'm loved and forgiven,

And backed with a living

I'm just a sinner saved by grace

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." (Psalm 100:4-5).