Saved by Grace: A Second Chance by Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel - HTML preview

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img33.pngife is full of uncertainties. One wakes up in the morning, plans his/her day, but life situations most times turn the plans around. This was the case of the author of this book in your hand. As the news that has led to this book got to us, and knowing that the yearly gathering of God's people (camp meeting) was in few weeks, one of the things that caused some of us much worry was not that he will be absent in the programme but that he will not sing with the Nike District Choir whom prior to this time has enjoyed and taken full part in their rehearsals. Be that as it may, the greatest consolation was that his life though critically threatened by the devil, was preserved by God.

Brian Tracy was the one who said, “For every difficulty that supposedly stops a person from succeeding, there are thousands who have had it a lot worse and succeeded anyway. So can you”. The author is not the first to have experienced such thing as discussed in this book but what makes the difference was the peculiar way the Lord intervened.

As I visited him one of the days while on the sick bay, the words I spoke to him was the incident the children of Israel faced in the hands of the Philistines in 1 Samuel chapter 4-7, with specially emphasis in verse 12 of chapter 7 which reads thus, “then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, 'thus far has the Lord helped us'”. As you go through this book, you will discover that “Ebenezer” as was used by Samuel, is also applicable to the author of this book.

When I touched the broken legs and beheld the stitches on his face, I could not help but say “Ebenezer”. When one considers the situation as narrated in this book concerning the author's deliverance, all we need do is to proclaim as Samuel did, “thus far has the Lord helped us”. If it has not been for the Lord, the story would have been different but praise God, for His hands of deliverance.

In situation like this, lots of human imaginations quickly come to mind, but in all we can say, “Ebenezer”. Though the author did not embark on that journey with the entire family for reason already explained in this book, one can still say, “Ebenezer”. Though a dear friend was lost in the incident, but we can look back and say, “Ebenezer”.

Though the journey to the village was not realized, one can still say, “Ebenezer”. Though the anticipated burial was not attended after the incident encountered by the author, one can still say, “Ebenezer”. Though the devil threatened the life of the author, one can still proclaim, “Ebenezer”. Though there were delays at home, and in the park before the journey, one can still say, “Ebenezer”.

In life, we are being given a second opportunity to make some amendments of our activities while living. We need to utilize every opportunity that comes our way and that's why Dale Carnegie says, “Take a chance! All life is a chance…”. Be encouraged as you go through this book, having in mind that God never forsakes His own.