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Flirting Tips


1. Know the purpose of flirting.


Flirting is playful in nature, which is practiced by a person in order to express his or her interest in another individual, either romantically or sexually. There are ways to flirt subtlety and there are also ways of flirting that can be obvious at times. You can flirt with the use of your eyes, body language, touch, tone of your voice, or a combination of the mentioned behaviors.


2. Prolonging eye contact.


Whether you are talking to someone or looking at someone at a distance, prolonging eye contact can send the message that you are interested in her. It should be noted though that maintaining eye contact should only be done to some extent. Do not overdo it, especially if you are looking at another person across the bar, since it can make her uncomfortable.


3. Smile.


Smiling sends all the right messages, and people love to look at a person who has a pleasant and happy face. This is the reason why smiling is one of the most effective tools, when it comes to flirting. With that, if you are interested in a person, you should smile, so that you would appear approachable and ready for a conversation.


4. Asking questions.


Asking questions and showing the other person that you are interested in his answers is one of the best ways to flirt. It would make him feel good that you are interested in his experiences, opinions, likes, as well as dislikes. Make sure that you listen to his answers though, so that it would become effective.


5. Touch playfully.


Poking, playfully punching the guy, or playing with the girl’s jewelry is a way to get closer to the other person without overdoing it. These playful touches are subtle ways to flirt without being openly sexual. Choose the proper timing though, so that your actions would not come as inappropriate.


6. Get closer to your guy and break away.


If you want to flirt with your guy and you want to send a cue that you are ready for a kiss, then you should try to get closer to him. Briefly look at his lips and break away from him, to tease him a little. By sending out this message, he would know that you are waiting for him to make the first move for a kiss.


7. Choose songs for flirting.


While you are listening to the radio or through your music CD collections, try to identify songs that can make you more confident to flirt. By doing this, you would have the confidence to flirt with any person that you are interested in, once you hear one of the songs. Choose songs that you really like and are lively, so that you can also become more energetic.


8. The right earrings for flirting.


There are different types of earrings that you can wear today. However, if you want to wear something that can enhance your capability of flirting with a guy, then you should wear dangling earrings. This is because, these types of earrings can make a guy notice your neck’s smooth curves. This is a subtle way to show some skin and it is pretty effective too.


9. Watch more movies about love.


Movies that are about love usually start with a guy meeting a girl at the first time. During this stage, you can actually see lots of techniques in flirting, which are executed by the actors of the film. Take note of them, since these are well thought of by the directors and script writers.


10. Keep a few candies or gums inside your purse.


Whenever you go out, most likely, you would bring a purse or a small bag with you. To make it easier to catch a guy’s attention and start a conversation with him, you can always ask him if he wants a candy or a gum. This is a very good icebreaker, and it is not too obvious that you like to get to know him better.


11. The bump method.


If you are at a crowded party, and you want to spark up a conversation with a particular guy, then you can use the bump method for it. All you have to do is to run into the guy, and apologize to him by being too clumsy. Smile while you are talking to him, and introduce yourself.


12. Compete with the other person.


Competing against each other can set off sexual signals between the two of you. You can challenge the other person to play darts, a game of pool, a card game, or even wager on something. By doing this, you won’t just have fun with one another, but it can also bring you closer to each other.


13. Don’t become tensed.


Being tensed and crossing your arms is not a good way to start flirting with another person. With that, you need to maintain a smooth body language, so that your flirting would become more effective. While doing that, you can lead towards him and try to imitate his body language subtly.


14. Flirting is fun.


Flirting is something that is fun, which is why it is not a good idea to take it too seriously. When you take it too seriously, your expectations may become too high, which can get you disappointed in the end. By doing it for fun, your flirting would bring out positive effects, since you would come across as a confident person who simply wants to have some enjoyment.


15. Don’t forget to give compliments.


Compliments can get you anywhere as far as flirting effectively is concerned. Everyone loves to receive compliments, which is why it is one of the best ways to spark up a good conversation with another person. Just make sure that your compliments are not too personal and that they are genuine.


16. Not all flirting efforts work.


Always remember that there may be times when a person may respond negatively or reject your flirting. Whenever that happens, the best thing to do is to walk away, and look for another opportunity or another person to flirt with. Don’t try to persist, since a negative response does not mean that the other person is just playing hard to get.


17. Only flirt with a person that you are interested in.


It is not a good idea to flirt with someone whom you are not interested in going on a date with. This is because, it can lead him or her on; and, it would not be a pleasant experience for the person when you turn them down. Thus, make sure that you are applying your flirting skills only to those you want to date.


18. When someone flirts with you and you are not interested.


There may be times when a person that you are not interested in flirts with you. When this happens, there is no need to do something that can insult the person. All you have to do is to make up an excuse or simply walk away, in order to send out the message that you are not interested.


19. Go on spontaneous dates.


Going on spontaneous dates with the person you really like is a good way to be with him. To do this, you can simply ask him if he wants to accompany you to the nearest ice cream shop, and do it in a way that he won’t be able to say no. By doing this, you can spend more time with him, and apply your flirting skills while you are enjoying your ice cream.


20. Tease a guy you just met.


In meeting a guy for the first time, in most cases, he would try to tell you his first name first. When he does that, try to make him repeat himself by indicating that you were not able to catch it the first time. When you do this, he would repeat himself and lean towards you. Once he does that, give him a smile, to indicate that you are joking. This would be a good ice breaker, which could result to an interesting conversation later on.


21. Practice your flirting skills.


There are lots of ways that you can practice your flirting skills. For one, you can do it while you are eating at a restaurant, and you see a beautiful girl at a distance. Whether you plan on getting to know the other person or not, practicing your skills can boost your confidence, which can help you in talking to the girl that you really like.


22. What to do when you are interested in a guy across the bar.


When you spot a guy that you are interested in across the bar, one of the best ways to get his attention is to look at him. Let him catch you looking at him and smile before looking away, to send the right message across. By doing this, he can see it as a go signal to approach you.


23. Build up your confidence.


You have to take note that in order for your flirting efforts to pay off, you have to have self-confidence. One of the best ways to build up your confidence is to wear clothes that really suits you well. Aside from that, you can also aim to become fitter. Boost your confidence, so that you won’t have second thoughts in flirting.


24. Signs that the other person is flirting with you.


Aside from learning about different ways to flirt, it is also essential to know the signs that would tell you that the other person is flirting. Some of the signs to look out for would be touching her hair, increased eye contact, sitting or standing closer to you, touching you, laughing at your corny jokes, and such. By recognizing these signs, it would make you more effective on how to react to it, especially if you also like the other person.


25. Make sure to flirt only in appropriate places.


There are places that are appropriate to flirt with another person in, and there are also those that are not. Some of the places that you can apply your flirting skills in would be in nightclubs, parties, and in informal events. On the other hand, you should refrain from flirting when you are at a funeral or inside the church.


26. Show your interest.


Whenever the other person is talking about his or her experiences, you should show genuine interest in it. To do that, you have to indicate that you are listening attentively by asking follow up questions or by saying something related to his or her story. By doing that, your date would be encouraged to continue talking.


27. Memorize some jokes.


Memorizing great jokes can actually go a long way, when it comes to impressing a person that you just met. Practice telling your jokes to your friends, in order to see if they are really funny. Keep in mind though that telling a joke that is so bad can also come out as good at times.


28. How to send out a signal that you want to kiss the guy.


There may be times when your guy is not confident enough to kiss you, or he is just too focused talking to you that he may not be able to think about kissing you. To send out a signal about this, you can actually touch your teeth or your lips with your tongue, while looking at him. This is something that is simply irresistible to most guys, which is why it works most of the time.


29. Know the difference between flirting and sexual harassment.


Flirting are playful methods of letting the other person know that you are interested in him or her. Making comments that are sexual in nature, or touching another person inappropriately, may make the other person lose interest in you. Aside from that, it can even be considered as sexual harassment, which can put you in big trouble.


30. Don’t try to immediately achieve lots of things with flirting.


When it comes to flirting, you have to go slowly with it, so that you can also see if the other person is really interested in you or not. Learn about the signals of flirting, and watch the other person’s body language. If he or she shows signs that they are interested, then that is the time to take the next step, which is to ask them on a date.


31. Wearing red clothing.


Studies show that most men are attractive to red clothing, especially when it is worn effectively. Thus, if you don’t have red clothes, then it is time to buy some of them and try it out on your next night out. By wearing red, it would make you look hotter to the other person, aside from the fact that you would also become more confident, knowing that it attracts most men.


32. Spray some of your favorite perfume at the back of your neck.


Whenever you are on a date with a guy you really like, one of th