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Gardening Tips


1. Getting started with gardening.


Before you start with gardening, you need to make sure that you are going to have the time in taking care of your plants. Growing your plants requires tending loving care, and there are lots of things involved in it. Thus, check if you would be able to come up with an effective daily schedule first, before you start planting the seeds.


2. Acquiring the necessary materials.


When you start gardening, there are certain materials that you would need such as a rake, pots, shovel, and such. Thus, it is best if you gather all the materials first, so that you would be able to start with your gardening in a smoother way. If you need to purchase some of them, make sure that you visit reputable stores for it, so that you can be assured of their quality.


3. Making a plan.


Make a plan for your gardening. Your plan should include the kind of space that you would need for your plants. Aside from that, it should also involve the steps that you want to take, so that you would have something to refer to from time to time. Making a plan and following it should get you started on the right path when it comes to gardening.


4. Choosing the right plants.


When you are about to start with your gardening, do not forget to decide on the plants that you want to have in it. Whether you want vegetables, herbs, or flowers in your garden, it is best that you choose the ones that you really want, so that you would be motivated in caring for them. Gather more information about what various plants can offer to you, so that you can decide better.


5. Tell your friends.


It is best if you tell your friends about your plans in gardening. This way, they may be able to provide you helpful information such as where to purchase seedlings, where to buy gardening materials, and such. Aside from that, it can also entice them to have their own gardens at their backyards.


6. Focus on cleanliness.


Once you have already set up your garden and have started planting, it is best to focus on maintaining its cleanliness. If the surrounding is clean, you can ensure that your plants would be safe from lots of bugs and other pests. Aside from that, it would also help you work better when the environment is clean.


7. Do not forget to check the soil condition.


Learning about how to check for the condition of your soil can be done through research. However, if you do not have the luxury of time to do that, you can always find experts that can help you with it. By checking the condition of your soil, you would be able to take the necessary steps in order to ensure that your plants would grow as healthy as they can be.


8. Do organic gardening.


Lots of people today practice organic gardening for a lot of reasons. It is best that you follow them, especially if you are planting fruits and vegetables. This is because, if you are planning to sell some of your produce, then you would benefit from the fact that most people today would prefer vegetables and fruits that are organically grown. Aside from that, if it’s for your own consumption, then you won’t be putting yourself at risk to the side effects caused by chemicals.


9. Using mulch.


Mulch is a covering, which you can place over the soil in order to reduce erosion, retain more moisture, prevent the growth of weed, and provide more nutrients. Thus, it is a good practice to make use of it on your flower beds, vegetable patch, and such. Doing this would help you save more water, provide your plants with more nutrients, and keep pests away.


10. The importance of keeping your soil healthy.


You should always remember that the soil in your garden, is one of the vital sources of life of your plants. Thus, keeping it healthy would also help in keeping your plants as healthy as they can. On top of that, when you are able to maintain the soil effectively, it would also make your plants tougher in fighting off diseases, and it can keep pests away.


11. Getting rid of aphids.


If you notice aphids on the leaves of your plants, it is best to take care of it immediately. One way to do that is to spray the leaves with soapy water, which you have to rinse off after a while. This practice should take care of the aphids. Aside from that, it can also encourage lady bugs to hang out in your garden, which is good.


12. Avoid chemical fertilizers.


When you use fertilizers made out from synthetic chemicals, then you are not doing organic gardening. Thus, it is a good idea to avoid them as much as you can. To provide your plants with the nutrients that it need though, what you can do is to make your own compost, which is more effective, safe, and economical.


13. Make your garden more attractive.


When you make your garden more attractive, you would be adding more value to your property. Aside from that, it can also make you more motivated in working in it. To achieve that, you can do some landscaping for it. This you can do on your own, or seek the advice of a landscaping specialist.


14. Planting trees.


If you are planning to plant trees in your garden, you should think about it for some time first. This is because, trees can grow so tall, and take up so much space in your garden. Aside from that, since they are bigger than most plants, they can also absorb most of the nutrients from the soil, which are also needed by the other plants.


15. Choosing the plants to grow.


Properly choosing the plants that you want to grow in your garden is very important. Although you want to select those that you really want to see in your backyard, you should also consider the general climate of your place, such as the amount of rain fall per year, the temperature, and such. By doing that, you can ensure that you would be able to choose plants that would easily thrive at your place.


16. Do not forget your budget.


When you are in the process of making up a plan for your gardening, you should not forget to include your budget in it. You should not forget to consider how much you would be willing to spend for your plants, in accordance to your overall monthly budget. Aside from that, you should also consider that there may be times in the year, when your garden would require more from you. By doing this, you can properly determine the kind of size you want your garden to have.


17. Shopping for your gardening needs.


When you step out of your place to purchase the things you need for your gardening, do not forget to make a list for it. Shopping for your gardening needs is similar to visiting the grocery. Thus, coming up with a list would make your shopping experience more pleasant and effective. It also ensures that you stay within your budget, as well as purchase all the things you need.


18. Sharing is better.


If you check out the costs of the supplies that you need for your garden, you would realize that the bigger their packages are, the better the price. Thus, it is a good idea to buy them in bulk. If you think that you can’t use them all, then you can always have someone split it with you. By doing that, you and your friend would be able to enjoy the savings.


19. The benefits of trees.


Trees can offer you lots of benefits, especially during the summer. Trees can offer you the shade that you need during that time of the year. Aside from that, it can also act as protection for your plants. If you decide to plant trees though, make sure that you have ample space for them when they grow tall and big.


20. Purchasing expensive garden equipment.


There are certain equipment for your garden, which may come pricey, such as lawnmowers. However, in most cases, you may only need them once in a while. Thus, it is best if you split their costs with a friend or a neighbor. You can also take turns in storing them. By doing that, you won’t have to pay much for the tools, and you won’t get bothered in thinking that you are not using them much.


21. Check your tools every 6 months.


Checking your tools on a periodic basis, such as every quarter or every 6 months can help a lot. It is wise to constantly check those tools that you make use of on a regular basis, since they are most likely to get worn out first. By doing all these, you would ensure that your tools are always in good condition, and you can easily replace those worn out ones immediately.


22. Don’t hesitate planting herbs.


Planting herbs can offer you with a lot of benefits. Most herbs are actually easier to take care of, than other plants. Aside from that, most of them would also improve the image of your garden. More importantly, most herbs can be used as home treatments for different types of ailments, and they can also help in improving your cooking skills.


23. Don’t forget the flowers.


Whether you want to plant fruits and vegetables or herbs, it is also a good idea to plant some flowers. A few spots of attractive and well grown flowers in different parts of your garden, can go a long way, as far as beautifying your garden is concerned. Choose the right color combinations, to maximize their effects.


24. Making compost.


When you make compost, it is best to dig just below the surface, and not make it too deep. There are lots of things that you can use for it. In most cases though, it is best if you use dead plants for it, such as dead stems, dead lives, dead roots and such. Maintain your compost properly, so that your plants can really benefit from it.


25. Don’t worry about earthworms.


If you see a bunch of earthworms in your garden while you are working on it, then you should be happy. This is because the presence of earthworms confirms that the soil where your plants are situated is healthy. This is because earthworms keep the soil fertilized, which can make your plants happy.


26. Planting a tree properly.


In planting a tree, you should make sure that you are going to dig a hole that is deep enough for it. It is also best if you provide it with a tree guard, especially on the first few days after planting it. On top of that, it is also important not to make the edges of the hole you are planting it in too smooth or square, as this can make root penetration more challenging for it.


27. It is best to diversify.


There are some people who may only plant one type of vegetable or plant into their garden. Although this is not bad practice, it is actually better if you diversify and plant a good variety of vegetables or plants in your garden. This is because it brings you closer to what a natural setup would be, which would encourage beneficial insects to visit it.


28. Planting plants out of plastic containers.


If you are going to use seedlings or plants that have been grown out of plastic containers, you may have to rip the roots just a bit once you transfer them to the ground. This is because, at some point in time, they may have already attached their roots unto the walls of the containers. Thus, you need to remove them gently, so that you won’t get their roots damaged.


29. Getting rid of weeds.


The best time to get rid of weeds is prior to planting your fruits, vegetables, or flowers. Aside from that, it is important to remove their roots, so that they won’t grow back. However, if they still manage to grow after you planted your fruits and vegetables, you can use vinegar in removing them. Using vinegar is effective, and it won’t harm the environment.


30. Ground covers.


There are different types of ground covers that you can use for your lawn or your garden. Aside from grass, some of which would include vines, shrubs, and herbs. Using alternative ground covers in your garden can make it more interesting, and prevent it from looking boring.


31. Don’t forget about free stuffs.


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