The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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I must mention this topic. If but if you are planning go in Dubai, please learn a few laws. Because of breaking one you will go in prison or being deported. So laws that are different from other cultures are:

  • In Dubai you cannot kiss girl on street or beach, or hold hands. One British couple was sentenced for one-month penalty for kissing. Other couple for having sex in taxi was sentenced for 3-month prison and deportation.
  • It is also forbidden to take pictures of women.
  • Extramarital sex is forbidden and adultery is breaking the law
  • Homosexuality is forbidden
  • If woman is not near beach or swimming pool it is rude if her clothes is short or sexy
  • Man’s cannot wear shorts or walk without T-shirt
  • Drinking alcohol on public places is forbidden. You can only drink in hotels and clubs with a permit
  • Making photos of government buildings is forbidden
  • During Ramadan visitors cannot eat, drink or smoke on public places. Loud music and live music are also forbidden.

These are just a few of the laws in Dubai. Be careful if you are driving car after drinking one beer, and not paying bills. You can end in jail.