The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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But what they do in free time? Ladies? We’ll all of them are married and adultery is breaking a law?

“All of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Zayed Khalifa’s forty wives got their period at the exact same time,” various Arab media are reporting. In what is being described as one of the most unfortunate events in recent UAE history, the PMS calendars of the Sheik’s wives became synchronized and created a terrible headache for everyone involved. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Zayed Khalifa, one of the richest men in the United Arab Emirates, first heard about the disaster from his eunuch, sources within the palace report. In the meantime, the troubled man managed to answer a few quick questions from media representatives.

“Back when I only had two wives I could maybe handle a couple of mood swinging, bloated, depressed, angry and resentful chocolate-eating monsters at a time, but with just one more than that you’re as good as dead. I was convinced that this would never happen with all forty of them at the same time – I mean, what are the odds?” Palace representatives said that the harem would be put under quarantine for the next several days in order to avert a greater catastrophe, and that the Sheikh would do the same thing any other man would do in similar circumstances, “hide somewhere until it all passes. “

Another interested story is from Nivin EL-Gamal. She meet Sheik Saeed bin Maktoum al Maktoum and here is their story.


Nivin El-Gamal is now his first lady. Thats she tought. They were dating for 3 years. When they start sleeping together Gamal was upset, because it was forbidden in muslim reigion. But in that perion id was perfect. She often says how she will jump from a bridge if he ask her for that. Thats love…They relationship was doing perfect until one day when Gamal had lunch with Sheik Saeed friend. He told here that Sheik have secret wife and daughter in Lybia. At first she denied, also and Sheik denied. But everything was clear wen she found lipstick on his pillow. Gamal then left him. But in 2006, after months of resisting his advances, the offer of marriage into the Dubai royal family won Gamal over. In January 2007 she married Maktoum in a secret Islamic ceremony. She countinue living in London. Her huspand payed her $15.000 and they were together once in two months. In 2008 she got pregnant. Soon as Gamal read test she called her husband and told him that they should marriage in public. He accepted. When Gamal went in Dubai, she had unplesent welcoming. Sheik cousins said that he must marry other woman and she is already dating her. After that Gamal return to London where had born baby  Sheik never saw his child.
