The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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I asked you earlier, what is reason of big difference beetwen rich and the rest of population? Did they worked much more als we do, or they know something that we don’t? Well I belive it is second one. Rich people know and use many holes in system. That allows them to make big fortune fast. What are these holes? One of them is bank accounts. If you open account in bank in your country or near your country government will know of your earnings and make you pay taxes. There is several kinds of taxes. But we are interested in:

  • Income tax. It means that you pay a few % of your mountly earing to the country. If you make big profit you pay a loot. If you make small profit you pay less. Income tax depends of a country. But roughly it is from 20%-40%. So imagine how much money people from above are paying, or schould pay.
  • Property tax. It means that youu are paying for all that you have. House, yach and etc. For example house tax depends from, how big that house is, place where is located and sorounding area. You cannot avoid not to pay this.
  • Corporate tax means that your company must pay % of earnings. It is 23%.

So imagine rich man, earning a few millions per year. Imagine how much money he must gave to the country. Deppending from country it will be 40%-60%. It is a loot. So rich people have found a fay to overcome this. They place money on remote accounts, in distant countries. It that way their country cannot see how big profit is. These facts are stuning. Belive or not there are beetwean 23 and 34 billions dollars on these accounts. It is enough to make Afrika countinent good place for life. Or solve European crysis. But that money will stay there. Interesting fact is that 91.186 richest people on the world own more than 30 billions dollars! So 0.001% of world population owns that. On the other side 99% of world population owns 10 billions dollar. World is not equal. So we can see how rich people control world. Its easy for them when they have all money. Besides money they usess and another technique.

  • Sexualization of everything. Every where we look we can see adverts for something to buy or rent. On mostly of them is photo of pretty woman or man. It is not coincidence. Scientists discovered that most visited pages on internet are porn sites. They have 4 biilions of visitors in one month! So cleaver people decided to use that. In definition sex is way for repoducing. So every person has wish for that. So when you look some comercial and see pretty person doing something you want to get closer to her/him, buying same as that person. Now you can see why in commercial are no ugly people. They also discovered that comercial is most efectly when it overcomes logical part of brain. Making us zombies, so rich people can become richer.
  • Promoting materialism. This is again making wish to have and own something. Or earn money simply. Materialism is way to control people. It allowy rich people to make wars, gread and everything they want so can increase their profit.
  • Destruction of spirituality. From start we have desire and habbit to belive in something. Every person can choose in what to belive. But this is now used from controling peoples. Making that everything that involves religion is in the same time and spiritual. So people are trying to approuch God closer. But all that they really do is making someones plans come in reallity.

These were 3 ways to control humankind. If you know how tis works you can become important person to the world. But real question is if you control someone, who controls you? Its a life Pyramid. Good to be on top, but afful beeing at the bottom.