The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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After a mild early spring, the snow made a brief appearance at the beginning of April. Suddenly, the landscape around the house is upside down, with a small air crib ! Peter took the opportunity to take some photos for Monika, then in Paris.

Front of the house, Boris prefers a snowman shape. A moment later, satisfied with his work, he opened his sled on the sloping path. Soon Boris launches into a snowball fight with his father, but the forces involved are really disproportionate to his taste ! 

The weather income, Peter and Bd eagerly awaiting delivery of the new tractor for ploughing and sowing. They are busy with final preparations. However, of retries in delays, it will be too late for crops initially planned. 

So Peter decides to plant spring cereals while there is still time. The report will be much lower, but it will always be better than nothing will. Once again, they suffered against the time ! Peter and Bd embark therefore work in the fields. 

Monika was able to get a contract that guaranteed her a little work, almost a half. It amounts to more technical tasks, which she had removed a few years ago. Of course, she is preparing for training that will animate in the coming weeks.

Of course, she feels more comfortable when she comes to design, develop or organize, and in her place, when she provides assistance to project management. However, until something better, she will ensure these formations and technical tasks. 

In June, Boris falls ill. The doctor diagnosed angina and prescribed treatment accordingly. Despite this, the state of Boris is not better. Indeed, a few days later, fever Boris has still not fallen. He has a very small mine and lack of appetite. Peter and Monika are very worried.

The doctor referred to a specialist. It turns out that the infection plaguing Boris is serious, as the specialist prescribed powerful remedies, including injections several times a day.

They call the office nurses come quickly. They are all mothers that this young boy bad way touched by the courage he has shown ! The following days, Boris takes all his medications, even the largest tablets that he has trouble swallowing. 

However, Boris is not the only one sick, near some old people are affected by similar infections. This is also what intrigued the doctor. Very dissatisfied with this situation remained confidential, he requested an analysis of the water.

Thus, they learn, too late, that this water contains germs that make it unfit for consumption. A rather large number of bacteria resistant. Too bad they were not informed sooner !  

Fortunately, Boris heals and then recovers quickly. Now they no longer consume tap water, especially Boris, they are used to buy mineral water running errands. They fear he is infected again. 

The school year end is rapidly approaching, Peter and Monika fear that Boris bored during the holidays. He will not see his classmates and will have no other children to play with. This year, they do not really have availability to bring with his grandparents, in any case, there will be less time than other years.

They then opt to purchase a small swimming pool kit in principle easy to install, they are in a sales catalogue by mail. They order. Boris looking forward, determined to learn to swim.

Unfortunately, delivery is often delayed, with all the excuses the supplier. Finally, the boxes arrive with autumn ! Meanwhile, Peter prepares the site where the future pool will be installed. Around, he planted some shrubs and flowers. Not far away, he completed the park birds adorning it with roses. 

They inaugurate den rather charming, located in front of the house during a weekend in the company of D., E. and S. by a barbecue. It makes them feel good and forget their worries for a few hours. With the return of warm weather, they regain their optimism, however, especially as the harvests are good.

That day, while they finish breakfast, S. decides to teach two young cocks to crow. After a while, they come to pass some tests almost correct, but nowhere near those of their teacher ! A chicken is favourite Boris who treated it when it was ill, the opportunity to stitch the cigarette S. had in hand. Here, a few moments of simple happiness ! 

For some time, Peter began raising hens as well as broilers. He built a house and a park where birds settle for the night, perching, according to a well-established order, the branches of fruit trees that surround it.

Moreover, in the evening they watched with amusement the ceremony. The day, this little world flow around buildings. Their songs and cackling joined the lascivious pigeons or the chatter of geese and ducks are all familiar noises. 

Rabbits arrived several weeks, with their cages. A barn is reserved for them that Peter cleaned out, painted too. It improves equipment cages of these small animals, so they always have something to drink. He ensures that all are installed.

For now, Peter feeds his rabbits with pellets, but soon, with the next harvest, he can diversify their diet. He treats his best. However, shortly after their arrival, some are sick. Peter uses a veterinarian.

Everything suggests that the rabbits were already sick before their delivery. However, the provider does not listen and only proposes the replacement of animals in their charge, of course ! They refuse.

Peter heals the sick animals and after much effort, saves a game. As a result, the farm becomes profitable later than expected, since they now restock breeding. Finally, they could all lose ! 

When Peter and Bd have finished planting, they begin the hay harvest. During the spring ends, Bd is proving to be careless of the material, as this would probably be the case in the past. Peter spends a lot of time to repair the break. 

In addition, Bd gradually changing attitude. Over the weeks, he becomes less serious in his work. Often late or leaves early, or is absent without warning .... Peter remarked to him on several occasions.

One day in early July, Bd does not work but phone, though, to say that he does not feel well and come the next day instead. Later in the day, Peter goes shopping with Boris. They therefore pass the car in front of house G. There, they see Bd., apparently in shape, train garden, under the watchful eye of G. !

The next day, when Bd arrives with many apologies, Peter tells him that this is not the time to come now. Bd is attempts to plead his case, but Peter gives him his payroll, together with the corresponding check and certificate of employment. Bd goes away disappointed.

So, from now, Peter will incur only work in the fields, as well as to those for the restoration of buildings, do not forget to take care of livestock. All that it seems very heavy, much more than expected. 

Fortunately, weekends, often prolonged, S. and D. come to help Peter. For her part, Monika also involved in helping various works, as cleans the barn rabbits. In mid-July, during sunny summer days, with a nice breeze, they complete the return of fever.

Peter decided to mount the wheels away old crumbling buildings. Thus, the hay will be near the road, where it will be possible to operate a truck trailer. Them, as the wheels. Harvest is consistent.

Peter has to sell a large part, to help them meet their deadlines as to the bank on their payroll and tax. They worked hard, especially Peter, therefore, this perspective helps. In some ways, this is their reward ! 

They take the opportunity to make a quick return to the centre to bring Boris with his grandparents. Boris is happy to find his playmates, especially as it began to get bored, despite the swing that his father has hung on a tree.

It is true that Peter and Monika were busy, Boris had to feel a little lonely. This interlude relaxes them, they return home more optimistic. Peter began to harvest barley, fruit of the harvest will pay the seed for the next campaign. 

The advisory activity starts to run better, but the inputs are lower than the previous year. Because of the recession that begins, prices are revised downward. By cons, social contributions, and other charges, are on the rise, more and more.

They struggle to make ends meet, despite all their efforts. They are worried, however, they seek viable solutions. They took risks "calculated" but economic rather unfavourable, it almost haphazard. 

Taking advantage of this apparent calm August heat in a heavy storm, Peter takes the work in the house. They now know that their "temporary camp" will continue much longer they planned, a year ago ! That is why Peter is working to make it more comfortable.

This improves the insulation temporary until they can do final work. He dismantles the "guest room", which allows them to organize a little better kitchen in the large room, where they place furniture to completely clear the second barn. 

Afterwards, Peter organizes the barn studio, where he puts his tools. He also continues the rehabilitation of the small building in front of the house, future garage. Whenever Monika has no professional obligations, she participated in different projects.

 They call regularly Boris. Peter's mother reassures his health, but the doctor has prescribed some examinations. For some time, it will monitor his condition. As for Boris, he makes the most of his vacation.