The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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August flows as, peacefully. Soon, they will look for Boris back to school. If he remains in the public circuit, Boris must go to another school because changes class, this will be the case next year, and then when he returns in the sixth. They prefer to enrol in a private school where he can follow the rest of his schooling.

A new school year begins for Boris, and his father, who take a different pace of life. While Boris is in class, Peter takes contacts to sell the hay. Prices are rising, summer was particularly dry. A trader makes him an interesting offer that Peter accepts. 

On that day, a truck, double trailer, appears at the entrance to the property. Peter warns the driver that he must leave before the end of the day, so he has to hurry to load. As the driver refuses to help, it is not his work, Peter proceeds to load the double trailers alone.

Peter also is pressed, he should get Boris to school, since Monika works in Paris this week. A few hours later, when the hay is finished loading, Peter has his hands in blood. However, it is time for him to get Boris to school, so he cannot accompany the driver for weighing, which upsets him.

Indeed, he feared that the result of this weighing, made in his absence, is favourable to the buyer, he should. According to his estimate, he has sold about ten to eleven tons of hay in small bales. He is tired but happy, for these times, this season will be welcome. A little later, they receive the weighing slip. In his reading, Peter is extremely surprised, but mostly disgusted.

It is expected that the buyer is cheating on quantity, but not at that point ! It is so big, that for a moment he wondered if he is not quite simply a clerical error. Information taken from the person whose bad faith has no equal dishonesty, it turns out that the truck is left with about ten times less hay Peter has loaded. Of course, it is no longer possible to contest ! 

In short fall, almost as if by accident, they learn that there is one quota dairy for property, they could surrender if they do not raise cows. This is actually not in their projects. They are particularly concerned that, after their previous avatars, this flow of money would be welcome ! 

Now, they do not know where to go or how to proceed. Finally, Peter and Monika eventually find the right person, after many efforts and expectations. They said he must make a written request and provide various documents. What they do in the shortest possible time. Once again, they wait.

A few days later, a letter informs them that their request has been made a few days after the deadline. As a result of this unfortunate against time, the milk quota is lost ... at least for them ! 

Bd could not ignore it ! He would also know the appropriate steps and contacts, as it was the last operator prior to arrival. Why does he have them ever mentioned ? Once or twice, there quickly allude wondering where it had happened, but without giving further details. 

Nobody had spoken to them, at least in time for well over a year. Nobody told them how, or where to go. This time, they are completely disgusted ! Once again, they have been having !

It is now too many coincidences, too many against time, too much unsaid.

The year ended in the same climate of uncertainty, mixed with disillusionment. They made contact with the bank to negotiate the payment of spreading incurs due, but also to lengthen the loans there is a little more than a year. They are not happy about that, but they cannot reasonably continue to meet deadlines as high.

Thus, with a little luck, they can take some investment. Monika began a new service, which will provide a regular income for the coming months. She is involved in a tense where pressures are high.

She continues to conduct trainings and seminars. Now, they can catch up the previous year, which accounts for more than half of their income. Peter and Monika compute power to make the necessary investments. 

Against all odds, against all else, they want to move forward.  

They are calling for contributions to the MSA, the amount surprised, in fact, it is very high reporting what others tell them to pay. Obviously, once again they are entitled to special treatment ! Without doubt, they have been mistaken last year, they did not make the right choices by filling in printed ....

It is true that their income taxes for the previous year are a substantial amount too. They have established their tax professional for consulting business, profit, and agricultural activity, loss since starting phase, so investment funded by the previous one. However, the amount of tax is calculated only based on the result of the council activity ! 

They now feel to benefit from preferential treatment, which they willingly pass! No doubt because they are the "Parisian" take the land from peasants. They made them pay dearly, and, unfortunately, it has only just begun.

Peter and Monika sometimes have the impression of entering a tunnel, they would not see the output. To complete the picture, receiving account statements from the bank, they realize that money, important, they had to pay for liability insurance premiums and payroll taxes, has disappeared.

Upon inquiry, it is the responsibility of the branch who decided to assign to a refund due, which he had never told before ! Much later, they find that the refund is lost in nature. 

Finally, chugging, Monika and Peter continue their journey. They strive to stay out of the parochial authorities, they continue to be okay with everyone and friendly with their neighbours, but they take a little their distances, especially with G., who keep their grudge, not have sold their portion of land they coveted.

Their pets, such as D. or S. regularly come spend the weekend with them. Boris has made new friends changing school, Peter and Monika have knowledge of parents. Some weekends, they come and play with Boris, on these occasions, Monika prepares them picnics. 

Monika decided in the spring, leaving the rented apartment in Paris, due to the forthcoming increase  in rents, but also transports times. She prefers the solution of the hotel, which should allow her to get closer to the business in which she operates, what it would save time and fatigue by limiting transport.

Peter, assisted by S. empty apartment. They bunched business in the attic. Gradually they can find a place for everything, trying not to over clutter where work is planned. They add storage cabinets in the great room. Despite the "site" in court, it is still nice, though unconventional. 

The crop looks good. Maize begins to rise. In the stable, mothers give birth to rabbits. Peter Monika and Boris carefully follow the growth of children. Some remain to complete the herd will be sold to other individuals. 

Chickens last year became beautiful cock for some parading, surrounded by their chickens. Peter began to dig a pond, which can accommodate swimming ducks, geese, for the moment are busy grow and explore around the house.

They try to get the pool during a weekend, slightly windy. Finally, given the complexity of this kit, sold to fit easily (a breeze !), they conclude that it must be at least half-buried. Peter decides to postpone the operation, so that it is within the rules of art. They all fall in the boxes : they will never install.

In order to continue the refurbishment and outfitting buildings, Peter is delivering concrete blocks and other building materials. Between works in the fields, caring for animals, he argues the structural work, repairs machinery, equipment maintenance and care of the garden. He even finds time to plant flowers to decorate the yard. 

For her part, Monika works a lot, but rates are dropping and getting longer payment terms more in two or three months. Payroll taxes have increased a lot. Monika negotiates reductions and delays in payments. They are more difficult to reconcile investments and deferred deadlines.

The economic environment is becoming increasingly uncertain, as in all sectors. There was no indication that when they were engaged in this "adventure". Everywhere, Monika hears about budget cuts, frozen or delayed projects.

The needs are there, but given the environmental context, firms do not invest, limiting their efforts to the minimum legal requirements. Nevertheless, Monika prospects, making contacts for the season and next year. 

Monika's parents come to spend a few days with them. Relations with them have not always been good, but they are making efforts to improve things. Boris discovers these grandparents he did not know. R., the father of Monika, ensures that they can count on him in case of problems, they should not hesitate to call, he would come immediately. 

When summer comes, comes a long period of drought and heat wave. However, fortunately for them, the crops are good and fairly conducted. Boris spends July with Monika’s parents and August with his other grandparents, where he finds all his friends holiday.

Monika works hard and continues to support the weekend Peter, as D. and S. often there. They set out to discover the barn to make another one roof slope is less steep, so as to lighten the weight and pushed on the sprockets, weakened by years of non-maintenance. 

But soon, the bank sends them a letter giving them notice to put the barn in the state where it was. Frustrated and angry, they are executed. Well, now it is the bank that decides for them ! In addition, the barn must be consolidated without waiting, but they do not have the means to keeping the roof as !