The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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The week passes quickly for Monika, busy taking new contacts, to call the hospital and make news Boris and Peter. Monika is a lot of concern, not only for Peter and for Boris, but also for her work where she realizes the risks of inter contracts are increasing, despite all her efforts.

After two years of very average, the next threaten to be worse, so that the press began to discuss the recession. Increasingly, we hear of layoffs, bankruptcy filings. Over the months, economic activity slows, stagnates. Her colleagues share her concerns, as well as commercial services companies she meets.

R. side, she feels that it is not going very well, despite what he said on the phone. She knows : he does not like to be alone. In addition, it is far from home, his habits. Monika and Peter do not agree that R. starts in the fields.

Asking him to come, they only wanted to maintain a presence on the scene, he takes care of Boris, already highly autonomous, as well as poultry and rabbits, which is not a huge job. Nevertheless, R. has made up his mind to continue ploughing and sowing. 

The following weekend, S. and E. come and help Monika and R.. On Saturday morning, Boris released from the hospital late morning. Monika found pale and tired, unlike his little comrade in misfortune, which runs through the corridors waiting for his parents. At home, Boris again complains of pain, more or less vivid.

As it does not improve in the early afternoon, she brings Boris hospital emergencies. There is really not much, but still he would have wanted to eat some chicken before they go ! Certainly, weekends and are very similar ....

The doctor decides to keep him under observation for exams. Boris is installed in a room, in front of his father. Indeed, Peter is out of intensive care, chemotherapy completed in the course of the week. It is a relief to see him freed from all hoses and infusions, which hindered the previous days !

They are promised that the next day, father and son are together. Meanwhile, Boris is put on a diet. He is radio, biological tests : he was operated on for appendicitis for nothing ! Peter is still weak, but he is recovering from the first surgery, the next one is scheduled within two months, if all goes well.

The weekend finished, Monika takes the road to Paris. His colleagues noted she appeared to be in shock, until then, she had not paid attention. She is organized to go midweek see Peter and Boris always on a diet. When she is not there, R. visits to give them magazines, or what they need. 

A week later, Boris leaves hospital emaciated, a little better. The doctor diagnosed a serious problem, as Boris has to undergo major surgery without much delay. On the recommendation of a doctor, Monika takes Boris to Paris to consult the Necker Hospital.

This trip is tiring and stressful for Boris emaciated and weakened by illness and his recent hospital  stay. Monika is doing her best to brighten. He remains an aunt of Peter where Monika is looking to go to the consultation.

It is very tiring trips for Boris because of trips, long waits in places stuffy, noisy and crowded. The diagnosis is the same. Against, the delay before intervention can take place is long, very long. 

Finally, in late October Monika and Boris return home where they join Peter released on the eve of the hospital. Peter is low and also very thin. However, R., who has no fibber nurse, prefers to continue working in the fields, leaving Peter to fend for himself, after having brought prescription drugs.

R. was more nervous, too, even if he does not show he is relieved of the return of Peter. Still, Peter must undergo regular care several times a day, so Monika again appeals to nurses who cared for Boris, when he had his angina. 

It was at this time that Peter receives the visit of local notary, L.. This proves barely polite and full of indifference towards the health of Peter. What matters above all is the bid that came to do. Indeed, a client and friend, is interested in their property, he wishes to acquire quickly.

L. to demonstrate to Peter argues that in the current context, and given the state of the buildings still under restoration, but where there is still much to do ... they cannot expect to make a high price.

Finally, it is better not to leave and accept the offer. In his enthusiasm, L. advises Peter to sell "anyway since it is screwed." It is always good to hear ! Especially when it comes to live what Peter through in recent weeks ! In addition, what delicacy .... 

Peter and Monika consult the surgeon who operated Peter and accepts, much to their relief, to do the intervention of Boris. The date is closer, since the state of Boris gets worse quickly. That is why, shortly after Boris was hospitalized for surgery.

During this period, Monika is overwhelmed between work, home, cleaning the barn rabbits, R. had failed, accounting for two activities since the end of the year approaches. She cannot spend as much time as she would with Boris.

Fortunately, the intervention was successful. Boris gradually recovering, although still feels tired. However, this time everything goes well and he can get a few days later. The surgeon explained to them that it was time to intervene and, thereafter, it will monitor the evolution of the health status of Boris. 

Monika tells her mother how the behaviour of R. deteriorates, becoming painful for Peter and Boris. Knowing that the mother of Monika is concerned for R., they encourage him to go home. Indeed, R., in the past, had problems with alcohol, since he had ceased to consume. In any case, before his family.

Nevertheless, various incidents, facts reported by neighbours or T. tend to show that he has relapsed. It is true that since his arrival home, R. was, like them, shaken by the events. It was not what he needed. And only this week, delivered to him, with many responsibilities, he did not resist.

When Boris out of the hospital, they take him recovering from Peter's parents. On the road, they evoke the conduct of R. Peter and Boris cannot stand. Monika is definitely sad that R. does not  change ! They must respond immediately, they have too many problems and cannot afford more of those R..

In return, they take steps to ensure that R. resume the plane, he obviously overestimated his strength in trying to do more than he asked for. However, it is true that he wanted to do his best to help.

Peter and Monika realize that they would not ask him to come, they responded in a hurry, without thinking about the problems that R. could hear his side. Finally, ... the mother of Monika knows how to take the lead over temperance. They thank them for their help, as it must. 

Well, Peter and Monika resume their "humdrum" finally, they try. They challenge the order on the property, a little disorganized by their recent problems. Nevertheless, R. would manage to plough and sow multiple fields. However, the material has undergone his clumsiness ! Peter makes repairs. S. comes to help for a few days.

Gradually, things resumed their normal appearance. Peter recovered from the first surgery. Despite daily care, pain and fatigue, he provides his tasks and endeavours to rehabilitate all. By cons, rabbits neglected by R. suffered and many are ill. Once again, the number of breeding falls.

Since the beginning, Peter and Monika receive regular visits from T. significantly from their age, which is also a farmer and forester. Between the two operations, Peter goes with him an agreement for the slaughter of certain trees and selling them to a merchant T. known.

Shortly after the trees are cut as agreed. Unfortunately, once again, the buyer, with a clever sleight of hand, does not comply with the agreement. Once again, the amount that theirs is much lower than the real value of trees sold. Another low blow from the famous law of the series ! They are subscribers, it seems. 

They learn that R. also dragged around in bars, telling a lot about them, born of his imagination. He is also involved in their business meeting various people, which he recounted their misfortunes, in his own way.

The G. as the C., have made a point, not really disinterested, to invite him to lunch or dinner. R. familiar, Monika knows that when he was a little drunk, he became very talkative. R. also a lot of imagination, so sometimes he loses some sense of reality.

He has so well confused thing that various rumours are circulating By what Peter would have died ... among others. They are devastated to see what context complicate their situation, already difficult because of their financial difficulties. 

Monika is concerned : the outlook for next year on her activities are not brilliant, there are many uncertainties. In addition, while Peter was hospitalized, put into homes arrived. Peter and Monika an update on the status of accounts, receipts and expected to meet deadlines. They find ways to end the year.

They call regularly parents of Monika, R. is happy and proud to learn that the wheat he sowed up well. He seems to have regained his balance by taking a more normal life for him. They are relieved.

Soon November will be completed in the first frost, which step campaign in the early morning as the sun rising iridescent landscapes. Peter is sorry for not having the strength to finish ploughing and sowing while there is still time.  

At his grandparents, Boris recovers at best. He misses his parents, but his grandmother found him pursuits, and then approach Christmas, it distracts. They telephone him very often. Peter's parents are worried about his health, he explains that the second intervention will be shorter and lighter than the previous one.

The results of the examinations are satisfactory, so Peter must soon return to the hospital to undergo this new procedure. They organize for that on  property, all goes well in his absence, given that Monika will also go to work.

Nevertheless, it remains poultry and rabbits it is better to watch every day, even if they are sure that everyone has enough to eat and drink sufficient for the week. Neighbour C. offers to come every day to care for them. They leave him the key to the stables for rabbits, birds are in their park. 

One Sunday evening, while Peter has just been hospitalized, Rr, a farmer in the area a few years older than themselves, Monika visits. Firstly, he apologizes to come while Peter is away, and they do not know.

Then he says he saw sowing was not completed, it was a shame and they should ask their neighbours to help. Rr could not, but he knew someone else should be asked to C.. Thank Monika.

This unsolicited and, a priori, disinterested, was pleasantly surprised. She lifts the spirits. The next day, she tells Peter that is okay. It is certain that the more they will make a good harvest, the better they can regularize their delay. If they continue like during this past year, they have absorbed the liability in the course of the next spring.

Monika is therefore contact the person Rr listed her. Unfortunately, he is not available and apologizes, especially since he is aware of the health problems of Peter. Monika then makes visit to C. in which she recounts the process of Rr, and the unavailability of the young farmer.

C. agrees to help, but he wants to use his equipment he knows well. He also warns that depending on the weather, and depending on his availability, he may not be complete. They are already recognizing him to take care of their animals, in addition, Monika said she thanked then she compensates him for the fuel.