The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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After the harvest, comes the time for ploughing and sowing with the end of the summer. The return is coming, and it's been two years now that they are here, in this house starts in the middle of the field, surrounded by their animals, but also all around nesting birds, wild rabbits, deer or wild boar they see from time to time.

They do not regret that choice, even if the times are harder than what they expected. Sometimes they say they would, perhaps, have done better to opt for the aside, but at this stage it is difficult to judge. 

Shortly after, they suffered a storm that undermines the barn. Peter, while consolidating the last August, collapsed with the pinions, as they feared, when they began to change, redid the roof. That will satisfy the bank !. This is not all, many fruit trees in the field are torn or broken.

During the course times when it lasted, Peter, Monika and Boris saw a surreal spectacle. The wind was so strong that it was impossible to stand out. All sorts of things were flying in all directions. Calmed down, they go shopping and find that, in places, the damage is as important as home. 

Once again, Peter starts ploughing for another campaign, while Boris takes the path of the school. For its part, Monika continues to prospect for new business, to avoid possible peak periods.

Recently, she divides her time between two sites. She made several trips to the provinces. The state of their finances improved, allowing them to catch up gradually delays they had taken. They regain confidence.

Encouraged by this prospect, Peter prepares the cultivation of more plots. Livestock breeding is now complete, they can reasonably expect that this activity will be profitable in the coming months. Especially as rabbits are like. Their stable, clear and peaceful serenity. 

Day decline, September will soon be completed. Since a few days with Peter. He does not complain, however, he does his best to ensure, despite the pain, everyday tasks, caring for Boris who knows how to fend for himself, but he must take him to school.

Week in Paris, Monika is concerned. Every day she phone, ready to go in case of trouble. That evening, Peter reminds Monika later in the evening to announce that he has finally come to the doctor, who decided his hospitalization. He expects her to get him to emergency by his indications.

Monika is appalled. At this hour, there are more trains. How will she do to get home ? Then, the station is away from home at this hour, it is not safe to get a taxi ! So many questions unanswered, jostling in her head !

Who will care for the animals during the absence of Peter ? In addition, Boris, who will take him to school, takes care of him ? Who will take care of Peter if he must remain for some time in the hospital ? How to do ? She so would want to stay with them !  

However, she knows too well that she cannot take leave at this moment, under penalty of losing her job, which would complicate the situation even more ! They are currently on the razor's edge, yet it takes them more than a little time for all the claims are settled.

Then she remembers the words of her father last spring and she phone. R. agrees to come at the earliest, he will be on the first plane. Monika explains how to get to the next station, then she gives him train schedules, she will picked up on his arrival. R. plans to be with them in mid-day. 

Then she jumps in a taxi to the airport to rent a car. The highway is open, as she rolls, quickly, too quickly. When she arrives, Peter is a little better under the influence of drugs. They gather a few things and go to the nearest hospital, who had been informed of their arrival. Fortunately, their property lies between two small towns with one and another hospital.

Monika handles admission formalities, while the duty doctor examines Peter. He asked for additional tests to the next. Meanwhile Peter is installed in a room. Monika quickly returned to the house where Boris is alone, still asleep and unaware of recent events.

She is very worried about Peter. She feels that his condition is serious, very serious ! Nevertheless, in the short term, she must find solutions quickly. She will remain there all day, the next day, but she cannot be absent more. Yet she yearns to be with Peter and Boris !

When the sun rises, Monika wakes Boris surprised to see her there ! Unfortunately his joy is shortlived, Monika tells him about what happened to his father, the arrival of R.. That day, Boris not going  to school. Monika warns his teacher. She phone also to her colleagues.  

In the morning, Monika and Boris visiting

Peter but he is not in his room. They said he is currently undergoing an examination, they must wait. What they do, but time passes and nothing. Mid-day approached, they go to the station for take R..

Later in the afternoon, they return to the hospital. This time they are told that Peter is in the operating room. They expect more and more worried. Finally, when the sun is low on the horizon, a doctor comes to see Monika : he made Peter to remove a tumour important. Peter is now in intensive care, they will not see him before the next day in the afternoon perhaps, depending on his condition. 

Back at home, Monika installs R., then prepares dinner. R. proposes to remain there until Peter is restored to help. Will take care of Boris, will take him to school, and will go get him, he will heal animals. In case of problems, he will telephone Monika. He even proposes to continue ploughing and sowing, on the instructions of Peter, when he will be in a position to lead.

The next day, Monika is responsible to arrange for R. could use her car. She shows R. the different places where he needs to go. Back on the property, she tells him the care of the animals, simplified by ingenious systems that Peter has put in place. She ensures that Boris and R. lack nothing in her absence, leaves a credit card to R. a little more money, just in case.  

It is time to go to the hospital, Monika looks forward to see Peter, to reassure, because she knows him, she knows he cares for her and Boris, for tasks that can not provide for ... many things ! She would also like to know more about his condition. Boris also wants to see his father, whom he is very close, especially since they lead their lives of singles, both sets during the week.

Peter is still not visible. According to the caregivers in stable condition. It does not really reassure Monika and Boris, both are disappointed not to be able to visit him. In desperation, Monika asks the  nurse to tell Peter not to worry for her and Boris, everything is organized so that there are no problems in his absence.

By mid-afternoon, unable to do anything more, Monika again in the rain, the way to the airport, near Paris, where she makes the rental car. Later, back at the hotel, she called R. who ensures that all is well, and the next day, after having deposited Boris at school, he will visit Peter. Of course, he will not fail to bring him what might miss him. 

Monika has a lot of work, but she fears losing contracts because of infighting companies or projects that are on hold, as is more often the case in recent months. It really would not be the time as they have more than a few late payments to catch up. She continues to make contacts to avoid intercontract.  

She calls the hospital  frequently, but they give her news of Peter, still in intensive care, she cannot talk to him. Then she leaves messages so that he knows how things are going, he does not feel too much on the button, and he keeps morale thinking about something other than the disease. She ignores that her messages are not.

She also has news of Peter by R. who visits him every day. R. does not hide her the severity of the condition of Peter, on the contrary. With the taste of the drama, that has always characterized him, he does not spare the details, unaware of the effect they may produce on her ! Peter is still in intensive care for several days. He is treated by postoperative infusions. His case is deemed serious, very serious. 

Every evening, she called R. and Boris, a priori, everything seems to be okay, but familiar with R. and Boris, she knows that sooner or later the problems come. Indeed, R. has strong opinions on education, which are very far from that receives Boris, who has also a strong personality in his arias calm and cheerful child. Fortunately, the weekend arrives quickly, allowing her to go with them, before things escalate. 

On Saturday morning, Boris is not well, he complained of stomach pains. Thinking a little digestive problem, as it happens when he is stressed, Monika does not worry too much, probably against-shot of what happens to his father. Monika ships chores, errands, and preparing lunch. However, Boris is getting worse and has no appetite.

Monika decided not to wait and took him to the emergency room. There, the doctor who examines appendicitis diagnosed and proposes to operate in the afternoon, Boris being fasting. Stunned, Monika accepts because, in any way, it will have to be done, so as not to drag. Therefore, Boris will not have time to be frightened by this prospect.  

Once Boris is installed in a room, she stays with him until they took him to the operating theatre. She then went into the next building where Peter is still in intensive care. She is frightened to see him, full of pipes everywhere. He cannot move or get up and at the moment it is powered by infusions, Peter speaks with difficulty.

He is anxious to know Boris hospitalized. Monika reassures and gives the latest news from home, their business ... Peter encouraged returning home to have a meal, then she can come back with Boris when he will wake up. Reluctantly, she returns home to prepare the cases that Boris will need in the coming days. Certainly, they have the art to practice the law of series !

Back at the hospital, she finds the Boris’s room empty. However, she was told that the intervention would not be long, what had been happening ? Finally, Boris is lifted from the block, and then he  wakes up. Nurses are very nice with young children they must deal with, which somewhat reassured Monika.

They bring Boris to his room, where he is in the company of another boy his age, who has also recently been made like him. Monika leaves Boris to rest, she will return the next day and bring him his favourite magazines. She then went with Peter to give him news of their son. When Peter was reassured, he asks Monika backrest too.

Over dinner, R. announces Monika that since next week Boris will not be there, he can take care of fieldwork, and Peter will have to tell him what to do. The next day, she finds Boris tired. To distract him, and also he does not feel too lonely, she shows the window of the room where his father, in the building opposite.