The Love Spirits - The Little Girls who came from the Stars by Marcos Aragao Correia - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

g he president of the country in charge of the other countries had just received the news of the defeat. They had not killed a single Love Spirit, and the girls had escaped. He consoled himself with the destruction they had caused, but it was not enough. He telephoned back to the Church of Satan, asking for advice. The Highest Priest ordered to transmit, via satellite, a message to Hell describing what had happened and asking for orders. This was a top-secret satellite that could transmit data at speeds much higher than radio waves, using electromagnetic pulses that arrived at the galaxy of Hell within minutes.

One of the minions informed the head of the Church of Satan that the Great Beast would go personally to the earth and that they should prepare everything and form a reception committee for his flying palace.

And so it went. All of the most important priests and bishops of the Church of Satan; priests with leadership positions in satanic protestant churches; famous demons, commanding devils of the legions of Hell on Earth; witches and wizards of the first order of Evil; vampire leaders; leaders of werewolves of the most important packs; immoral rulers of all countries on Earth; corrupt businessmen with the greatest fortunes; ringleaders of the largest networks of trafficking in children, women, and drugs; generals of great armies; renowned leaders of the mafia; scientists skilled in the perversion of truth; psychopaths and famous murderers; manipulators of public opinion; and many other monsters of fame embarked on a great ship accompanied by a large escort and 83


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waited in the airspace of a secret military zone for the arrival of the flying palace of the Great Beast.

Nineteen hours after the scheduled time, the flying palace of the most treacherous of all beasts descended into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The tardiness was intentional and customary and was the first symbol of the supremacy of one beast over another. The overwhelmingly disproportionate size of the flying palace of the Great Beast was second only to its elaborate design. There were thousands of huge metal horns all over the cylindrical ship, and they also served as communications antennas and remote-control instruments. All around the ship, laser cannons were decorated in the form of gothic elves. There were designs of reptiles, werewolves, and vampires, and each window had the shape of a huge and terrible tiger’s eye. More than a thousand small warships escorted the mother ship, ensuring its safety.

Once inside the flying palace, the leading monsters of the earth were led by demon guards up to a huge reception room where there was a gigantic pulpit, in front of which was a colossal golden throne shaped like a viper.

They were all talking (grunting), when one of the terrible minions with a face and wings of a bat appeared, announcing the entrance of the Great Beast.

“Monster subjects of the earth, on your knees with the customary greeting of horns!” he told the crowd. “The greatest of all monsters is here. The god of Evil and of all beasts; the Supreme Chief of Hell; Major-General Commander of all the legions of demons; Emperor of all emperors, kings and presidents; venerable and honorable Judge of all judges; Professor, PhD, and Dean of Satanic Sciences; the Greatest Devil of the Universe, ladies and gentlemen, open the doorway for His Excellency, the Great Beast!”

Everyone went to their knees and bowed, raising their left hands while making the sign of the horns and saying in unison, “Hail Satan.”

With this, loud footsteps were heard throughout the hall. From behind a red curtain near the throne, a hideous monster came out. It was about forty feet high, having a gray body with the huge bulging muscles of a lion, the feet and legs of a goat, the trunk and arms of a lizard with scales, hands with eagle claws, and the head of a goat with a huge beard about twenty feet long—and of course, a thick pair of rolled horns, T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


each more than sixty feet long. His expression was serious, and, with a deeply hoarse and hollow voice, he called to come before him his ambassador to Earth, the Highest Priest of the Church of Satan.

“I am not pleased at your defeats,” he roared at the vassal.

“Your Excellence, it was a temporary setback. We are currently training millions of army psychopaths in the use of satanic magic,” he replied with the fervent voice of a minion.

“These imbeciles only know how to kill with knives and guns.”

At this approached a famous assassin who had killed more than three hundred people in his current life and tens of millions in previous lives. He had been recently sentenced to life imprisonment in a show trial, but soon thereafter, the authorities had had plastic surgery performed on him and a homeless man was jailed instead of him. Through satanic magic, they had made this vagabond go mad and then used the same evil magic to change his face to look just like the murderer’s.

“Greatest of all Majesties, your permission,” he said, kissing the feet of the Great Beast. “I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, and I have a long resume in the art of murder. I’ve been a head of government, and now I am head of the largest network of mafia on Earth. I was just given the responsibility for providing the best bandits for the ranks of the armies of this world. I can assure you that these are quickly learning the hidden powers of Darkness, and learning very well. As a guar-antee, if Your Majesty is not satisfied, you may send me personally to a gas chamber.”

“So be it,” the Great Beast rumbled. “Evil ambassador, how are the lies and hypocrisy on Earth doing?”

“Your Excellence, they are still our best weapons. We control almost the entire population of this miserable planet. They no longer believe in the truth and so follow us blindly.”

“Very good. But you must destroy those nasty Spirits of the name we dare not pronounce, that still live on Earth. I will accept no excuses.”

With that, he went away with big thundering steps, while all others bowed down and began to sing a dreary song of war titled “Satan is the Lord our god.”

Meanwhile, in the village, or what remained of it, the Love Spirits were very worried about Kami and Yania, who had not yet returned, 86

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when suddenly, they saw the two girls in the sky, descending in their midst. Everyone ran to them, giving the girls big hugs.

“What happened?” asked Kami, stunned at all the devastation.

Yania brought her hand to her mouth in shock. “Everything has been destroyed....”

Dyma and Noiu told them everything that had happened.

Kami and Yania realized that, since the monsters were so vindictive, there had to be a relationship between their attempt to rescue Daisy and this terrible attack, so they told everyone all that had happened to them while outside the village.

No one from the village reprimanded them; in fact, quite the opposite. Everyone comforted the girls because they knew that they always acted according to Love.

The fact that most of the forest was burned led the inhabitants to decide to find another place on Earth to build a new village. It had to be a place in the middle of a large forest away from society, and it must have a river so they would have access to water; however, they knew these places were increasingly rare, since the monsters hate nature and for centuries had engaged in burning the forests, cutting down trees without regard; polluting the water, soil, and air; bursting mountains; digging huge holes; and, more recently, contaminating extensive areas of both land and sea with radioactive materials.

They waited for more ships of Love to arrive so that there would be room for everyone, and then they departed, flying over the earth for several days, trying to choose the best place for a new village. It was during these days that there was the largest wave of successive UFO

sightings in modern society.

After several days, they finally found a very good place to resettle.

It was well preserved and well insulated, with a great river of crystalline waters running through the area. They all descended from the ships together and, making use of the precious help of mind power, they built new houses for all the families. They made their homes of wood, but for every tree they cut down for construction, they planted two small trees in the same area.

Nine days later, all was finished. It was a new village as beautiful as before, with lots of flowers and fruit trees. New horses were brought in from the dense forest and tamed. Everyone’s necklaces shone brightly.



Yania, Kami, Ilky, Kimi, Dyma, and Noiu all took a walk together in the surrounding woods.

“I still think a lot about Daisy,” Yania said, looking at the sky.

“Sweetheart, don’t worry. She now lives in a much better place than Earth, in our Paradise galaxy. She will soon be a beautiful, healthy child, so do not worry. All is well with her,” said Dyma very quietly.

“But it’s not fair that it was not she who chose when she would go!”

Yania said with frustration.

Kami called a little bird to her hands and stroked him gently. “Yania is right. What they did to her was horribly unfair. Why do these monsters hate all the wonderful things of life? Why?” She lifted the bird gently back to the sky.

“It is because they’re monsters!” Ilky said.

“Yes, if they were capable of love, they would not be monsters!”

Kimi added.

Noiu stopped and embraced the four children. “There is one thing that Dyma and I want to tell you.” He looked towards the ground for a few seconds. “We fear that there may be another attack against us.

Some of our ships have detected enemy ships, and it looks like they are searching for our new whereabouts.”

“We cannot let them destroy us again!” Yania exclaimed, with the other children murmuring in support.

“We just want to let you know the same thing that the other parents in the village have been telling their sons and daughters. Follow us!”

Noiu and Dyma led them to a shortcut to a large area of grass hidden among the trees.

“Here are our ships!” Kami exclaimed.

“Yes,” continued Noiu. “In case of a new attack, we’ll have all the children of the village escape to these ships and immediately take flight towards our base on the dark side of the moon. We don’t want to put your lives at risk again.”

“The children with the more developed mental powers should take control of ships and quickly take them to the moon,” Dyma added.

“What? You are saying that we should just leave you behind in a situation like this?” Yania questioned in a tone of indignation.

The four children all opposed the idea vehemently and immediately embraced Dyma and Noiu.


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“No, you have to understand,” explained Noiu. “The last time, many of the younger boys and girls were scared because they were so little and had never seen so much violence. What’s worse is that they had every right to be scared, as a laser beam barely missed the group of children who were within our circle. You are all a little bit bigger, so you can care for and protect the most vulnerable ones.”

“See it as a mission,” suggested Dyma. “Look at it like you have to leave the village to help little ones who are in danger due to the attacks of the monsters. The only difference is that these little ones are the boys and girls of our own village.”

The children realized the importance of their mission and understood that it was not only their own lives that would be safeguarded but also the lives of their younger brothers and sisters in the village. They again embraced Dyma and Noiu, and the four, including Yania, began to cry as they said, “Mom! Dad! We love you so much!”

Dyma and Noiu also expressed their love for the four children and cried at the thought that one day they might have to part from them.

Meanwhile, they noticed that other families nearby were doing the same with their children, and everyone was hugging and crying in the same endearing way, for the Love in the village was very intense and everyone, truly everyone, loved one another as they loved themselves.

Five days went by. Late one fun afternoon, Kami, Yania, Kimi, and Ilky were all together, horseback riding, playing and galloping through the trees of the forest village. Then they went to take a bath in the river, preparing to go to dinner. Suddenly, in the heavens, the watch birds began to swarm and loudly signal the presence of monsters at a distance of thirty thousand feet.

The four rapidly dressed and went to the village center, as was the plan for emergency situations. All the residents ran and gathered there, the parents bringing the youngest children in their arms. They all joined in the center, preparing for the worst. Their necklaces no longer shone.

A disturbing silence fell over the village. Monsters were nearby, though there was no sign of them yet.

Everyone kept watching for something. The minutes seemed like hours. Nothing. Not one sound.

Night was falling quickly, so some brought torches to illuminate the area. Some of them began to sit on the grass, since the wait was so T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


long. Yania, Kami, and Kimi then went to help the younger children, bringing them blankets and food, while at the same time inventing fun games for them to play.

Nobody wanted to return to their homes while their necklaces weren’t shining. They had to be together to be able to defend with maximal force, with the power of each increasing the power of the others.

Some offered to form a group to go into the forest on horseback to find out what was going on, but the night was already dark, and they were persuaded to stay because it would be too dangerous for them to leave the protection of the village.

It was cold. Many children slept, but none of the adults stopped their watch. Meanwhile, Kimi went to help Ilky calm several horses that began to feel restless, and Yania and Kami, after helping a father with his five children, were now resting under a nearby tree, sitting with their backs supported by its trunk. A nearby torch illuminated the area, and its soothing light helped relax the tension that existed for the girls.

“Yania, if something happens to me, promise you’ll never forget me.”

“Kami, how can you even say something like that? Nothing is going to happen to you! What nonsense are you talking about?!”

“But if something happens....”

“No! Nothing is going to happen! You know what I promise you, you silly girl? I promise you that I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise!” She grabbed Kami’s hands, squeezing them to remove the negative thoughts from Kami’s head.

“Thank you, Yania! I also promise that I’ll always be by your side protecting you, whatever happens.”


And they embraced tightly.

The night wore on, still disturbingly quiet. The two were very tired, and they ended up sleeping on each other’s shoulders.

Bammmmm! A loud explosion was heard. Kami and Yania awoke immediately at the sound and ran toward the other villagers. A house had been destroyed but not burned, looking like it had been bombed from a distance. Looking up, they could see several ships of Love above, much like twinkling stars moving back and forth. Since the 90

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alarm from the birds, the ships had begun patrolling the skies above the village, protecting it from an enemy air attack.

After the bombing of the house, they remained in surveillance over-head, since it appeared that the attack had come from land. Another loud bang came crashing, and another house exploded with no visible cause. Pieces of wood and glass were sent flying a considerable distance in all directions, almost reaching some villagers.

Then another, and another, house exploded as well. The Love Spirits concentrated very strongly, wishing that that no more houses would explode, and they actually prevented the destruction of several houses; however, they started to hear terrible noises from the surrounding forest, and hundreds of large, sharp knives come swiftly flying out from the trees from one end of the village to the other. The villagers barely had enough time to flatten themselves on the ground. They were almost in a panic, but they were able to make the knives lose their speed and fall.

Suddenly, millions of snakes began to move out of the woods and toward the village. There were so many that panic now set in. The villagers started running back and forth, clutching small children and screaming for the older children to take the younger children immediately to the ships and lift off.

Additional ships of Love descended as reinforcements, but a huge fleet of monster ships had already hidden cunningly in the forest. As the Love ships arrived, the monster ships lifted off and attacked the ships of Love. There were gigantic explosions in the sky. Children were running everywhere. Yania was carrying a four-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl. Kami was carrying a three-year-old boy in her arms. All of the children finally arrived at the ships with the support of a group of adults who accompanied them and repelled the incoming monster attacks.

The children embarked on three of the four ships that had been set aside for the purpose. Kami placed the boy she had been carrying inside the craft on some blankets on the floor and went back out to help other children climb inside. Huge flashes continued in the sky from all the explosions. The boy whom Kami had carried saw her get off the ship, and he followed her. In the confusion, the others didn’t notice him following her. Kami turned and saw the boy as he came running toward her. There was a snake following him, opening its huge mouth to bite him. Seeing this, Kami quickly ran toward the boy to lift him off the T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


ground, but the serpent attacked. Kami immediately jumped to cover the boy with her body, protecting him, but she took a vicious strike on her leg.

Meanwhile, Yania was preparing the ship for liftoff. She was going to pilot it, but she sensed something wrong and rushed out to see what was going on, giving command to an eleven-year-old boy. He directed the ship to lift off.

Yania saw Kami lying on the ground with three adults around her. It seemed the world had ended. She ran toward Kami.

“Kami! Kami!!” she cried in distress.

“She was bitten by a deadly snake. She’s not breathing,” said one of the adults in a tone of regret.

“Kami, no! No!” she screamed in vain while embracing her friend and trying to heal her with her mind.

“It’s useless. This poison kills instantly,” said the same adult, shaking his head.

“Kami! You must live!” Yania shouted, weeping. Then, with a force beyond her strength, she carried Kami into the empty ship.

Yania tore Kami’s pants away from the wound. She concentrated again and tried to heal Kami in the way that Kami herself had taught her.

Nothing. She concentrated again and strongly wished for Kami to be cured, but her friend didn’t react. She tried to feel Kami’s breath, but—nothing. She placed her ear over Kami’s heart. It was silent.

With this, Yania couldn’t even lift her head. She just stayed there with her head above Kami’s heart, her expression like she herself had died. The only visible difference was the stream of great crystal tears flowing from Yania’s eyes falling rhythmically on Kami’s chest. As the tears hit Kami’s chest, it seemed each was trying to recreate the lifeless heartbeat. The world had truly ended.

Yania’s head was filled with echoes of the sounds of the last conversation she had had with Kami. It was almost as if Kami had actually sensed something bad was going to happen. The promise....

“Yania, if something happens to me, promise you’ll never forget me.”

“Kami, how can you even say something like that? Nothing is going to happen to you! What nonsense are you talking about?!”

“But if something happens....”


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“No! Nothing is going to happen. You know what I promise you, you silly girl? I promise you that I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise!”

“Thank you, Yania! I also promise that I’ll always be by your side protecting you, whatever happens.”


Yania looked up. An immense hatred for the monsters came over her. She would avenge the death of Kami, no matter what. She placed the lifeless body on several pillows in the corner of the ship. She then took from a garment compartment a pilot uniform of her size. She put on the boots. With this, she was ready. She was dressed all in white with big sky-blue side stripes that ran along the length of her uniform.

It was a symbol of the light (white) that patrols the sky (blue). She then tied her hair into a ponytail, sat in the chair in the middle of the front row, and glanced at the button panel. She wouldn’t be needing it.

With a voice of determination, she commanded, “Ship, maximum speed, in the direction of the Great Beast.”

Wherever this monster was, she would face it. After all, it was he who was the number one responsible for the murder of Kami.




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