The Love Spirits - The Little Girls who came from the Stars by Marcos Aragao Correia - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

g he Minister of State, Yania’s earthly father, had just received a second call from the director of the mental hospital, telling him that his daughter and her friend were definitely Love Spirits, as they had demonstrated exceptional powers confirming the information they had told him earlier.

John Nobrega became very worried. He had already ordered a police siege of the hospital, but it being a very serious public order situation for the security of all monsters, he decided to call his superior, the president of the most powerful country on earth, to warn him of what was going on.

“Mr. President, sorry to bother you, but there is an emergency situation in our country,” he reported anxiously over the phone.

“Mr. Minister! It’s always a pleasure to hear from one of my most faithful servants. So, what’s going on?”

“Thank you, Mr. President. I have just discovered that my daughter is a Love Spirit. She ran away from home a week ago and now has returned to save a friend of hers sent to a mental hospital with a diag-nostic that we forced through the court. She is accompanied by another girl, and they have demonstrated highly developed psychic powers.”

“This is really serious,” said the president, who paused a few seconds, thinking over the situation. “We cannot risk it. Send the army commandos to imprison them while I advise the Church of Satan.”



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The Minister of State, who in his country was the head of government, immediately fulfilled the orders of the president of the most mili-tarily powerful and financially rich country on Earth, sending the army commandos. He also prepared an official press release, sent by his office, claiming that a group of extremely violent madmen had mutinied and taken control of the mental hospital but that the situation was under control and in the process of being normalized.

Meanwhile, the headquarters of the Church of Satan, having just received the call from the president asking for intervention, went into action. The Highest Priest, leader of the Church of Satan, ambassador of Hell, and intermediary between the corrupt rulers of Earth and the Great Beast, called an emergency meeting of the Council’s Infernal Priesthood.

“Satanic high priests, bishops of the Supreme Bestial Goat, abominable monsters of Hell, we are gathered here because Spirits belonging to the name we dare not pronounce had the audacity to launch an attack, even under our noses,” he explained to his subordinates in a hoarse, rough voice.

The council was composed of eighteen monsters, all in human form, but with long beards hanging from their chins, like goats, and little hats with long horns, and long dresses with red and black colors. On their necks were large inverted pentagrams. The hierarchical positions of the monsters were indicated by the size of the horns on their hats. Thus, the Highest Priest gloried in having the largest and most pointed horns (about ten feet each—yes, the roof was very high).

There was a frantic buzz.

“Your Excellence, these loathsome creatures must be killed without mercy,” the Infernal Bishop of Mendes proposed with the voice of a viper.

“Agreed!” cried the High Priest of the Cursed Trapeze, giving a resounding blow to the table. Rumblings of support rose in the room.

The Bishop of Belial, however, number two in the hierarchy of the board, laying out his tongue like a serpent, rose, and said, “Your Excellence,” addressing the most high priest, “we must be cautious. Killing them outright would cause an immediate, massive counterattack by the Spirits belonging to the name we dare not pronounce. So, I propose that we kill them, yes, but at the same time attack their village with T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


numerous squadrons of monsters of death. In this way, they will be weakened and unable to react to the death of these two nasty little creatures.”

A silence came over the room. An attack of this magnitude on the village was something long desired by all but also feared.

The Highest Priest of the Church of Satan stood up. “It is decided. I command, by the power given to me by the Forces of Darkness, that these nasty girls be killed, and at the same time we attack their village on Earth with one thousand death squads, ten thousand monster infantry battalions, and eight hundred ships.”

The monster scribe wrote the minutes of the meeting and gave them to the most high priest for his signature. Written authorization was required for the monster army to mobilize such large numbers.

Meanwhile, thirty-six footmen with the faces and wings of bats came in to hold the long cloaks of each of the priests, as they headed for the Cursed Temple—which was annexed to the headquarters of the church—

to prepare a ritual against the girls.

In the temple, they put on masks of animals (wolves, bats, felines, and snakes) and the Highest Priest, taking a huge, sharp sword, began a ritual of destruction for the purpose of causing the deaths of Yania and Kami, through the emanation of psychic waves of destructive hate.

They all concentrated and, invoking Satan (one of the names of the Great Beast), began to wish very strongly that the girls immediately die.

Meanwhile, in the psychiatric hospital, Yania and Kami ran hurriedly through the halls of the eighth floor, looking for a way to escape without being seen, because they knew that the police and military had surrounded the building.

“We must find a way out to the roof. From there, we can fly away from here,” said Kami while trying to find a door to the terrace.

“Fly? I’ve just barely learned to float, and just doing that was really hard!” said Yania worriedly.

“It’s the same power. Floating is just flying for short distances, so who can float can also fly.”

Yania was not really convinced of the ease of floating over longer distances, so she sighed in anguish at the situation they found themselves in; however, neither she nor Kami regretted in the least that they had tried to save Daisy. On the contrary, both were happy that they had 76

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tried but were upset at not having discovered earlier what was happening to Daisy, since they might have been able to arrive in time to help.

“Here it is!” exclaimed Kami. “This is the door that goes to the roof!”

Suddenly, Yania began to feel a sense of suffocation, as if someone were squeezing her neck, trying to kill her. “Kami! Wait!” she shouted, bringing her hands to her throat. “I’m not feeling well.”

Kami began to feel exactly the same. “Yania, they are trying to kill us with negative psychic energy,” she said, struggling to speak. “Sum-mon Love. Think of Love and ask Him for help against Evil.”

The two, overcome with pain, stopped to respond to what the evil ones were doing from a distance. They concentrated on the beauty of Love and invoked His aid. A large group of soldiers entered the hall where the two were struggling against the psychic attack.

Love, Kami and I love you very much. Please do not let us die without at least fulfilling our mission on earth. Please, thought Yania with an intense feeling of Love.

Kami also invoked the help of Love. Seeing this, the elite soldiers came running, accompanied by a sorcerer of darkness. But the sight only increased the desire of the girls to be free from the mental attack, and... done! The two were immediately freed from the destructive energies being sent to them from the Church of Satan.

They only had enough time to run into the stairwell leading to the rooftop, and Kami wished to turn the door they’d just passed into a huge block of stone. The sorcerer of darkness tried to remove the stone block but was unsuccessful.

Yania and Kami now arrived at the terrace and concentrated on flying.

“It’s just like all other powers!” Kami said, grabbing Yania’s hand.

“You just have to concentrate very hard and wish, with Love and faith.

Wish to be elevated, just as with floating, but also desire to take a certain direction at a specific speed.”


“Follow me!”

Kami rose from the ground slowly.

Yania focused while Kami, hand in hand with her friend, waited about two feet above the ground.

Now both girls were in the air.



“Up higher, and forward at high speed!” Kami shouted to Yania, who accompanied her closely.

They started to fly rapidly forward, with their arms stretched out in front. Then they heard the sound of helicopters approaching.

One of the helicopters came within a few yards of them, reaching an unusually high speed for a helicopter. The wind from the movement of the propeller began to disturb the girls’ flight, so they performed an escape maneuver, both of them flying downward.

The helicopter followed them still, with a side door open. Inside was the warlock of darkness that had chased them in the mental hospital, now trying to hit them with bolts of fire from his satanic magic wand.

“Leave him to me!” cried Yania as they flew, weaving to avoid the rays. Concentrating, she extended her hand toward the wizard, wishing to form a ball of light. Then Yania threw it with great force, desiring that it would become a huge fireball.

The sorcerer stared for a moment in shock as he saw the huge fireball coming toward him. He tried to respond with his wand, but there was no time. It was a direct hit in the teeth. Immediately, the helicopter exploded in the air.

“You are really good at that!” said Kami, laughing to break the tension.

“Carbonize, monsters!” said Yania, laughing to release tension as well.

Further out of town, they came down on a small mountain to rest.

Meanwhile, back at the village, the watch birds all began chirping loudly, signaling the approach of monsters while flying around the perimeter of the village.

The villagers immediately gathered to organize a defense. Shortly after they had gathered together, their necklaces stopped shining. The monsters were very close. Terrible noises began coming from the trees, although there was nothing to see yet.

The villagers quickly decided to form a large circle, their hands facing outward. The children who’d not yet mastered their powers were seated inside the circle, benefiting from the protection of others.

The villagers noticed that evil aircraft were approaching. Their shapes were quite different from ships of the Love Spirits. Now the monsters in the forest began to appear. Most were in human form and 78

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wore military uniforms, with conventional weapons such as machine guns and grenades. Others kept their original monster forms, displaying a variety of characteristics, usually a mixture of several animals with cleft paws, reptilian skin, cat eyes, and various horns. In this group, some leaders stood out, as they sported an air of great importance while aggressively shouting orders, showing their sharp, crooked teeth.

These had magical abilities, and they carried huge serpent-shaped rods, which were sparkling.

It was a huge attack. The Love Spirits of the village realized that their lives were in danger, so they telepathically called to their brothers, pilots of the ships of Love.

With a loud roar, a monster leader ordered the offensive. The bat-tle was underway. Attacking soldiers began firing their weapons and launching grenades, but the Love Spirits had already created a shield around themselves, blocking the fusillade.

The monsters, realizing the ineffectiveness of conventional weapons, roared loudly and with their satanic wands launched a shower of burning coals onto the shield, which quickly consumed it.

Immediately, the villagers, who until then had avoided killing the monsters, had no choice but to start firing huge balls of fire at them, which led the evil sorcerers, now afraid, to leap to the back of the line, leaving the infantry to fight.

With this, the Evil airships began their raid. As the ships of Love had not yet arrived, it was terrible. Thick and continuous laser beams burned the houses of the village, but residents did not move from the circle they had formed. They desired that a gigantic, impenetrable reflective plate be formed over them. With that in place, several laser beams hit the plate and were instantly reflected back, destroying many enemy ships.

The hostile fleet was large and continued the attack, having already burned all the houses in the village. The monsters on land also continued their attack, but fortunately, neither their weapons nor their spells could reach the villagers, who desired that they explode in the air before they could hit. It looked like a giant fireworks show. Bullets, grenades, and even spells all exploded in the air. At this, many of the monsters went crazy with frustration, realizing their inability to kill the residents, T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


so they began to pour out their thirst for violence by indiscriminately firing upon each other. It was a bloodbath.

Suddenly, a fleet of thirty ships of Love arrived from the skies. Even before positioning themselves over the village, the Love Spirits piloting the ships had desired that all weapons systems of the Evil ships stop working.

This prevented the monsters from additional attacks on Love, and the monsters that manned the ships were forced to retreat. The defeat of the demons was complete, and finally, a monster general, the commander of the attack, had no choice but to give the order to retreat, with orders to set the forest on fire along the way.

The villagers rejoiced, as did the crews of the ships of Love, and the latter descended from their flying machines, joining the others in cele-brating the victory. They all kissed and embraced, joyful that they were all alive. Though the life of each was the most important thing, and for this they were all grateful, there was something to lament: the village had been destroyed. All the houses were burned, all of the horses dead, and the whole forest ablaze.

A huge rain began to fall on the forest, as wished for by the Love Spirits, but the fire was so extensive, and the flames so large, that it took several hours to completely extinguish the fire, leaving the whole nearby forest scorched. With the smoke still rising and trees snapped from the excessive heat, all the inhabitants felt very bitter. They had lost one of the last remaining paradises on earth.

Meanwhile, Kami and Yania were flying back toward the village, as they had no more money. They had been advised to avoid flying where they could be observed, so as not to draw the attention of the monsters, but now they had no choice. As they flew, a large vulture approached them.

“Watch out, Kami!” shouted Yania, alarmed. “You have a vulture behind you!”

Kami made a fast flip in the air, leaving the vulture behind her. The vulture began to scream, and soon, hundreds of vultures appeared in the sky, flying just above Kami.

“What do they want?” Yania asked, startled.

“They want us to die so they can eat us!” shouted Kami while several vultures began grabbing her shirt with their claws, trying to peck her.


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Yania looked back and saw her friend in deep trouble. She focused on sending a telepathic message. Kami, dive now!

Kami seemed to hesitate as she looked back at Yania. Had she really received a message from her friend?

Dive now! Trust me!

Kami threw her head down and sped towards the ground. With that burst of speed, the vultures were separated from her shirt, left with only threads in their jaws. Although the vultures followed the two girls, Yania had just enough time to desire for a huge net to wrap around the nasty birds, which stopped them and brought them crashing down, since they could no longer flap their wings.

It was just in time, as Kami had almost hit the ground. Now just one vulture remained in the sky. Yania began to create a ball of light.

Before throwing it, she looked the vulture in the eye.

“Okay, you jerk. What now? Are you up for some barbecue?” she asked.

It seemed that the vulture understood that he was about to be roasted. Suddenly, he turned back, disappearing into the heavens.

Kami flew toward Yania, giving her a hug.

“Thank you, my dear little friend! Thank you!” Yania had saved her life.




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