The Love Spirits - The Little Girls who came from the Stars by Marcos Aragao Correia - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

\ t was really cold. Sarah didn’t have anything with her except for the clothes on her back. Her coat had been left behind in her backpack. Thankfully, the moonlight helped her see the path through the woods.

She arrived at a clearing and rested for a minute. There were no houses to be seen. She looked up to the sky and quickly found her bright, shining star. She got down on her knees and put her hands together at her chest, as though praying.

“Beautiful star, please help me. I really need your help. I know that I can trust in you, as you know you can trust in me. Help me live in the Light. Please, it is very important for me. You know that I can’t go back, and if I stay here, without your help, I’ll die. I know this is not what you want to happen—”

Suddenly, it seemed that the star moved. Could it be that her eyes were playing tricks on her? She focused on the star. No, it wasn’t an illusion; the star was indeed moving towards the right! How beautiful, she thought. At the same time it seemed that it was growing larger, or... or was it coming closer to her? Yes, it was moving closer, slowly, towards Sarah.

For a few moments, she was afraid. What if the star is a trickster, she thought. Then, as if it could read Sarah’s thoughts, the star stopped and pulled back. Sarah realized that her fear was keeping the star away. If the star could feel Sarah’s fear and so pull back, that meant 21


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that it was not bad; otherwise, it would be indifferent to her feelings.

The star could read her thoughts, Sarah realized, and so didn’t want to hurt her in any way, even if it were a simple feeling of apprehension.

With this, she felt a new burst of confidence.

“Come, beautiful star. I like you very much! Don’t be afraid, because I’m not afraid, either!” she shouted as she stood up.

The star once again softly approached. It came closer and closer, descending until it came to rest just a few yards away. Sarah could now see that it wasn’t really a star but something like a round airplane without wings. It was beautiful, emitting bright white rays of light all around, so much that the clearing was illuminated as if it were day.

Sarah was overcome by its marvelous beauty.

Neither windows nor doors were visible, but below the ship, some type of hatch opened, and two beings came out and floated to the ground, quickly making up the distance between the ship and the earth.

They had human forms, and as they came closer to Sarah, she could see that they were a man and a woman, both exceedingly beautiful. They looked like adolescents in age, but with auras of exceptional maturity.

Their heads were uncovered, and they wore the same white uniform: one tight-fitting piece that covered them from their ankles up to their necks. They had white boots that went up to just over their ankles, and there were two long blue bands that ran up and down the length of each side of their uniforms. It’s all very beautiful, thought Sarah.

As they began to walk toward her, Sarah began to experience a strong feeling of peace and tranquility. It was as though they were transmitting it from their minds to Sarah’s, that sense of calm. Sarah felt herself relax, and she trusted that she was in good hands.

As they came to a stop in front of Sarah, the young woman put her hand on Sarah’s head and said tenderly, “Hi, Sarah.”

“Hi, sweetie,” followed the young man.

“Hi,” she said, stuttering, not because of fear but because she was in shock from the whole experience. She didn’t bother to ask how they knew her name, thinking that if they could do all that they’d just done, they were capable of much, much more.

“We’ve come to help,” said the young man.

“We’ve come to take you to one of our villages on Earth, where you can be happy and learn to use your powers,” said the young woman, now squatting to be at face level with Sarah.



“Would you like to come?” asked the young man, tenderly passing his hand down her cheek.

“Of course I would!” Sarah replied quickly, still visibly stunned.

The young man and woman each gave her a hand, one on each side of Sarah, and led her to just below the ship.

“Now, to enter, you just have to desire it,” said the young man.

“Desire it? Just think about entering?”

“Yes, imagine that it is truly possible, and it will become reality in the same moment,” explained the young man.

Sarah desired to enter the ship, but she couldn’t do it. Her feet were still firmly planted on the ground. Looking up, she saw her friends above, stopping to wait for her.

“I’m not able to,” she said, disappointed.

“If you think you can’t, then you won’t be able to,” said the young woman. “You know that faith is essential, and without it, nothing is possible. If you don’t have faith, it can’t happen.”

“Try hard, Sarah. Have faith!” added the young man.

Sarah closed her eyes. She focused on this desire with all her might. She imagined herself rising from the ground slowly and believed that it was possible, that it was what she wanted, and that it was actually happening right now. She opened her eyes, continuing to wish with all her strength. When she looked to the ground, she saw she was above it, rising slowly.

“I’m floating!” she shouted with excitement. “I’m floating!”

Her friends put out their hands once again to her, and together, they entered the ship. With that, the door quickly closed, and it wasn’t possible to see any trace of it. Sarah looked around. The ship was beautiful, with a soft white light uniformly illuminating the interior. A porthole, or, better said, a large rectangular window, ran the length of the ship, allowing one to see outside perfectly, while, as Sarah recalled from before, it did not allow visibility to the inside of the ship. There were six large armchairs, in rows of three, all facing the same way while following the curvature of the ship. They were in front of a large panel with a broad screen and many colorful buttons.

“It’s not necessary to depend on them,” explained the young man, seeing that Sarah was looking at the buttons. “They are only there for emergencies. Everything here functions by the control of the mind. All 24

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we have to do is desire for the ship to understand what we wish, and it immediately carries out our orders.”

“It’s the most advanced that exists! Have a seat, and we will show you!” continued the young woman, indicating with her hand to Sarah to take a seat in the first row.

“Where is the seatbelt?” asked Sarah, looking around the seat.

“We don’t need seatbelts!” laughed the young man. “There is a force within the ship that makes it such that we aren’t affected by its movements or velocity. It’s as though it’s always stationary, yet it could be going millions of miles an hour!”

“Millions of miles an hour?” asked Sarah, shocked.

“Yes, millions!” replied the young man. “Anything is possible, provided it conforms to the Universal Law. Just wish it!”

While he was saying this, the young woman began to smile as she saw the look of amazement on Sarah’s face.

“What Universal Law is this?” Sarah asked with extreme curiosity.

“Welcome aboard a ship of Love: the only true Universal Law!”

replied the young woman, satisfying Sarah’s immediate curiosity.

“I had already felt this to be true!” exclaimed Sarah happily. “I always tried to find the truth, and among all the theories, I always said that what was really important was that Good exists. In the end, I was very close to the truth: God is Love!”

“Of course, Sarah! God is Love, the only true God. All that is Love is Good. All that is not Love is Evil,” explained the young man affectionately.

Sarah settled into her chair, very happy about everything she was hearing.

“Okay, everyone, we are going to lift off! Ship, one hundred thousand, direct, orbit!” commanded the young woman.

Sarah, looking out the window, watched the ground as the ship suddenly lifted off and entered space. Now she could see the planet Earth off to one side!

“Amazing!” exclaimed Sarah enthusiastically.

“I wanted to show you how we control the ship,” explained the young woman as she saw Sarah enjoying the ride. “I don’t even need to speak, just wish, imagining what I want the ship to do, for her to T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


follow my orders. I commanded the ship to directly follow an orbit around the earth, at a speed of one hundred-thousand miles per hour.”

“Wow! Incredible!” exclaimed Sarah with even more excitement, barely remaining seated. “Despite all those computers, supersonic planes, rockets, and so on, Earth seems to be stuck in prehistoric times compared to your technology!” She looked all around, toward the planet and out to space, trying to see everything she possibly could.

“Not our technology! It is yours, also!” the young man corrected Sarah. “Welcome, Yania!”

“Yes, welcome, Yania!” joined in the young woman.

“Yania?” asked Sarah with wonder.

“Yes, your true name is Yania, and just like us, you are a Love Spirit,” explained the young man. “From now on, this is the name that you should go by.”

Yania (Sarah) was on the edge of her seat. Outside, all around her was a fantastic spectacle. She was in space and looking down at Earth!

Inside were two beautiful human beings, seated to her right, and they were saying the most amazing things. After so many turbulent days, imagine this welcome change! It was still hard for her to believe all these amazing things that were happening. But no, it wasn’t a dream.

It was real, and she was living it right now!

“You mean, you already knew me?” asked Sarah.

“Yes, long before you were born on Earth, you were born in a beautiful region of the Universe where only Love exists. There, you chose to come to Earth during one life, to fight against Evil,” explained the young woman. “It’s normal that you don’t remember any of this. The process of reincarnation and deincarnation sometimes makes us temporarily forget our past lives, but with special meditative exercises, it is possible to recover those memories.

“I’m just so happy to know that I’m not alone!” exclaimed Yania, almost crying with joy. She got up and hugged her two friends, and they hugged her back. “I was just so sad, seeing so much wickedness in the world. I only had one true friend, Daisy, whom I really liked a lot.

But otherwise, I felt like a real extraterrestrial! That’s right! I am an extraterrestrial, and this is why I never adapted to life on Earth! A large number of people on Earth reject Love, and this is why there is so much violence, war, hatred, discrimination, injustice....”


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“It’s true,” confirmed the young man. “We are now going to introduce you to other brothers and sisters who live on Earth in a small secret village, vigorously fighting against Evil. That will be your new home.”

Just as the young man finished speaking, Yania saw that they were descending into a wilderness. Although it was night, many small homes with beautiful lights were visible, surrounded by a vast forest.

They exited the ship—its strong light illuminating the area—and floated toward a man and a woman and three children. The children looked about Yania’s age.

“Hi, Yania. We were waiting for you! I’m Kami. I’m nine years old.

This is my brother, Ilky; he’s seven. And this is my sister, Kimi, who is ten,” said one of the girls, pointing to each of her siblings. “And these are our parents, Dyma, who is twenty-six, and Noiu, who is thirty.”

They all said hello to Yania, and each of them hugged her sweetly, as if they were old friends. Yania, of course, returned their hugs.

Meanwhile, the two friends who had brought her there turned toward the ship. As they floated back to the ship, they said good-bye to Yania.

“So long!” she said, turning toward them. “What are your names?”

“I’m Ilya, and he is Ceijo!” the woman replied, and in an instant, they were inside the ship, which began to rise with increasing speed so that it was beyond Yania’s view almost instantly.

Kami was blue eyed, with straight blond hair down to her shoulders.

She seemed to be the most talkative.

“They have a lot of work to do, so they had to go back. It’s one of our ships patrolling Earth’s skies. They don’t live here with us, but they have a base on the other side of the moon.”

“They are the only ones who wear uniforms?” asked Yania, seeing that everyone else in the village wore different clothes—much simpler, yet still very nice.

“Yes, it is just a way to help us distinguish ourselves from the evil beings that also have ships. Still, you have to be careful. The only true way to know us is through the heart, by the vibrations of Love we transmit, which can’t be imitated by the Evil ones,” Kami warned, putting her hand over her heart.

“What? Evil beings have ships like us?” she asked with concern.



“Well, they are not exactly like ours. They have a different shape and different lights, and they don’t work by the power of the mind. Still, they have powerful capabilities.”

Meanwhile, Dyma, the mother of the children, approached Yania and stroked her head, saying in a tone of suggestion, “I think it would be good for Yania to get some rest, as she’s had some very difficult days.

After she’s rested, we can explain everything to her.”

“Yes, it does seem she could use some rest!” agreed Kimi, the one with the long, wavy brown hair and green eyes.

“Let’s take her home,” said Noiu.

“What’s your name?” asked Ilky, the seven-year-old boy with brown eyes and straight black hair.

“Sarah.” she paused and corrected herself. “I mean Yania!”

“I was just testing you, to see if you are getting used to it!” teased Ilky, smiling. Sarah smiled as well.

“I guess that’s just a matter of time! I’m Yania, and like you all, I’m a Love Spirit!”

“Exactly!” Kami smiled, too, giving Yania a hand. “Let’s go home.

You need to get some rest.”

While they walked, Sarah looked attentively all around. Everything was very simple and beautiful. Many faint little lights marked the path-ways, and others gently brightened various points around the village.

There were many beautiful horses of various colors out to pasture, and everything was surrounded by trees, flowers, bushes, and ponds. There was even a fairly wide river flowing through the area. Many small wooden houses were scattered about, but there were no cars and no paved roads. It was all very clean, without any type of pollution or contamination.

While they walked, other people smiled and waved at Yania. She waved in return.

“Everyone is so nice!” exclaimed Yania.

“They are all Spirits of Love, and they know that you are, too. Soon you will be introduced to everyone,” explained Dyma, whose age of twenty-six no one would guess. She had beautiful young skin, the face of a child, long straight black hair in a ponytail, innocent brown eyes, and a beautiful smile. One might guess that she was sixteen or seven-teen, at most.


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“Here, everyone loves one another,” confirmed Noiu tenderly. Noiu, with red hair and blue eyes, also looked very young. No one would guess he was thirty years old.

Everyone entered the house. It had one floor but was quite large.

After they showed Yania around, Dyma and Noiu took her to the room that they had prepared for her. It would be her room. It was beautiful!

There was a window that looked out over a pond surrounded by flowers.

The walls were painted with magnificent artwork—stars, children, and flowered gardens. Her bed was soft and cozy.

Yania threw her arms around her new parents and thanked them for everything from the bottom of her heart!




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