The Love Spirits - The Little Girls who came from the Stars by Marcos Aragao Correia - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

g he sun had risen on the village. Yania, so excited the night before, had slept deeply, since she had been so exhausted upon arrival.

She stretched out gently in the bed. She looked all around as though trying to push out any lingering doubts she had about the reality of all of this. She smiled, then got up out of bed and went to the window, opening it with excitement. She looked at everything with bright eyes.

“Good morning! This is for you,” said Kami walking into her room with a plate full of food. “We prepared a delicious meal for you: soy milk, wheat bread, cherry jam, tofu squares, and fruit salad!”

“Good morning, Kami! Thank you! I adore vegetarian food!” Yania replied happily while giving her friend a peck on the cheek. “This is so great! My parents didn’t like vegetarian food and didn’t want me to eat it. They said it was bad for me, even knowing that it is the most healthy food in the world! I had to throw major temper tantrums to get them to buy me any natural foods,” she laughed.

“That’s great that you already know it’s the best kind of food! Here, no one eats meat, not even fish. All our meals are vegetarian, and delicious!” said Kami, drawing her finger across her lips.

“My parents were even in the habit of smoking around me. They didn’t care if their smoke bothered anyone else. I got so sick of cough-ing and getting red eyes from the smoke.”



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“Well, there are a lot of people who don’t have respect for others, not even for children—who are even more sensitive to smoke than adults,” agreed Kami, shaking her head. “Here you can rest assured, no one smokes nor even drinks alcohol, nor takes any other type of drug,”

she continued, smiling.

“That’s so great!” said Yania, chewing on some tofu. “This is delicious!” she exclaimed, putting another piece in her mouth.

Kami smiled, seeing her new friend so happy.

“Good morning,” said Dyma, entering the room.

“Hi, Dyma, good morning!”

Dyma was followed by Noiu, Kimi, and Ilky, who all greeted Yania with the same tenderness.

“Good morning!” replied Yania, rising and giving hugs to everyone.

Kimi and Ilky sat on the bed, next to Yania and Kami.

“We made this for you,” said Ilky, presenting to Yania a necklace with a brilliant, beautiful pink stone.

“Everyone here in the village has one, although not everyone wears it around their necks,” explained Kimi.

“It’s beautiful! What type of stone is it?” asked Yania.

“We call it Pink of Life. It’s a very rare stone capable of detecting the presence of evil spirits. It has been especially modified for this purpose. When it is found in nature, it doesn’t have this capability,” continued Kimi.

“Yes, to give it this power, it takes at least two really virtuous people. They have to hold it tightly with their hands closed on it, both concentrating for five minutes, to infuse it with the energy of Love from their Spirits. At that point, it begins to shine,” explained Kami.

“It really is bright!” exclaimed Yania, lifting it up to see it better.

“It stays bright until an evil spirit is nearby. At that point, it stops shining until the evil spirit is about a thousand yards away,” added Kimi.

“It’s a precious tool for notifying us of the presence of Evil, giving us time to evaluate what we should do in each case,” said Kami.

Ilky held the necklace and put it back around Yania’s neck.

“Look how it shines!” exclaimed Ilky.

Dyma and Noiu smiled.

“This means that we are all Love Spirits!” said Yania, touching the stone hanging from her neck.



“And all brothers and sisters!” added Dyma.

While Yania finished eating, she told them all about her interest in the paranormal, and Noiu opened the wardrobe and organized the clothes inside.

“It is great that you have such a deep interest in spiritual things!

You are really going to enjoy living here. In just a little while, we are going to have a meeting in the village, so you can get to know all our brothers and sisters. From this wardrobe, you can choose something to wear. It’s all yours!”

“Thank you very much!” replied Yania, looking inside. “It is all very beautiful!”

“It’s all made with natural fabrics, even the shoes. We have a machine that we use here. We just put the fabrics, thread, and other materials into the machine, program the design we want, and, in a few seconds, we have a new piece of clothing,” continued Noiu.

“And it all works on sustainable energy!” exclaimed Kami. “The machines, the lighting, even the heating of our water—it’s all done with solar energy.”

“You mean you don’t have to pay anything to a company?”

Noiu took from his jacket a small bag that had what looked like candy inside.

“See, out in society, this bag would have money, but here it has natural fruit candies. Money is one thing we keep out of the village, since we all help one another without expecting anything in return.” He offered a piece of strawberry candy to Yania. “If you would like some, please take it!”

“Thank you! I have always thought that the use of money is a form of discrimination, since some people have a lot, and because of this make much more, while others have little, and, with so little, they can’t make more. But worst are the corrupt millionaires who don’t do honest work for their money,” said Yania in a tone of desperation. “So here, how are decisions made in the village? Do you elect a leader of some sort?”

“No way!” replied Dyma. “Here, everyone is important and invaluable. We recognize the worth of each individual and know that what is good for one is good for all. All the decisions are made in unanimity.

Because of this, we don’t need leaders or government.”


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“And you always are able to come to an agreement?” asked Yania in awe.

“Of course!” smiled Dyma. “We have 189 people, 190 now, count-ing you, and never once during all the many years the village has existed has there been a decision that was made against the will of anyone. We all discuss and debate, presenting our points of view, then together, we arrive at a consensus—this because we all love each other and there is no selfishness here. In this way, all decisions are made in the best interests of everyone, since our mindset is to cooperate and not compete with each other.”

“This is amazing!” exclaimed Yania.

“Yes, it is! No country on Earth could hope to become an ideal system like us, whether it is a republic, a monarchy, a democracy, or anything by another name. In fact, while there is selfishness, competition, violence, and evil, no system will be good. All systems will be violent, selfish, and evil, even with all the rules they can invent to try to prevent it, as long as the majority of people are malevolent. These immoral people will block any good intention, whether they are in the government or just found among the population,” explained Dyma.

“And that is why, in our little corner of Earth, everything is marvelous! Because we don’t have any bad people here!” exclaimed Kami.

“I’m so happy that you’ve accepted me here!”

“You were already accepted thousands of years ago,” replied Dyma, thinking how wonderful it was that all children who have Love engraved in their Spirits also have such great intelligence and maturity.

Yania found it hard to choose something to wear, not only because there was so much to choose from but because they were all such pretty options.

“Maybe I’ll go with this outfit,” she said, holding up a shirt and some pants in front of her.

“It looks great on you!” replied Kami.

“Yes, put it on!” added Kimi.

Yania took off the shirt that she had been wearing, getting ready to put on the new shirt, but everyone noticed the whip marks on her back and chest from the beating from her father.

“You poor thing!” lamented Kami. “We have to do something to help this heal faster for you.”



“Yes, we do,” agreed Kimi.

Dyma and Noiu came closer to see what they could do.

“It was from my dad. Unfortunately, he seems to be one of those bad people we were just talking about,” she explained with her head low.

Everyone felt sad for Yania, seeing her abused this way.

“Don’t worry, it won’t happen ever again,” said Noiu tenderly. At the same time, Dyma placed her hand over the wounds.

“They are disappearing!” exclaimed Ilky with joy.

“How are you doing this, Dyma?” asked Yania.

“I’m accelerating the healing cycle in your body. Basically, I’m emanating energy of Love directly over the wounds, giving your body the strength to heal them more quickly.”

Dyma noticed a little red mark near Yania’s shoulder that remained while all the others had disappeared. “This little lesion here?” she inquired while touching it with her finger, “have you had this for some time?”

“Yes, it appeared when I was six years old. It has grown a bit, and sometimes it itches. I went to several doctors, who prescribed a variety of creams and pills. In the end, nothing helped it.”

“This lesion has a psychological origin,” explained Dyma. “Since you have suffered so much and been so unhappy since you were little, your mind entered a state of disharmony, and so it began to create a state of disharmony in your body. Many people get sick, and sometimes even die, because the mind is unhappy. Your spiritual state is directly related to your physical state. The mind has the power to destroy, just as it has the power to heal. Now, since you are so happy here, this lesion’s days are numbered. Even you can cure it now; you just have to desire it!”

“Just desire? Is it really that easy?” asked Yania, still a bit perplexed.

“Yes, of course! Since it is something that came from within you subconsciously, what we can do is teach you how to cure it.”

“And how do I do that?”

“In the exact same way that you entered and left the ship: believing that you can, and desiring it so strongly that it becomes reality. Sit here to relax,” proposed Kami, patting her hand on the bed.


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Yania sat down, wondering to herself if she would actually have the ability to get rid of that mark that had bothered her for so long.

“Now wish it with all your might!” counseled Kami while giving a light massage to the shoulders of her new friend.

Meanwhile, Dyma, Noiu, Kimi, and Ilky began massaging Yania’s hands and feet.

“This feels so good!” exclaimed Yania in a whisper.

“Wish it as hard as you can,” said Dyma.

“I am! I can and want to be healed.... I can and want to be healed.... I can and want to be healed,” she repeated quietly while intensely focusing on her wish.

“You did it! You did it!” shouted Kami. “It’s gone!”

Everyone began to smile with joy and give hugs to Yania.


gratulations!” everyone said.

Yania looked at her shoulder and jumped for joy. It was gone! The lesion had completely vanished!

She finished getting dressed, and everyone went to the clearing where the ship had landed. Everyone in the village was there, waiting.

Yania was introduced to each of them, and each gave her huge hugs of welcome. Of course, she vigorously returned their hugs.

“Mom, so who is going to help Yania with all her training?” Kami asked Dyma.

“Well, Ilky is still little and working on perfecting his powers. Kimi is already mentoring Eliu, and Noiu and I just started working on a machine to aerate the ground. Seems to me that you are the only one left on the list. What do you think?”

Kami jumped up and down with excitement. “Yippee!” she shouted.

“I love Yania, and I will be so happy to teach her everything I know!”

“Okay, then, it’s settled. She is all yours!”

Kami ran toward Yania. “Do you like to ride horses?”

“I adore horses! But I have to confess that I’m a bit scared of falling off,” she replied, giving a few final hugs to the group.

Kami grabbed her friend’s hand. “Now that you’ve met everyone here in the village, I’m going to show you our horses! Let’s go! They are so beautiful! And you don’t have to worry. They are all very tame.

They’ve never made one of us fall off.”

“Okay! Let’s go!” replied Yania while being pulled by Kami.



The two of them were so happy! Kami showed Yania all the horses, telling her their names and ages.

“Speaking of ages, I noticed that here in the village there aren’t any old people,” commented Yania.

“It’s true! As you know, our Spirits have unlimited power to realize our desires, as long as those desires follow three requirements: being aligned with Love, having absolute faith that it is possible for the desire to become a reality, and having intense mental focus. These three requirements are the key to all the magic of Love. And, of course, it is natural that here, where all are Love Spirits, and all the adults have solid control over their powers, that there isn’t any sickness or old age, as no one wants to be sick or old.”

“Ahh, I understand.”

“Many of the people you met today are over four hundred years old.

Fymi is the oldest of all—she’s 532. In other words, time goes by, but the body doesn’t get old or sick!”

Fantastic!” exclaimed Yania while stroking one of the horses. It is great to know that I will never grow old and never get sick again, she thought happily.

“The power of Evil lives mostly in lies and hypocrisy. As Evil can never overcome Love, it tries to weaken it by spreading a variety of lies.

One of the most recent lies, one that you’ve probably been taught in school, is that God doesn’t exist, and that Man came from a monkey!”

“I never believed that!” Yania affirmed quickly.

“Yes, but many do. These lies only make people dependent on corrupt politicians, evil scientists, and other kinds of cretins who serve the Forces of Darkness. This is the reason that, even though you don’t believe directly in these lies, when you got sick, you went to a conventional doctor. Unconsciously you were supporting materialism, and without knowing it, you were believing that the cure was from outside you.”

“I understand. The cure is within me, not from outside. Just like with the lesion on my shoulder,” she realized, rubbing her hand where the lesion had been.

“Exactly! All because Love is our God, and we Spirits of Love, as the true offspring of Love whom we are, are part of God-Love, and God-Love being immortal, our Spirits are also immortal!”


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“It is really reassuring to hear this, that we will never die,” replied Yania thoughtfully while looking around at the beauty of nature.

“It’s true! We can change bodies, but our Spirits, our consciousnesses, our thoughts—in other words, that which we are, our true selves—these are eternal.”

“And therefore Love is the key to everything!” exclaimed Yania, brushing her hand across her friend’s face.

“Yes, Yania,” Kami replied, grabbing her friend’s hand tenderly. “We exist to be happy, and to help others be happy, as well!”

“Ayyy! He is tugging on my shirt!” shouted Yania. Her back was to a horse, who was trying to lift her up by the shirt.

“He wants to play—come on, Tito. You want to give Yania a ride?”

she said while rubbing the horse’s white muzzle.

“I’m afraid, Kami,” Yania confessed, a bit embarrassed.

“No, don’t be! All of our horses were taught with a lot of Love, and they are all very gentle.”

“There are many who say that animals have spirits, but I can’t believe it.”

“You are right, Yania! These are only lies to try to confuse us. Of course, animals don’t have spirits. Why would a Love Spirit choose to incarnate in a horse, a dog, a toad, or a grasshopper? That would be absurd! Only the human body has the physical attributes to give and receive happiness, not only due to being the most amazing physical cre-ation but because it can interact with others. For example, I can decide.

. . to tickle you!” She began to tickle Yania under her arms and down her belly in a fast motion, while Yania began laughing uncontrollably. “But a horse, a dog, a toad, or a grasshopper can’t! Not even a monkey can, because it doesn’t have the ability to do these quick motions!” she concluded, laughing from seeing Yania laugh so much.

“Very convincing!” exclaimed Yania, still laughing while trying to compose herself after all the tickling.

“Animals and plants should still be treated well because they are part of nature, and nature must be preserved and respected. Nature exists to contribute to the happiness of we Human Beings. Isn’t it pretty to be able to look over this field, with these beautiful horses out to pasture, and the mountains over there covered by beautiful trees?” she asked rhetorically, releasing a sigh of satisfaction.



“Very much so,” agreed Yania, looking at the natural beauty all around them. “It is all so beautiful!”

“But Evil has destroyed nature,” continued Kami. “All types of pollution: in the air, the rivers, the oceans. Deforestation. Construction of buildings without following any care, with money and wealth being the only goal. Electromagnetic radiation from power lines, and from mobile phone towers, causes sickness and death to many, especially young children.”

“And the death of millions of animals every year, eaten by carnivores,” added Yania.

“Yes, that’s true! Speaking of carnivores, when I said that animals don’t have a spirit... I want to explain a bit better.”


“I meant to say that no Love Spirit would incarnate in an animal. As a rule, animals don’t have any type of spirit. But sometimes....”

“Sometimes what?” asked Yania, waiting anxiously.

“Sometimes evil spirits will transform into animals to spy on us, or try to do us harm. There was a day a while back when a dog wandered into the village. I was just learning to walk, but I remember this dog very well. It seemed abandoned. It was all dirty and seemed that it hadn’t eaten in months. Jilu, a six-year-old boy in the village, brought him home, fed him, and took care of him. About three years went by, so Jilu was around nine. The dog had become healthy and strong. He had grown in size and had shiny, long gray hair, with nice pointy ears.

Everyone liked the dog. They caressed him and let him enter their homes. He just seemed like such a sweet dog. Until one day....” She paused again and lowered her head.

“Until one day...?”

“Until one day Jilu took him for a walk in the woods here nearby, as he used to do almost every day. Then suddenly, almost the whole village heard him screaming for help. Everyone ran to his aid, but by the time they arrived, it was too late. They saw the dog biting Jilu’s neck viciously. Everyone tried to pull him off, but the dog was strong, and his teeth had already torn into his skin, causing him to lose too much blood.

He died right there, before anyone could do anything to help him. He was an only child, and his parents had seen the whole ordeal. It shocked them so badly that they never wanted to have any more kids.


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Some of us chased after the dog, and we were able to catch him. Just as we were getting ready to kill him, he transformed into a terrible creature—this huge thing, part wolf, part goat, part eagle. It is hard to describe. Those who were there said that it had eight feet: four of a wolf, and four of a goat, and from the sides of the misshapen wolf torso grew two enormous wings, with two terrible claws. It had three heads: one of a ferocious wolf, the other of a goat with dozens of spiky horns, and the other of an eagle with sharp teeth in its beak. They tried to attack the monster with fireballs from their hands, but the monster quickly began flapping its wings and fled into the sky with a shrill, Machiavellian laugh.”

“How terrible!” commented Yania, looking woefully at Kami.

“Yes, it was. This is the reason that we made these necklaces, and today we all use them,” she said, touching the stone around her neck,

“so that nothing like that ever happens again.”

Yania also looked at her stone. It shined as bright as Kami’s. She asked herself what would happen if it stopped shining. That would mean that Evil was nearby and she should be very cautious; however, she preferred to think that when this moment arrived, she would already be so well skilled with her magical powers that she would be able to protect herself and be able to protect any friends who happened to be with her.

“Ayyyee! Again!?” exclaimed Yania. “Now Tito is pulling on the sleeve of my shirt!” she said, laughing.

“He won’t let go until you mount up on him!” laughed Kami. “Wait, I’ll go get some reins for you.” She ran up to a nearby tree, where several reins hung from the lower branches.

“Okay, you put them on like this,” she demonstrated, putting the reins around the horse’s head.

“And the saddle?” asked Yania, thinking that her friend had forgotten.

“You won’t need it. We rarely even use the reins. You’ll see.” She whistled loudly, calling another horse over to them.

“Dida, come! She’s a mare. I usually ride her.”

The mare was large and black, and she quickly came galloping toward Kami. Kami had another set of reins that she placed on the mare.



“Now watch,” she said, getting Yania’s attention.

“Down!” she commanded Dida, and the horse immediately knelt down on its front legs. Kami jumped on her back. “Now do the same thing with Tito,” she said to her friend as she adjusted herself on Dida’s back.

“Down!” Yania said to Tito; however, he didn’t move but continued trying to nibble on her clothes. “He’s not obeying me,” she said disappointedly.

“You aren’t going to tell me that you thought he would obey simply by verbal commands! That’s only in the circus!” she laughed. “Yania, remember the power of your mind.”

“Ah! Of course. Sorry. How was it possible that I didn’t remember that the power of the mind works for everything?!” she laughed. “Down, Tito!” she commanded, desiring intensely that the horse would kneel down the same way that Kami’s had.

“See how he is obeying you now?”

“You’re right. Ayyy!” she exclaimed, afraid that she would fall as the horse was getting up. “And now what would you like to do?”

“First of all, don’t be afraid. Fear weakens the power of the mind.

You should be confident and concentrate on your balance. That’s mainly why we use the reins. Everything depends on the horse, and he will never intentionally make you fall off. If you accidentally fall, all you have to do is immediately desire to float in the air, so that you don’t get hurt. Do you get it now?”

“Yes, got it! I’m confident that I won’t fall!” she said while stroking the horse. I’ve got good balance.... I’ve got good balance,” she repeated in her mind.

“Okay. Let’s ride at a gallop so you can see how you don’t have to be afraid,” said Kami. She commanded her horse to gallop at a medium pace.

Yania was left behind.

“Don’t make me fall,” she whispered to her horse, who neighed as though he understood what she said. “Gallop forward to catch up with Kami,” she commanded with desire. The horse started off in a fast gallop, catching up with her friend very quickly.

“It’s fun to gallop, isn’t it, Yania?”

“So much! These horses are exceptional!”


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They galloped together to a small stream in the forest.

“Shall we stop here for a bit?” suggested Kami.

Yania was truly loving riding her horse, but she also thought that the place was really beautiful and a good spot for a rest. “Yes, sounds good.”

They dismounted from their horses and sat at the edge of the stream with their bare feet in the running water.

“Kami, I have a question to ask....”

“Anything you want, Yania.”

“How is it that Evil came to be? From where did it come?”

“It’s really simple! See: God is Love and so can’t force anyone to follow his ideas. God-Love creates the spirits and gives them the freedom to choose what they want to be. Right then, when a spirit begins to exist, it is given two possible paths: follow the loving nature of its origin and become like God, who is absolute Love, or, on the contrary, reject Love and distance itself from God.”

“But why would someone choose Evil?”

“Because they want to experiment, to see if they can be happy through wickedness, violence, selfishness, and hate. That is, they think only of themselves and despise the happiness of others. But because everyone’s existence comes from Love, true and complete happiness can only be achieved by those who also are Love. For this reason, those who are Love feel so happy, so wonderfully happy: for they can love and be loved by each other! This is the reason why God is Love and why his Spirits who are Love never, ever want to stop being Love: because they know that this would mean the loss of this splendid absolute happiness.”

Yania felt in her heart all the beauty of Love. It was a marvelous warmth induced by the comfort of the idea that God, herself and Kami, and all those who, like them, followed Love, would never stop loving and being loved.

“But how come the evil ones don’t change and instead choose Love and become happy like us?”

“The choice for Love has to be something felt in the depths of the Spirit. It can’t just be a mere phrase, something like, ‘I’m now going to follow Love.’ No! It is required to feel, absolutely feel, that this is what the person truly wants. And since, thankfully, no one can hide their true thoughts, feelings, and most profound desires from God, God will always know if the choice of this person is genuine or not. Besides, those who T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


choose Evil usually end up developing so many bad spiritual characteristics that it becomes more and more difficult for them to feel Love and to choose it with a pure conscience. It’s a vicious cycle; the more wickedness they perform, the more wicked they become, and the more distanced from Love they remain.”

“I understand. It makes sense,” Yania commented with her head down. “And when was it that the bad spirits began attacking us?”

“A long time ago,” replied Kami, throwing a pebble into the stream.

Seeing that her friend was quite interested in learning more, she continued, “A long, long time ago, at the very beginning of things, only Love existed in the universe. Everything was perfect, and the Love Spirits lived happily, traveling through space and populating new planets like the earth. At that time, suffering, misery, violence, hatred, war, disease, and old age were unknown. Everyone had beautiful human bodies, and men and women lived in perfect harmony, loving each other.

Yes!” she said with shining eyes. “The motto was: love your neighbor as yourself. But suddenly, monsters began to appear on the various planets, including Earth. You’ve heard