The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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In this world those people who relate with you but who have not learned to show due respect to you, your personal values and your human dignity then it is wise to stop having anything to do with them. This courageous action will lead you to real joy and full happiness in your life and living. If you continue your relationship with them by caring and sharing things with such people, it is definite that you will not be able to concentrate with your daily activities properly and thus would not be able to perform well to continue doing greater things. They will become a hindrance for you in all your success.

There are times in your relationship with people that you respectfully confess that you care for them. You say that I care for you and I am always there for you. You even oblige to let them know that you will be there for them in good, bad and ugly times and will be able to spend your valuable time with them. However, the real concern arises when you find out that they disregard all your human feelings and show stark disrespect for your activities. Do they reciprocate in your days of difficulties or rejoice with you in your good events? If not then it is wise to quickly drop them from your life altogether and keep them at bay.

Without giving much wise thoughts to find out what is churning in their mind against you and not fully comprehending their dubious feelings for you, you oblige to assist and become their saviour and helper thereby keep responding well and running behind them to blindly grant them all their superfluous needs and excessive wants. You fail to realise and fully understand that they have no respect and honour for your human dignity. You should tarry a little and consider deeply clarifying your relationship to find out the true nature of those deceitful friends or so called relatives. Instead often times you are caught up in their false deeds and words, all their sweet talks that keep displaying their false promises and their deceptive conduct. The ultimate result is that you are caught up in the adverse labyrinth of weak friends and relatives and keep suffering silently.

The obvious question to pose here is ‘What kind of unreal world are you living in?’ knowing full well that they hardly have kind words for you and you are bombarded daily with falsehood and deceitful conduct. The real concern is that you as a decent human being keep believing as truthful all their words and doubtful behaviour to keep assisting them regardless. Are you not worried and concerned for being in this kind of doubtful human relationship? If you are not, then the question is why not?

Can you not see that you are disturbing your daily living and keep spoiling your smooth and healthy life?

If you are really special for any of your relatives, friends or family members they would not brag and keep convincing you that they are your confidante, instead they would act to show you in various obvious ways that you are part and partial of their life. They would always be there for you in your good, bad and ugly times irrespective of any lame excuses. Alternatively you fall in the trap of falsehood, deceptive actions and even harsh words often.

Your existence in their world or life has no meaning and reality because for them you are just no one. The simple understanding is that all such people who dwell in your life and around you to continue giving you disrespect and such torturous life should quickly be discarded and thrown out of your relationship because for them your existence does not make any difference to them. You should exclude yourself gradually from their company and stop dealing with them now. Whether it is their home or their heart, it is better to keep your distance from them.

Often several people tend to pose a very relevant question to me. Why have you detached yourself from people you had developed so much love for and why is it that you cannot forget them and live without them?  I have some very pungent and corrosive words as answers for them. This reply might sting you but it is the truth nothing but the truth for me. 

When a young child who has fallen sick and then the concerned mother has to give some bitter medicine to heal the sick child quickly but the child feels that the mother is acting like an enemy and in fact it is the bitter medicine that goes on to properly heal the child.  So the presentation hereafter may seem like the bitter medicine to wake you up to start a new and meaningful living. This has to be said because those relatives and people who act to disrespect you need to be made aware that they are hurting you badly and they have no reason to do so and conduct themselves so erratically.

Just think and seriously consider that in this whole world where proper human loving relationship is meant to flourish, you were dished out with some irresponsible and unworthy people in your life to relate, live and interact. The question is why you had to drop them from your life. Of course, you had a lot of valid reasons to take that final action. You decided to abandon them as well as that relationship because they were giving you pain instead of pleasure.

Then the other good reason was that those people were wrong for you to relate with and your inner soul dictated and confirmed that all those people who you regarded as your everything they became unworthy human being to associate with and continue all relationships. The people you were regarding as divine and godly they had no real human qualities to share. You had given all your best for their personal welfare but they turned out to be selfish and deceitful. Now you feel that they had never done anything worthy for you and yet they are neither feeling any guilt about their conduct towards you nor have any concerns about you.

Now it is absolutely reasonable to leave them alone and think seriously about your own welfare because they do not show any respect and concern for you.  However, it seems you are that unwise one who is running after them and still caring for them to endeavour to continue and honour this false relationship. It should now be clear to you that you are unnecessarily involved and wasting your time, effort and brain. If your love and affection were honourable in developing the relationship then you have not lost anything. You should be happy and thankful that you managed to get out of the problematic situation and the snare of false relations and deceptive people. The truth is that you should thank Almighty God that you were guided well in this predicament and shown you the mirror of truth, beauty and goodness.

Now you have to think and understand that in your own opinion and view you have your own respectful human values and self respect. That you are no longer that useless individual with whom people can play with and keep deceiving you to break your heart. You are an important and respectful human being worthy of getting the respect and honour of all decent people. You are not going to take any cruelty, deceitful behaviour, falsehood and pretence from anyone. You are not a drum to be beaten and played freely with any tune that the unacceptable individuals wish. Be brave. Be strong. Never act and talk like a coward but wake up to get free you from all captivity and cages.

As in real life people come and depart from our life so a lot of people would come and go from your life. Your life and your entire work and social world is also subject to this flow of people but one thing to remember always is that you are not the only one affected by this mobility and continuous reincarnation. If you observe deeply then you may laugh and mock at yourself because some senseless people have taken advantage of you as an honest human being and you have tolerated all. Everything was happening right in front of you and you as an honest being were not able to detect the dubious dealings and fully understand the situation. There is no need to cry over the spilt milk but to wake up and move on away from those kinds of people, places and prospects. Stop worrying and be happy.

There is yet another specific point to remember and that is that you should never regard yourself as any inferior individual because if you wish and are determined then you can conquer the whole world and keep serving the community in the best possible way. The only requirement for all these is to leave the company of all such deceitful and selfish people. Learn to respect yourself because respecting and honouring those that hurt you would never give you the needed peace, prosperity and progress. The day you begin to do these you are certain to find your destination and the right place in the world.

Generally it is true that many of us neither rightfully respect us nor we like and love ourselves and take good care about us. If those of us who learn to do these then no irresponsible person can ever take advantage of us and we will always save ourselves from all kinds of deception, problems and bondage. We would save ourselves from begging for love and respect in our life and would never let people laugh at our common errors. We should never lose our self respect and run after the useless and deceptive people who regard you as odd and redundant. Often we make this unforgiveable mistake of caring about the wrong people who have only evil thoughts about us.  This should stop if you want to live a happier life.

There is one more important thing to remember and that is if one wishes to do something great in life then one must look ahead because to dwell in the past is futile except when there is some lesson to be learnt. The one who lives in the past cannot progress because that is what has already happened and is your yesterday but your tomorrow is yet to come and should be your main concern.  You cannot spoil your life by being with and associating with unworthy individuals. Always aim at making a special place for you in the world. The choice is yours.

The best thing you can do is to leave the company of worthless people and forgive them for all problems they have caused for you and move on to make your life even better. All that have happened is your past and to dwell there would make you more despondent and retarded. You have brilliant events ahead of you to make you happier and healthier. Make greater decisions and take bolder steps but forget all that caused you tension because these things will keep happening.

No one else will care for you in this competitive and changing world but you yourself. You have to think hard to care and love your life and do whatever you think is objective for you. It is you who can get you out of pain and all problems. So get up and keep moving ahead with a lot more inspiration to get whatever better things and pleasure your life is destined to present for you. It is always sensible to try to understand people who associate with you and judge them wisely. Then you will be able to enjoy life better and be able to witness great events and improve your status. Be happy because this should be your main goal in life. Learn to be happy even in your bad days and worst moments because these will show you the road ahead to solve your problems. Gather your courage and develop talents and skills to overcome all your difficulties. Just leave the company of people who do not support you and hinder your progress. These steps will eradicate many of your pains and sorrows in life.

Finally if all these make you happy your life will change for the better and you will definitely rid yourself of all bad elements in your life. If not greater tragedies will keep bothering you. So be happy and make happy all the people who care for you. All those who do not have respect for your values and culture just stop to even think and associate with them anymore in order to lead a happier, healthier and more peaceful life.