The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Many of the current violent protests by people all over the world are really disturbing for all peace loving citizens and all those of us who believe in the democratic idea of resolving our differences through proper and wise dialogues. In the last year or so these protests have escalated many folds and there seems no end to these irresponsible conducts where properties are damaged, people are hurt, arrests are made for unlawful behaviour and the prevalence of  many other prevailing adverse situations.

The leaders, administrators, the churches and the communities as well as the controlling authorities are unable to do much to curtail the occurrence of these rowdy situations.  I used to love to watch, read and enjoy the news items through the various multi medium but sadly and unfortunately now I have to switch off the radio, television and stop buying the newspapers that promote such kinds of disturbing and sensational news items because of the frequency of violent, criminal and disturbing aspects therein.

All these have become unbearable for ordinary citizens and we now only hope that sooner or later there will come a day when people of all countries, administrations, businesses, governments, races, cultures and creeds would put aside their differences and learn to come together in love, peace and understanding to join their hands, hearts and minds in that form of unification that would suit the most enlightened creations of God we call the human race which should be practicing the values of truth, beauty and goodness at all times. 

If my hopes and aspirations come to full fruition within my life time, we would be able to deal with a lot of economic, social and cultural hardships and difficulties that face us currently and would be able to heal and please the suffering people of this world. If this wish comes alive then a completely new and a lot more civilized breed of human beings may emerge to bring joy to our future generations.  May God grant these wiser and enlightened people together with their leaders and governments proper words, actions, thoughts, character and hearts to retrace the past steps to discover a lot greater wisdom that would strengthen and improve our future trails and paths that we left along the way in our quest for making this world a better place than what reason our Creator had sent us here. We were not created to only live our life but to love it and celebrate it with all our fellow beings.

So let us just do those for happiness and peaceful co-existence.  I only hope that we all wake up from our deep slumbers, review our systems that have gone wrong and be guided accordingly to make our journey worthy and rewarding.

Let there be greater awakening among all of us to fire up with hope and wisdom within us so that even a lot brighter lights are lit again for all of us to live well and celebrate our lives as enlightened human beings.

May God help us all to enjoy our lives as was originally intended by our creator.  Let us all preach and practice peaceful protests and let us learn to agree to disagree.

 November 2019
