The Secret to Speaking to Your Destiny and Causing It to Manifest by Musa S. Joel - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


The Power of Your Thought-Words


“In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God.” - John 1:1


MOST of our thoughts are words, though they are commonly known and referred to as thoughts. But in the real sense thoughts are words; they are the inner voices of our longing, of what we desperately want, desire or detest.


They are the words of a thousand experience, incidence, background, training, trauma, expectation or desire!


They are the words of those things that have predominantly dominated our subconscious mind, or what we’ve forced upon our minds, either consciously or otherwise. That is why your thought-words are so powerful! . . .


[In the book, How to Turn Words into Money, I said something which I believe to be very interesting, at least judging from my vintage point, thus: “When Peter stood and preached on the Day of Pentecost to 3,000 people it was words he used, and not magic! Not gun! Not gimmicks! Not hypes!


He got into their souls with words! He got into their spirit with words! He broke every walls of resistance to the gospel with words!


The Bible says, “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41, Emphasis Added).


How could Peter have used the power of the Word to convert three thousand souls to Christ, and not miracles or the spree of a gun shot? Isn’t that incredible? Doesn’t that pontificates to the fact that the power to effect lasting change, whether positive or negative, is encapsulated in words?


Words are powerful! And according to Rudyard Kipling, “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”


Little wonder companies could make millions by just putting the right words together in form of an ad or sales copy!


Little wonder a young man could set out to conquer the love of his life and make her tender herself to him by using the right words!


Little wonder an employee could talk or write his boss for a pay raise and get it the moment he wants it badly enough, using the right words!


Little wonder a speaker could use the same words to motivate and inspire his audience, like Peter did, and get the right results by using the right words!


The truth is, if you want to sell more, if you want someone you love to fall in love with you the more, if you want a pay raise as soon as you want it, if you want to inspire your audience (as a speaker) or reader (as a writer) into buying your work or whatever it’s you want to achieve with words, then you MUST learn how to use the right words! Not just words, but the right words!


That means you must get into their spirit! You must move into their soul! You must appeal to their appetite, ego and emotion! You must transverse from their conscious mind into their sub-conscious mind by using the right words!


If you want to negotiate successfully for a business deal, if you want to bury the hatchets between you and your family, friends, and loved ones or between you and your lover, if you want to speak convincingly in order to get people to believe in you, in what you’re saying and represent, or to get them to do your bidding without any resistance, then you must learn to use the right words!


Hence for me to have implore the word, the right words, it therefore suggests that there must also be wrong words which often lead to unpleasant results!


Maybe you don’t know this: every word you utter is an asset, and as such has the potency to enrich you financially and increase your affluence. No, you don’t have to be an orator or a genius before you get to that stage. You don’t need to have 4 PhD’s or several medical degrees either].


Therefore, I pray that your soul, according to Bronowski, will not be in the age of famine because of what I called the wrong use of your thought-words, but rather, that through its perfect use you will “come to terms with the prospect of plenty.”



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