The Secret to Speaking to Your Destiny and Causing It to Manifest by Musa S. Joel - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Hitting Your Golf Ball


“And David said to Saul, Let no man’s hearty fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.” - 1 Samuel 17:32, 33, Emphasis Added.


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Your belief can liberate you; and if you can master your thought and imagination your creative mind will provide you with [enormous] powers more than the one extracted from electron and nucleus by scientists.


You will double your expectations in life, you will eradicate, more than half, the unnecessary woes and ills that have burdened and bedeviled many a soul; like a speed of light you will create for yourself that leisure, that comfort and life that many hope and desperately aspire for; you will live and function according to your original plan in Creation.


Too often, we have carried out the task imposed on us by the society, most of which were negative and totally uncalled for, and without knowing that we have the potential to live far above animals, to deepened our sense of personality and value, and to attain to our own human fulfillment which depicts the glory and wonders of our making or complex nature!


Listen, there is a personal relation between your talent and the life you lead; there is a personal relation between who you are and who you will become, between what you believe and your core value. If these are “destroyed” nothing meaningful will be inputted into your life. Your life will be blank; it will never command attention, and worse, unlike a faulty television that would be better off going blank, your [life] would be worse than that! . . .


This is not a step by step classical, revolutionary concept from Aristotle to Newton to Robert Hooke. Rather it’s real, as real as the book you’re now reading.


 [In chapter six of the book, Donald Trump’s Secret Revealed: How to Get Rich While Everyone Else is Afraid, I expounded on some of the limiting beliefs that has confined us within the circle of our limiting orbits in contrast with Trump’s unlimiting beliefs. Like I said in the book, “You can’t divorce the success of Donald Trump from his belief and conviction, the sources from which his strength, ability and fortitude emanates from, which has enabled him to face tougher challenges, take greater risks and to remain committed where others have been swayed by the same challenges and risk.


Believe it or not, Trump is a man of great beliefs which has empowered him throughout history, the one force behind his great achievement. However, this does not mean that he is always right”].



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