The Secret to Speaking to Your Destiny and Causing It to Manifest by Musa S. Joel - HTML preview

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P.S: This is an advanced reader copy or uncorrected proof. You can visit my blog: www.MSJoelOnline.BlogSpot.Com or any of the major online booksellers or your favorite e-book retailers to place and order for your copy. Also, you can get any of my books for your pleasure. Kind regards.



2. Excerpt from:How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: A Secret Guide to Moving from Fear to Freedom”


Chapter 1:


Faith Without Support


Finished every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; but get rid of them and forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, and you should never encumber its potentialities and invitations with the dread of the past. You should not waste a moment of today on the rottenness of yesterday.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, writing to his daughter


WHO said you were not made for the big things of life? That you can’t achieve your goals? That you can’t have peace of mind, be happy and be important? That your only destiny is to sail through difficulties and be miserable?


Who said you were not supposed to win? Or that you were not supposed to be successful, be known and be celebrated?


Ok, just about everything and everyone.


Well, maybe nobody has ever succeeded in your family. Maybe nobody has ever driven big cars, ran Giant Corporation and built exotic, architectural bullet building overlooking White House! Maybe nobody has ever got the right education and graduated from college with straight A’s! In fact, maybe nobody really expected anyone in your family to be great!


They said you were destined to be average and ordinary! They said you were destined to live a low life and just take it the way it is!




You’re not designed for the World to carry the leadership of your life around . . .




Success . . . does not mean having your face on Ovation Magazine sitting beside Oprah Winfrey or Queen Latifa. It does not mean having your face on celebrity magazine or sport articles. It is more than that.


So who said you can’t be celebrated?




So they said your life is unstructured? That it is lacking progress and accomplishment? That it is void of order and priority and they call it failure?




You are exceptionally great! You are imperially wonderful! You can be happy, healthy and hopeful again!




“Those who would give up essential liberty for temporary safety”, according to Benjamin Franklin, “deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Before you start thinking you’re some kind of a miserable failure who can’t keep a regular job, whose life is a total bizarre and in bad shape, think again!




It was true of what Herbert N. Casson said, “The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves.”


“If the thing you wish to do is right”, observed Napoleon Hill, “and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what ‘they’ say if you meet with temporary defeat, for ‘they’, perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.”

So you’re feeling like a failure because of your temporary defeat? Feeling you’re not the person you long to be? Or maybe you’re the only one in the World reading this book right now, feeling so, so, so little!




You’re the maker of your own destiny! You’re your own pathfinder!




The Higher Price

James Fenimore Coper once wrote, “The weakest hand can extract a spark from the flint, but it would baffles the strength of the giant to attempt kindling a flame with a pudding stone.”




The Battle Ground

To triumph in your battle is to learn to “Rejoice evermore” (I Thess 5: 16)! This affirming attitude was what helped Apostle Paul throughout his missionary journey.




. . . So You Feel So Little? So little because you know what you want but you feel you can never get it, or because you don’t know how to get it?!  So little because the only thing you could see is a nine feet tall Goliath threatening your existence, a strange future that appears so bleak, a Jericho wall that dug the golden sky or a final destination for hangmen at Golgotha that you feel you’re . . . you’re pretty finished?!


So little that you feel you’re absolutely hopeless, so you think and believe the best choice is to sign out and assume the worst?! Remember, even in your moment of littleness there is still ONE Person who can suspend the laws of nature and pull back the force of gravity on your behalf.


And He does not see you as being little, weak and useless, rather He’s sees you as great, strong and successful; He’s sees you as someone He can give His life for which He did. Little wonder He said you’re of more worth than many sparrows . . .


P.S: This is an advanced reader copy or uncorrected proof. It was originally titled, . . . So You Feel So Little?


Please you can visit my blog: http://www.MSJoelOnlinee.BlogSpot.Com or any major online booksellers or your favorite ebook retailers to drop me an honest, intelligent, balanced and thoughtful review on any of my book. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like about the book, and I’ll really appreciate it. Besides, you can also visit my blog or other leading e-book retailers online where you can also order any of my books for your pleasure. Kind regards.



3. Excerpt from: “How to Turn Words into Money”


Chapter 1


Getting Started




HOW do you begin to turn words into money? Do you have the faintest idea of which words to turn into money? And even if you do, how do you intend to go about it?




The important thing to note about turning words into money is that it usually begins with your natural gift or talent, or with what you love doing naturally, what you love talking, reading or learning about.




Get the logic now: as far as the modern World is concern you’re charged for every single word you utter! You’re billed for speaking, for caring to say hello to some one you truly love and care for. And isn’t that funny, to know that we are living in a World where you have to pay for speaking, or for communicating your idea, feeling and emotion to someone you truly love?




To be honest, we have all spent our hard-earned money on ads that offers irresistible promises. Ads or sales copy that motivated us to agitate for the product or service; or that makes us salivate like a Pablo’s dog!


How do they do it? How can words inspire us to buy a product or service from a company? What’s the magic behind the words and phrases you sometimes come across . . . that set you off-balance? That makes you feel you’re unsuccessful if you don’t have its product right away? . . .


And besides, how do most communication industries succeeds to the point that you’re billed for communicating your ideas and feelings, or for saying whatever you want to say to whoever you want to say it to?


How were they able to tap into this free gift of nature – the gift of speaking - to the point where they’ve been able to turn words into money-making-factory to their own benefits?




Words are powerful! And according to Rudyard Kipling, “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”


Little wonder companies could make millions by just putting the right words together in form of ads or sales script Little wonder a young man could set out to conquer the love of his life and make her tender herself to him by using the right words!


Little wonder an employee could talk or write his boss for pay raise and get it the moment he or she wants it badly enough using the right words! Little wonder speakers could use words to motivate and inspire their audience, like Peter did, and produce immense results by using the right words!


The truth is, if you want to sell more, if you want someone you love to fall in love with you the more, if you want pay raise as soon as you want it, if you want to inspire your audience (as a speaker) or reader (as a writer) into buying your work or whatever it’s you want, then you MUST learn how to use the right words! Not just words, but the right words!


That means you must get into their spirit! You must move into their soul! You must appeal to their appetite, ego and emotion! You must transverse from their conscious mind into their sub-conscious mind by using the right words!


If you want to negotiate successfully for a business deal, if you want to bury the hatchets between you and your family, friends, and loved ones or with your lover, if you want to speak convincingly in order to get people to believe in you and in what you’re saying - learn to use the right words!




Maybe you don’t know this: every word you utter is an asset, and as such has the potential to enrich you financially and increase your affluence. No, you don’t have to be an orator or a genius before you get to that stage. You don’t need to have 4 PhD’s or several medical degrees.


In fact, better if you’re not . . . . Unfortunately, your own words have been used against you! It has been used to make you poorer while enriching others who understand the concept of turning words into money!




Ok. Let’s look at it this way. Have you ever written love letter or send SMS to someone you truly love and appreciate by using the wrong words or phrases?


Do it, and only you will suffer the pain, the consequence and the disappointment of watching a promising relationship nose-dived and land crashed into a million, disintegrated particles!




So how do you do that? How do you make money with your words? Very simple: by . . . . The tragedy, however, is that even when you put the passion and interest into words, it just doesn’t motivate or inspire people to want to believe you and trust you enough to give you a trail!


And sometimes you just get disappointed because those who are making the money from speaking what they know how to speak don’t even know as much as you do! But they are earning much more than you do! How? They implore the right words!


Or maybe you are saying to yourself, “but I can do better than that.” Yes, I believe you but tragically you’re doing worse than that. You didn’t realize they’ve learned to use the appropriate words and phrases at the right time in the right place for the right reasons and for the right situation.


Get the jerk now:

Words have been used to sign a contract deal! Words have been used to make a lady fall in love and freely tendered herself to be used! Words have been used to bring two opposing parties to a round table for a peace talk!


And the same words have been used to start a war where millions died and many more became lamed! The same words have been used to scare potential lover into exile, like me! The same words have been used to terminate a promising contract or relationship! Words, words, words!




It was Tom Antion, in his Special Report who said, “It doesn't matter what you've been doing with your life, or what you do for a living. Chances are, you've probably learned something. You may not realize what it is yet. But I guarantee you, there is something you know that others will PAY to have YOU teach them.


Let me tell you about a unique opportunity to make money -- because you know something that someone else doesn't know. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. There are many other people in the country who make a decent living this way, either full or part time. I happen to be one of them.


If you like to travel, this business provides lots of opportunities for you to go and have the client pick up the bill. This past year, besides all the ‘normal’ cities I've been to, I've been to Montreal, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Atlantic City, New York, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Bermuda, and my favorite was spending four days in Honolulu, Hawaii to do a 20 minute speech . . . . Hey somebody has to do it!”


Did you get that? This business provides lots of opportunities? But what business . . .?




Your words, if rightly implore can bring progress, success, wealth, healing, friendship and fulfillment to your life.


So what have you been doing with your words? What have you been using it on, for, or against? The choice is yours! But, whops! the telecommunication companies have been using your own words to enrich themselves. That’s crazy!


But how do they do it? I’ll tell you how. They do that by . . .


P.S: This is an advanced reader copy or uncorrected proof.


Please you can visit my blog: www.MSJoelOnlinee.BlogSpot.Com, or any major online booksellers or your favorite ebook retailers to drop me an honest, intelligent, balanced and thoughtful review on any of my book. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like about the book, and I’ll really appreciate it. Besides, you can also visit my blog or other leading e-book retailers where you can place an order for any of my books online for your pleasure. Kind regards.