The Sphinx: When Was It Really Built and Why - Part 1 of 3 by justin spring - HTML preview

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Her vision and journey makes even more sense once we see (as we shall shortly) that the most likely Patron/Protector Goddess of our female Nubian shaman would have been Mafdet, the half cheetah/half human Mother Goddess.

Because of this, it  would also have been quite natural for our female Nubian shaman to not only physically emulate the Cheetah /human nature of Mafdet, but also   psychically share Mafdet's  characteristics. After all, this is what the Patron/Protector Goddess relationship implies. I'll go into this  in detail shortly, but I want to drive home the point that preliterate cultures were always driven by spiritual concerns, and the first thing that would have come to the minds of preliterate peoples gazing at the "Veiled" human/cheetah face at Giza is that it was the face of Mafdet.


Author's Note

The act  of carving our proposed Nubian female shaman’s face over my proposed "Veiled" face at  Giza  would have been a muthos way of saying that  the “Veiled” Mafdet  face was finally fully born, i.e., brought  into the world unveiled as the face of a living Goddess: our Nubian female shaman. It  is likely then that  the our Nubian female shaman  would  be seen as the daughter  of Mafdet .

I should add that  it  makes muthos (felt ) sense that  the Giza facial carving would have reflected  Mafdet's cheetah/human  characteristics as well what  the face of our Nubian female shaman  actually looked like. I have a section later on that  goes into great  detail on this.  

End Author's Note

So there it is:  a theoretical scenario that could have led to the carving of the Giza Sphinx face  in 6000 B.C.. As I go on, I'll cite more and more evidence backing up this scenario. I have to admit  I have no idea if things  happened exactly as I've spelled them out. It is simply my best deduction of the way things might  have happened to bring about a large Nubian   female facial carving on a cliff in Giza c. 6000 B.C. The factors I used in that deduction were partly factual (weathering, the tsunami flood, the distinct nature and characteristics of preliterate art) and partly intuitive based on my understanding of the psychic nature of preliterate cultures.

I will say this, however, with absolutely no equivocation:  I believe something like this did happen and that  the face of the Sphinx  is a of preliterate black female Nubian who was of immense importance to the Nile delta people.