The Sphinx: When Was It Really Built and Why - Part 1 of 3 by justin spring - HTML preview

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However, the giant preliterate Olmec heads (L) and Rapa Nui heads (R) have shown this idea mistaken because these very large human heads happen to have been created by two early-farming, preliterate cultures. (The Olmec culture existed from 1600400 B.C. and the Rapa Nui culture from 1200 -1800 A.D.)




I have no doubt that the vision message that produced these important, spiritual statues also indicated that the placement should be inwards, not outwards. In other words, the vision itself looked away from the sea and towards the starving islanders. It said: If you look at us, O Gods, as we look at ourselves, you will see we are dying of starvation and have no way out. It is you who chose to bring us here and only  you  can save us.

The fact that the vision message came from the Gods only increases the cruelty of those visions, as we  know that the Gods never responded and the islanders continued to starve. This is an excellent example of the fact that preliterate peoples always saw themselves as being at the complete mercy of the unpredictable Gods. Still, it was a bold gesture, reminding the Gods that they weren't paying attention to the very same people they had favored and  brought to the island hundreds of years earlier. Despite the enormous number of statues the islanders erected, however, their plight remained the same.

While I have been talking about these two cultures (Olmec and Rapa Nui) as being preliterate, I should make note of the fact that they appeared relatively recently (compared to our Proto-Egypt c.6000 B.C.), so there is a chance than an early form of logos consciousness may have begun to challenge the muthos consciousness of its inhabitants and therefore the characteristics of their art. One indication as to whether this happened would have been the presence of some form of writing.There is no evidence of this at Rapa Nu (outside of some highly questionable glyphs called Rongorongo) which is not surprising since there was no written Polynsesian language, only that invented much later by missionaries.


My suggested possible arrival from China may also explain the disputed fragmentary Olmec hieroglyphics. Chinese hieroglyphic writing was solidly in place by 1200 B.C.  and if the Chinese continued to visit and trade with Meso America, the Olmecs (1600-400 B.C.) may have picked up some part of it up but perhaps never really developed it.  We can see  this same kind of thing in the fragmentary, very early Pre-Hebraic hieroglyphics (which I go into later) and which appear to have come into existence well before the appearance of a Hebrew alphabet, a development undoubtedly due  to the early PreHebraic  exposure to Egyptian hieroglyphics (which came into existence around 3200 B.C.)



The Different Nature of Preliterate Art


Where the theorists went wrong was in presuming that the kind of art found at Göbekli Tepe could only be created by highly organized agricultural cultures because they were the only ones with enough resources (time and money) to support the creation of art by  specialists and an audience with sufficient spare time to witness those creations.






The only question then is this: If we agree that  a good theoretical time for the separation of literate Dynastic Egypt from preliterate (Neolithic Egypt) would be 3200 B.C. (when writing was invented by the Egyptians) when exactly was the face carved? I see it as being possible anytime between 6000-3200 .B.C., but whatever the date, something incredible must have happened at that time involving our female Nubian shaman that caused the Nile delta inhabitants to carve her face in such a monumental way, because its very size says she was considered a living Goddess.

I say this because preliterate monumental carvings are never of mere humans or animals. I have shown evidence of this earlier. The Giza face (25 feet) is  much larger than the preliterate Olmec faces (5-11 feet) and Rapa Nui faces (avg.10 feet). Yet they are all extremely large by preliterate (or even literate ) standards. From the evidence we have, such large faces are always either representations of Gods (the stylized Rapa Nui faces) or humans considered to be living Gods (the individualized Olmec faces).



I see that prophetic act as one of the primary reasons for them believing our Nubian prophet to be a living Goddess. This is because her prophecy allowed the Nile delta inhabitants to save themselves, their seed stores,  grain stores and herd animals so they could start anew.

It also marked the Giza plateau and cliff as a special, perhaps sacred  place because it  allowed many of the Nile delta inhabitants to survive the 25 foot waves generated by the Mt. Aetna tsunami. Except for the  Giza plateau, which is about 200 above sea level where the Giza pyramids are located, the Nile delta is flat and depending where you are standing at sea level for 20-200 miles in all directions before high ground can be reached on either side of the delta. The Giza plateau is  located at the bottom of the delta and would be the most easily reached higher ground for most Nile Delta inhabitants.

Think of what the much smaller storm surge (7-16 feet) of hurricane Katrina did to the New Orleans/Mississippi  delta, an area almost identical to the Nile delta, but with sophisticated flood protection, and you'll get some idea of the destruction wreaked upon the Nile delta. The Nile delta flood, by the way, has been historically documented in an Egyptian flood story, something I will go into in greater detail later.




Author's Note

If there were other equally disastrous events in 6000- 3200 B.C., I might  change my thinking as to the initial time of the facial carving. Everything else about  my theory, however, would remain the same with the except ion of a slightly different  time frame for the various phases required to complete the full carving of the Sphinx as we know it  today.

End Author's Note


