10 Great Ways to Self-Esteem by James Vanstone - HTML preview

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Tip 10 Accept AllCompliments With Thanks

“A compliment is verbal sunshine” Robert Orben.

How well do you accept compliments? Think hard for a few moments and be as honest as you can be. When was the last time someone paid you a good compliment? Depending on your ability to accept compliments, will depend on how often you notice them going on. Some of us find it very easy to compliment other people, and carry on through life putting others on wonderful elaborate pedestals. While many people are very gifted and highly talented and skilled, they do not always have the measure of self esteem to really appreciate themselves. In Britain there has over the centuries been a custom to not be 'boastful' of one's abilities. The Christian tradition and perception of the bible has often been misinterpreted, leading people to believe that they must be humble, meek, and under hardship in order to gain God's blessing. However, these teachings have been internalized by many in negative ways, so that a general sense of not appreciating or liking oneself has followed.
REMEMBER, YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH TALLENTS, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES AND YOU CAN COMPLIMENT YOURSELF FOR THESE REGULARLY. When you get in the habit of complimenting yourself for the good things you do, you will find it easier to accept the compliments of others. I saw a news story recently, where a brave man jumped into a river in the winter time to save a young child who had fallen in the water. When interviewed the reporter commented on the man as being heroic and bold, to which the man replied “Oh it was nothing, anyone would have done the same”. The fact is, not many would have done the same, and this man's bravery saved a child's life. It seemed as though this man had an internal belief that suggested to him he did not want to be credited, or praised by others regardless of his bravery. There is a big difference between 'showing off' and accepting a compliment.
Ladies particularly, find it difficult to accept a compliment about their beauty and good looks. I told a lady colleague that her hair looked nice once, to which she replied “Yeah Right, Pull The other One” she obviously found the compliment uncomfortable, yet it was meant sincerely. IF SOMEONE PAYS YOU A COMPLIMENT SIMPLY SAY 'THANK YOU'.
By saying thank you, you are taking ownership of the compliment and accepting it as truth. We humans have a very unusual tendency of grabbing hold of negative things and clinging on to them as much as we can. While conversely, when positive things come our way we dismiss them straight away. Try to cling to positives instead of negatives. If someone insults you, try to forget it straight away. If someone compliments you, thank them for it and remind yourself of the compliment again and again and again and again.
Here's an exercise you can try to improve your responses to compliments.

Ï Pay ten compliments a day to different people and watch their response to it, make sure the compliments are genuine, No point complimenting for the sake of it
Ï Watch the responses of these people, their verbal expression and body language will be a key indicator of their response.
Ï Notice how you feel as a result of their response, how do you feel when they are thankful? How do you feel when they are dismissive or awkward?
Ï Now. . . think carefully about how you will respond to future compliments.

Self esteem is something you can improve in others by offering general compliments, by doing this you will also boost your own positive feelings. Always make sure you are specific about the compliment for example “I like your new hair style, the colors, and shape are beautiful” Remember when someone feels awkward with the compliment, it has an impact on the person who made it. So, be sure to accept all compliments with thanks.

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