Health Books
Insider's Guide to Neck and Back Care
This information is my attempt to offer a quick and concise way for you to learn about why your back or neck is hurting. I have intentionally left out many of the complicated nuances and extreme details that can be very important in your spine care. This is not meant to be an all-encompassing...
How To Quit Smoking: Ex-Smoker's Guide To an Easy, Quick and Permanent Way to Give Up Smoking
Right mindset and strong motivation are the two most important things when you quit smoking. In this program you will: Learn how to change your attitude towards smoking. Build strong motivation to quit smoking. You will learn to look at the cigarette without addiction clouding your judgement...
Exploring Eft
EFT uses finger taps on certain parts of the body to reboot your body and get it working better. It's a combination of both the science of Acupuncture and of Mind Body Medicine. Whereas Acupuncturists need needles, this can be done with nothing more than your own hand.
Viele Menschen leiden unter Schlafproblemen. Erfahren Sie, was SIe gegen Schlaflosigkeit tun können.
Gourmands on the Run!
Gourmands on the Run! Part 1 is a diary of an Englishwoman, and together with her partner, "Tom", a New Yorker who loved great food. He thought France was small, and that the best hotels and restaurants from Paris to Monaco. She thought she could eat and relax -they were both wrong Gourmet...
Raw Food Diet For Beginners
Everyone wants to look younger and have a great body. However the challenge is they usually give in to the temptations of eating junk foods. The Raw Food Diet For Beginners will show you exactly how you can enjoy a slimmer and a leaner body by eating raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. Unlike...
Weight Loss Tips
Everyone who wants to lose weight has probably tried multiple diets, supplements and/or plans. There are hundreds of weight loss methods available to buy. All of them making wild promises. Here is the hard truth - there are no magical pills, diets or exercise gadgets that will make weight...
Exposed! The Biggest Lies and Myths of Weight Loss
The number one reason that people start to work out and improve their eating habits is to lose fat. Sure, everyone also wants to improve his or her health condition and get more physically fit, but let’s be honest here: We all want to look better. Losing fat, improving your fitness level and...
Quit Snoring Now - Recommended Anti Snoring Solutions
Quit snoring now recommended anti-snoring solutions. Non-Surgical Solutions to Snoring. Snoring is not just something people do, it is a symptom; snoring is a manifestation of damage that caused by an underlying issue. Because snoring has been wrongly considered a part of many, if not most...
Best Diet for 2016
Losing weight is not as hard as you think. But it's not as easy as you think either. It's only easy when you have access to right information. For most people, they don't have access to such information and they try to search online reading hundreds of articles claiming this or that method will...