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Apple Cider



One of Mother Nature’s Most Perfect Foods


 These proposals however don't substitute the advice of your doctor and

the reader assumes all risks from the use, non use or minuse of this



Apple Cider Vinegar Through The Ages




Vinegar has been used to cure ailments for  centuries. For hundreds of years, folk medicine  practitioners have recommended daily doses of  apple cider vinegar, not only for specific  medical problems, but also for overall food  health. In Asia vinegar is called the friend of  Chinese herbs because it is often used to process herbal  preparations. It is also successfully used in modern Chinese  medicine.


It is amongst the oldest of foods and medicines know to man. For its  healing ways, vinegar has been used for thousands of years. In 400  B.C, Hypocrites, known as the father of medicine, treated patients  with vinegar, making it one of the world's first medicines.


Throughout biblical times, vinegar was successfully used to treat  infections and wounds. For centuries medical textbooks have listed  various ways to use vinegar. These uses include everything from  keeping a sharp mind to purifying the waters of the body and to  easing pain and alleviating dozens of other ailments.


Modern laboratory analysis verifies the antibacterial and antiseptic  properties of vinegar. Many of the old-time uses are just as  applicable now as they were centuries ago.


Apple Cider Vinegar

 Healing Properties


 Apple cider vinegar is probably the best detoxifier for the body

 As such, it is shuld be considered a critical component of the fountain



The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been proclaimed by the  ancient Egyptians and have been traditionally used by them to treat  ailments of all kinds. In fact they believed apple cider acted as a  tonic improving the circulation and flow of blood. Apples are  allowed to ferment and this fermented fruit acid, which is loaded  with pectin and minerals like potassium, chlorine, magnesium,  sodium and calcium, seems to be a panacea. In addition it contains  vitamins and beta-carotene. In fact experiments have proved that it  contains carbolic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and acetates  also. It is no wonder that the health benefits of apple cider vinegar  are infinite. Pectin in the apples is a fiber, which attaches itself to  cholesterol globules, and when combined with the herb centella aids  in getting rid of bad cholesterol and helps in regulating blood  pressure. This fruit acid is often used by some as a final hair-rinse.


The virtues of apple cider vinegar seem to extend it beyond normal  peripheries. Every constituent seems to play an important role. The  malic acid and acetic acid present help to combat fungal and  bacterial infections and relieves painful joints. The malic acid  dissolves the deposits of uric acid, which form around the joints, and  slowly pushes the acid deposits out of the body.


It seems to even have some effect on viruses. The amino acids  present in apple cider vinegar act as an antibiotic and an antiseptic.  It has been known to drastically reduce the toxicity in the body. This  is because the acetic acid is able to form acetate compounds, which  are not so toxic. This property makes it very useful while treating  insect bites and skin allergies.


Apple cider vinegar is one of the most important natural remedies in  healing the body. It helps you with arthritic conditions, and other  illnesses such as:


  • allergies
  • arthritis
  • sinus infections
  • flu
  • high cholesterol
  • acne
  • chronic fatigue
  • candida
  • weight loss
  • acid reflux
  • contact dermatitis
  • sore throats
  • skin lesions
  • hair loss
  • acted as a tonic improving the circulation and flow of blood
  • reduces stress


 Apple Cider Vinegar Usage


Arthritis tonic and treatment; 2 spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar and  honey in a glass of water three times daily.


 Apple cider vinegar and weight loss




Use of apple cider vinegar for weight loss can be  traced to ancient Egyptians. It was believed that  apple cider vinegar propelled the body metabolism  to burn fat faster. Its cholesterol reducing properties  might be the secret behind its ability to burn fat too.


The combination of acetic vinegar and fruit pectin may be effective  in weight loss. While proponents of the apple cider vinegar diet  claim that a few teaspoons of apple vinegar before a meal can help  you shed weight, others call it a fad diet.


There is no scientific evidence showing that apple cider vinegar can  aid in weight loss. Followers of the apple cider vinegar diet claim  that it is effective against weight loss when complemented by a  sensible diet and exercise program. Apple cider vinegar diet  involves consumption of 2-3 teaspoons of apple vinegar before  every meal. It may be difficult at first due to the strong acidic nature  of the vinegar.


Apple cider vinegar speeds up metabolism especially when taken  regularly before meals and if used in conjunction with a sensible diet  and exercise program it can be a powerful aid in keeping your  weight under control.


Chronic Fatigue: Vinegar Cure


By Shomatsu Osada


As soon as you take vinegar, it starts to eliminate fatigue. You can  notice this in only two hours.


You can confirm this. If you look at your urine two hours after you  take vinegar, and you will find it to be clearer. Or, if you are  unwilling to look at it closely, examine it with a piece of pH test  paper (litmus paper). Before you take vinegar, the pH test paper will  show that your urine is acidic, due to fatigue-creating substances in  your body. Two hours after you take vinegar, the test paper will  show more alkaline. These results mean that the previous fatigue  substances were decreased or removed by taking the vinegar.


The liver dissolves the poisonous matters which were made in our  body, so we must always keep it working well. Meat, fish, eggs,  coconut oil, greens, and other nourishing foods as well as vinegar  act like medicines for the liver.


Krebs' Theory


The theory of Dr. Krebs, a British scientist, explains how vinegar  can eliminate fatigue. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for proving  this theory in 1953. Through it, he explains clearly how food is  changed into energy, or burned, in the body of almost all animals  including human beings and bacteria. He also explains what fatigue  is and how it can be eliminated.


He was fascinated by this subject and found clues to solve these  problems during the World War II. Though a busy man, he took  every opportunity to recommend people take as much vinegar as  possible. Source : The Ohio State University Extension - Human Nutrition - 1787  Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212  Source : http://www.osu.edu/search/index.php


 My Personal Experience


Indeed, I had almost forgotten the excellent properties of apple cider  vinegar,


Two years ago I used it daily for drinking alkaline water. To the  first glass of water I added 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, but when  the vinegar was finished I added half of lemon juice to the first  water glass. But I will return to the vinegar to use its other benefits.  Traditionally used for weight loss. Now I use it daily


CAUTION: If you are sensitive or allergic to this product, or if you  notice unwanted effects, stop taking the remedy. Always consult  your doctor before.


Author Kevin Mcneal