A Healthier You Sample by Spencer Coffman - HTML preview

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By Spencer Coffman


Also By Spencer Coffman

A Guide To Deception

Relax And Unwind

Work Less Live More

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the author and/or publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.



First edition. May 2016.

ISBN: 978-15466180-9-6 (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-1-5337396-5-0 (Digital)

ISBN: 978-1-0942259-2-0 (Audio)

Copyright © 2016 Spencer Coffman.

Cover Design By Spencer Coffman

All Rights Reserved

Written by Spencer Coffman.


ATTENTION: Anyone who wants to experience better health and fitness...

"Discover Simple Techniques

To Becoming Fit And Healthy And

Staying That Way, Starting Today!"

This Guide Will Show You Easy Ways To Become A Healthier You -- No Fluff, No Fillers...Only Useful Techniques You Can Start Using Today

From: Spencer Coffman

Dear Friend,

Are you looking to get fit?

Is it about time you get in shape?

Do you want to eat well and healthy?

Do you find it a struggle to do it all with your busy routine?

If you do, read on, because I'm about to share something very special with you...

It's Not Your Fault!

With all the misleading information out there, yo-yo diets, weight loss pills, and scams, you don't know who or where to turn to.

It's not your fault. If you've been caught up in any of these vicious cycles, it's time to relax because I'm about to present to you simple techniques to help you get fit and healthy.

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These techniques have nothing to do with yo-yo diets. These are essential health and fitness tips you should know. From changing your mindset to the things you eat. It really does start in the mind.

You could have the latest and greatest weight loss or fitness program out there, but if your mind is not prepared for it all, then you're wasting your time and money.

So without further ado...


A Healthier You!

A valuable guide sharing 101 powerful tips on health, fitness, weight control, cardio health, and working out.


101 powerful tips on health and fitness. Easy to read. Easy to implement.

Straight to the point.

The most important rule to getting fit and healthy. Don't miss this tip!

Why you should never skip breakfast. Believe it or not, you'll actually lose weight by eating breakfast.

How to use the power of relaxation to your advantage.

Don't avoid carbs. People will tell you to avoid carbs, but did you know there are good and bad carbs? This tip will explain.

How eating 5 to 6 meals a day will assist you in your weight control program.

How to control your cravings so you don't end up eating unhealthy foods and drinks. This technique will show you how to stop those temptations.

How to maintain a positive attitude regardless of the situation you're in. This is a very important step to achieving your goals.

Relaxation by meditating and breathing.

How stretching relaxes your mind, body, and spirit.

And Much, much more!

Get Instant Access To This Package Right Now!

It’s a steal of a deal!

So go ahead. You have nothing to lose. Grab your copy today!

" Yes! I’m tired of feeling unhealthy and I really want to start experiencing better health and fitness today.

So please send me my copy of “A Healthier You” - so I can learn how to get my health in order right away!

Order Now!

Table of Contents


1 Stay hydrated.

2 Your mom was right, never skip breakfast.

3 Take fish oil supplements.

4 Work up a sweat.

5 Add variety to your exercise routine.

6 Get enough sleep.

7 Enjoy mind and body exercises.

8 Learn relaxation techniques.

9 Ditch the chips for healthier snack options.

10 Discover the healthy goodness of green tea.


Take vitamin supplements.

12 Wash your hands often.

13 Get rid of unhealthy vices.

14 Take annual health tests.

15 Be kind to yourself.

16 Stay motivated.

17 Drink alcohol in moderation.

18 Limit sugar in your diet as much as possible.

19 Eat complex carbohydrates.

20 Cut down your caffeine.

21 Push yourself.

22 Take it from Nike, JUST DO IT.

23 Watch what you put in your grocery cart.

24 Eat 5 to 6 meals a day.

25 Eat at home.

26 Incorporate physical activities in your daily life.

27 Be selective on the shows you watch on TV.

28 Make smart food choices.

29 Maintain at least one hobby.

30 Bask in love.

31 Go organic.

32 Avoid negative people and situations.

33 Explore.

34 Don’t confuse thirst with hunger.

35 Eat at a leisurely pace.

36 Avoid stress eating.

37 Avoid eating while watching TV or going to the movies.

38 Teach yourself to control cravings.

39 Get support from family and friends.

40 Beat temptations through distraction.

41 Keep a diary or journal.

42 Don’t overlook the importance of emotional fitness.

43 Don’t indulge too much on one thing.

44 Find a fitness buddy.

45 Ride a bike to work.

46 Be conscious with your food portions.

47 Increase fiber in your daily diet.

48 Enjoy after dinner walks.

49 Bake, steam, or grill instead of frying.

50 Avoid eating at all you can eat buffets.

51 Only take enough food you can eat.

52 Start your meals with salads.

53 Replace sugar with honey.

54 Avoid skipping meals.

55 Trade baked goods with fresh fruits.

56 When eating out, choose the healthiest meals.

57 Avoid using condiments.

58 When traveling, check out gym facilities.

59 Do your research on local restaurants that offer healthy alternatives.

60 Bring your lunch.

61 Trade your recliner with an exercise ball.

62 Use your break time wisely.

63 Conduct a meeting on the go.

64 Invest in a pedometer.

65 Learn to modify.

66 Take vacations from work, not from good health.

67 Learn to express your feelings.

68 Maintain a positive attitude.

69 Try meditation.

70 Reinforce your faith.

71 Stay young at heart.

72 Stay in touch with friends.

73 Perform regular stretching exercises.

74 Keep talking.

75 Stop smoking.

76 Aim high.

77 Keep yourself updated.

78 Know your body.

79 Grill it up.

80 Treat your brain like any other muscle.

81 Get nutty.

82 Stay protected.

83 Mind your posture.

84 Avoid processed food products.

85 Always carry a water bottle wherever you go.

86 Get plenty of fresh air.

87 Take advantage of natural sunlight.

88 Take the stairs.

89 For women, visit gynecologist regularly.

90 Walk and stretch during road travel.

91 Visit your dentist regularly.

92 Workout with kids.

93 Substitute emails for walks.

94 Warm up before exercise.

95 Take a stand.

96 Park farther.

97 Use chicken breast and take off the skin.

98 Learn to decipher food labels.

99 Just chew it.

100 Always choose to plan ahead.


Keep moving forward.


*If at any time you wish to return to the table of contents. Click on the section heading.



If you want more out of life,

you need to be ready to commit,

and invest more into staying fit

and eating right. ~ Spencer Coffman

There are an insurmountable amount of diet plans and exercise programs that have all been sprouting like mushrooms over the past few years. That is probably something that will never change. People always want to get in shape and have a great looking body. The bad thing is that all of these programs claim to provide the fastest results. The good thing is that all of these programs have the same basic principles, which are diet and exercise. That’s it, the basic equation to staying fit and healthy is having a proper diet and getting regular exercise.

It has been called by many names, defined in so many ways, and presented in so many forms. However, the bottom line is that all health and fitness programs boil down to these two fundamentals: DIET and EXERCISE. There is no other way to go about it, especially if you want lasting results.

Yet, despite this common knowledge on what needs to be done to stay fit and healthy, most people still struggle to maintain that slim and sexy look. More and more everyday, people are going in the opposite direction. This country is gaining weight exponentially, yet millions of people say they wish they could be thinner and more fit!

As a result, the weight loss industry has become a highly lucrative market. Food manufacturers, nutrition experts, gyms, plastic surgeons, and more, feed on the growing desperation, and depression, of overweight and obese individuals.

Even though the equation to fitness and health is so simple and straightforward, it remains a great challenge. Basically, it is easier said than

done. With the demands of daily living, work-related stresses, social pressures, life changes, holidays, travels, winter seasons, and everything else in between; it is a great difficulty to stay in shape. There are simply too many easy, fast, convenient, great tasting foods out there! All of which are contributing factors that can disrupt fitness routines and upset diet regimens.

The real challenge here is how you can possibly stay resolute and consistent with the program, despite internal and external factors that often come into play.

This eBook is designed to help you equip yourself with tips, tricks, and practical advice on how you can stay fit and healthy in the modern times. That way you can have everything you need to become a fitter, healthier you!

It doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. Fitness and healthy living is not a temporary phase or a convenient solution that you can readily pull out from your closet in time for the summer season or during special occasions. If you want lasting results, ditch the two-week plan or the six-month program. Make health and fitness an integral part of your lifestyle, as it should be. You need to break the habit of always eating junk food and get into the habit of making your own healthy food. It isn’t easy, but it will get easier as you start to break the cravings for those “bad for you” foods.

Read on and find out you can live, breathe, eat, move, and think healthy!

Visit http://spencercoffman.com/a-healthier-you/ to continue reading this eBook.

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About The Author

Having gone through several health trials of his own, a few of which were life threatening, Spencer Coffman knows the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and has made it his way of life. Now you can too! Read A Healthier You to find out how to live healthy the easy way. To read more about Spencer, visit his website spencercoffman.com

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