A Simple Plan to Create the New You by Jim Cooper - HTML preview

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Eating is only one way to treat yourself. Why not schedule a day at the spa, a lunch out with your friends, and long walk in a park? Why not treat yourself to a nice hot bath and a facial? Why not play an extra round of golf? Why not have a healthy lunch with your friends? There are so many ways to reward yourself other than that handful of cookies, It’s just a matter of finding other sources of pleasure that provide time for you to relax and enjoy life.

Boredom Eating

When you feel tempted to reach for that sweet gooey high fat treat because you are bored immediately change your mindset. There are many ways to do this such as going for a walk, calling a friend, or writing a letter. Sometimes just simply doing something physical will stop the impulse to eat that treat. The important point to remember is DO SOMETHING to distract your mind until you can control your craving.

Mistaken Hunger

The only reason to eat is if you are hungry. Hunger is the body telling us that it needs more fuel to function. It is very important that we understand that true hunger comes from the body burning up calories while other hunger is from an emotion or situation.

Sometimes you will feel hungry but you are really thirsty. I know that sounds very strange but it is true. To determine if you are hungry or thirsty think back to your last meal, was it two hours or so ago? If so there is a very good chance you are thirsty but you feel hungry. The solution si to drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes or so, if the hunger goes away then the problem is solved, if the hunger persists then you must be hungry so have a light healthy snack.

Quite often we eat because we are bored yet we believe we are eating because we are hungry. If you are watching TV after dinner and you think you are hungry stop for a moment and determine if you are really hungry or are you bored?

You will achieve your weight loss goals when you begin to understand your eating habits and eating patterns. To be successful you must