A Simple Plan to Create the New You by Jim Cooper - HTML preview

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weight gain. There is also a tendency to snack on more carbohydrate rich foods which also contributes to weight gain.

There are things that you can do to lessen the degree of weight gain experienced by taking these types of medications. For example:

 Try to reduce the amount of calories you consume by keeping

track of everything you eat.

 Don’t do anything drastic, keep it simple and just eat smaller

portions and reduce the amount of carbohydrates you may be consuming. There are some medications which have side effects that will affect our weight.

An example of this would be some antidepressants which cause you to sleep more so you burn fewer calories. The obvious consequence is you will be more likely to gain weight. Another consequence of antidepressants is that you might consume more carbohydrates which will also make you susceptible to weight gain.

 There are steps you can take to decrease your chances of

gaining weight when taking medications such as:

Try to reduce the calories and write down everything you eat and how many calories each meal contained.

 Make small changes and keep the changes simple.

 Eat smaller portions and be aware of how many carbohydrates

are in your meals . To be healthy you must provide your body with a balanced nutritional plan. Eat from all food groups and make sure that you do not over eat from any one group.

• Make sure that fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, lean protein

and whole grains are part of your diet..

• Increase your daily activity level to offset any effect of the

medication .

• If nothing works call your doctor and see if there is a different

medication you can take. The body needs a balanced diet so