A Simple Plan to Create the New You by Jim Cooper - HTML preview

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10 Signs A Diet Is A Fad

1. Guarantees massive weight loss in one week with little effort

2. Doesn't mention any disclaimers or states that you need to conslut your physician before starting the diet.

3. Requires you to not eat from entire food groups.

4. Allows you to eat only from a predefined eating plan depriving you the ability to add some of your favorite foods

5. Does not promote healthy eating habits and the required lifestyle change.

6. Requires a severe reduction in calories which makes living a healthy lifestyle impossible.

7. Does not align itself with sound medical information

8. Requires the use of supplements to be effective

9. States wild and unrealistic claims.

10. Cannot provide any scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of the diet.

Sound familiar? Many of the available diets will fall into these categories. This type of diet requires drastic measure just to get your attention and make them look different from all the other diets. whether that differentiation requires the diet to eliminate entire food groups, eating certain foods on certain days of the week or eating only one kind of food for days at a time.

All fad diets all have one thing in common: Any fad diet is only a temporary solution to a problem that has existed for years. Once you stop a fad diet all the lost weight will quickly return. This happens because while you were on your diet you lost mostly fluid and not fat.

None of these diets are sustainable. You simply cannot survive on fad diets. The primary factor that determines how difficult it is to stay on a diet is simply the difficulty of adhering to such a strict diet in the first