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Tip #5: Turmeric

Turmeric is nicknamed the Golden Spice and not just for its rich golden color. Turmeric studies are ongoing, but its health benefits seem to be growing by the day. This spice is found in many different curries and is harvested in India and Indonesia.

It's nothing new. Turmeric has been part of traditional medicine for centuries!

At the base of the healing properties of turmeric, it has been found to block the protein that causes inflammation. Because of these blocking abilities, turmeric has been found to ease the pain of inflammation just as well as some nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, or NASAIDs.

And it’s all natural, which makes it even better.

The chemical in turmeric that does all the heavy lifting is called curcumin, and is the secret to its anti-inflammatory abilities.

While inflammation does play an important role in our bodies, blocking pathogens that could easily kill us, long term chronic inflammation like that observed in arthritis sufferers can be debilitating.

Inflammation is a complex process, but the curcumin in turmeric is an inflammation fighting bioactive substance that attacks the chronic inflammation on a molecular level.

On top of helping with your arthritic pain, curcumin has been shown to fight inflammation that also plays a major role in heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and many other conditions.

Turmeric can be taken in many ways from pills to the actual root. Why not add it to your favorite dish? On its own, turmeric has a very mild taste and can compliment almost any meal.