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Chapter 7

Physical Health – Life or Death

What is Physical Health?

“Physical health is the overall condition of a living organism at a given time, the soundness of the body, freedom from disease or abnormality, and the condition of optimal well-being. People want to function as designed, but environmental forces can attack the body or the person may have genetic malfunctions. The main concern in health is preventing injury and healing damage caused by injuries and biological attacks.” Ron Kurtus (revised 22 September 2002


Questions you may have about what health is include:

• How does health relate to the function of the body?

• What about getting sick or injured?

• How is healing related to health?

Each one of us was born with a body that is a highly complex mechanism. It is amazing that it operates as well as it does. Good health is really defined as being able to function according to the way the body has been designed to function.

Unfortunately, no one is perfect and many people have defects in their bodies. Some people have defects that can be life-threatening. Fortunately, the body can compensate for 47

Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

defects and a person may easily live a long life with a body that is only partially functioning. An example is how a blind person or crippled person can compensate for the handicap and simply turn it into a challenge and win.

Not only should all the body parts work well and work together, they also need proper nutrition for energy and to continue to operate effectively. In general, humans and animals seem to be able to tell what foods their bodies need to function properly and to be healthy. Unfortunately, there are foods that can be harmful, but yet fool the brain in saying they are good for you. At the extreme, there are addictive drugs. But there are also salty, fatty, and sugary food that both humans and animals’ love, but that can be harmful to the health and nutritional needs of the being. .” Ron Kurtus (revised 22 September 2002}

Exercise is an important component in relation to our physical health. If you have a Porsche sports car, it does no good to be driving it to and from the laundry mat or running your daily errands. The car was made for the high speeds of the open roads. Likewise with your body, it was made to be used and therefore should be on a regular basis.

The human body was made to be physically active not sedentary like a couch potato. The heart needs to pump fast once in a while to keep its muscle tone. Your lungs need exercise to function the way they were made to function.

Exercise and using the body is important to maintaining your health.

Sickness affects our physical beings by way of germs, bacteria, molds, and viruses, which may attack parts of our 48

bodies, trying to infiltrate and use the body as a home or source of food. Not only can they destroy our cells, but also they often may release poisons that can harm our whole being. .” Ron Kurtus (revised 22 September 2002}

Cleanliness is one defense against disease. Also, the body creates internal defenses against specific bacteria and viruses.

In fact, because the body builds up these defenses, there is a question whether being too clean is actually good for you, because you may then not develop the natural defenses needed to maintain your health. .” Ron Kurtus (revised 22

September 2002}

Injury to parts of our body can come from attacks by animals or other people, or they can occur through an accident. Caution is the best defense against injury.

Carelessness or ignorance often results in injury. .” Ron Kurtus (revised 22 September 2002}

A major part of health concerns healing. After you have become sick or injured, your body will fight the disease and then attempt to heal the wounds. Although there are some drugs that can relieve pain, the major part of healing is natural. Protecting against further attacks or injury and being in good health helps the healing process. Being in good physical condition is critical to your overall health and wellness; this is where physical activity comes into play.

Physical activity’ is a term that describes any movement involving large muscles. Running, walking, cycling, skipping, swimming, dancing and playing all types 49

Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

of sports are all kinds of physical activity. Taking part in a sport, recreation or other physical activities need not be taken seriously. Casual but regular participation will achieve benefits. Walking id one of the very best forms of physical activity and anyone can do it For FREE!

You may ask yourself, WHY SHOULD I BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE? Physical activity has a range of important health and social benefits. Research has found that middleaged men who began exercising at a moderate intensity had an improved life expectancy and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, even when other risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure and being overweight) are present. It is important to maintain a significant level of activity throughout life to stay healthy. Even if you were fit when you were younger you don’t retain the low risk profile that you once had. For those who have been inactive in their youth, it is never too late to become physically active and gain a significant health benefit.


These guidelines refer to the minimum levels of physical activity that is required for good health. They are not intended for high levels of fitness or sports training. Try to carry out the guidelines and for the best results combine an active lifestyle with healthy eating.



Modern technology has reduced much of our need for movement. Cars now reduce our need for walking, machines do the heavy work for us, and technology such as TVs, 50

computers, and videos keep us inactive for long periods of time. This decrease in activity has been associated with an increase in obesity and other health problems. We have embraced the benefits of this technology and now consider

‘unnecessary’ movement an inconvenience. It is necessary to change these attitudes towards movement. It is possible to enjoy the benefits of modern technology without negative health consequences.



Research has found that even the most inactive people can gain health benefits if they become even slightly more active. Small increases in daily activity come from small changes carried out throughout the day. For example, making a habit of walking or cycling to the store, doing some gardening, parking your car a little further away and/or doing things by hand instead of using labor saving devices.




Improvements in health indicators- such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol and body weight- can result from doing 30 minutes of activity each day.

Moderate-intensity activity will cause a slight, but noticeable increase in breathing and heart rate. An example of a moderate intensity activity is a brisk walk at a pace where you can comfortably talk but not sing. Other examples include mowing the lawn, medium paced swimming or cycling.


Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!



This guideline doesn’t replace earlier recommendations it adds an extra level for those who are able to, and who wish to achieve greater health and fitness benefits. Children and teenagers should follow this guideline routinely. Vigorous’

implies activity, which makes you ‘huff and puff’, and where talking in full sentences between breaths are difficult.

Vigorous activity includes active sports i.e. jogging, football, squash, netball or aerobics.

Physical activity is a MUST if you want to maintain optimal health and wellness.


Participation in regular physical activity improves health in a number of ways.

Here are just a few:

• Extends life and reduces the risk of premature death.

• Improves blood cholesterol.

• Relieves moderate depression and stress.

• Favorably affects blood pressure.

• Helps maintain healthy body weight.

• Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.



Many people feel that there are barriers that prevent them from starting a physical activity program. These can include: Time – You can improve your level of physical activity even if time is limited. Look for easy ways to be more active throughout the day.

Age – Regular physical activity is associated with a 40% decreased risk of losing mobility for older people.

(Active Australia 2000). This means a better quality of life, protection against accidental falls as well as stronger bones and muscles. Moderate activities include walking, swimming, gardening, playing golf and even energetic housework!

Travel – Many hotels and motels have fitness centers that are available for guests to use. Some of the larger hotels also provide walking and jogging maps, which are a great way of getting out and doing some sightseeing at the same time as getting some exercise.

The weather – If it’s cold outside dress appropriately and take a brisk walk. Utilize the local heated swimming pool or look for opportunities to play indoor team sports. If the weather is hot, again try the swimming pool or walk or ride early in the mornings or evenings when it’s cooler.

A major part of your life is your physical health. Good physical health can contribute to leading a satisfying and successful life. There are factors involved in having satisfying physical health. Three principles to follow that will improve your chances for a healthy life are to be physically active, be nutritionally prudent, and minimize medical involvement


Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

Questions you may have include:

• What is the value of activity?

• Why worry about what I eat?

• Why minimize medial involvement??

The expression goes “use it or lose it.” If you do not use your muscles, lungs and heart as much as they were intended to be used, they will atrophy (waste away).

Exercise can provide many benefits such as keeping your system working properly, keeping your weight at a healthy level, giving you more energy and endurance, allowing you to bounce back quicker from injury or disease, and generally maintaining your health.

Your activity must be regular. You cannot expect to make up for a weeks of inactivity with a spurt of exercise on one Saturday.

Overkill of anything is not healthy. You should be practical in what you eat. Studies show that animals and people who eat less live longer. But of course, that does not mean eating so little that you become anorexic. It is my belief that one should eat between 3 to 6 meals per day to ensure that the body is getting the nutrients it desires.

Also try to eat more healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains just name a few. Eating junk foods or those high in animal fat is not a nutritional sound diet. Remember what Benjamin Franklin wrote in his Poor Richard’s Almanac: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” That is good advice that can be extended to other nutritional foods. If 54

you eat a well-balanced diet, you will be well on your way to a healthy body. Remember you are what you eat and everything you put in your mouth will show up one way or the other.

Also be careful when you see a doctor. Remember that medicine is a business and sometimes doctors prescribe what is convenient to them instead of the patient and that they are trying to figure out what will help you, they really are practicing and learning as they go along. You need to be an active participant in your health and wellness. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions about your conditions, if you have any. Avoid drugs and operations unless absolutely necessary. Often they can do more harm than good. In general, use caution when being medically treated and get a second opinion if necessary. You and your doctors are partners in your healthcare, but you do have the final say.

Most of us know the impact that stress, depression, or euphoria can have on our bodies. Can profound physical problems really be related to the way we feel and think?

Most of us have experienced the physical effects that depression, mental strain or stress can have on our bodies, or the euphoria of a really good day that makes every ache or pain feel better. We know that sleep can have an impact on our minds and emotions as well as our physical energy levels. In fact, our emotions are fundamentally connected with all aspects of health.

The link between mental, emotional and physical health has been gaining credibility ever since Louise Hay brought the concept into the public eye over two decades ago. Her books You Can Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life 55

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Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

are the modern foundation for the kind of healing that looks at our lives from a holistic or “whole being” perspective. Our health, illness, and even the shapes of our bodies have been linked to mental and emotional patterns that create implications in our physical reality over time.

“Neither our bodies, minds, heart, nor spirit exist in a vacuum: each is fundamentally dependent on the others in order for us to be healthy and whole. This concept is hardly new. In traditional human societies, emotional well-being would have been the purvey of the shaman, wise woman, medicine man, or healer - the same person who knew how to heal and improve physical health.” (Victoria AnismanReiner, June 10, 2006).

In today’s world, many natural medicine practitioners are able to help clients release emotional strain, phobias, and ingrained habits, even as they treat physical allergies and other symptoms. Even ordinary physical symptoms may end up being traced to painful memories or experiences that have become locked in the body’s energy field and need to be released or reframed. Healers using techniques like cranial sacral, deep body massage, energy medicine or energy psychology are able to use physical tools to clear emotional blocks and trauma quickly, enabling people to walk away after just one or two sessions with less pain, fear - and decreased physical symptoms.” (Victoria Anisman-Reiner, June 10, 2006).

What kind of physical problems have been linked to emotional well-being? The most common ones, stomachache and headache, can be caused by virtually any kind of strain.

Back pain has been attributed to a feeling of not being 56

emotionally supported, or to feeling that you’ve lost your path or aren’t fulfilling your purpose. Knee problems can be due to fear of “stepping forward” in your life. Asthma, especially in childhood, has been linked to a feeling of smothering or too much control. Cancer is related to selfhatred, and fibromyalgia and other degenerative diseases to a deep feeling of unworthiness and abnegation of self.

Thyroid has to do with the voice, expressing yourself and feeling that you are heard.

Our bodies manifest illness to show our thoughts and feelings. They can truly be our greatest teachers about what is going on inside our hearts and minds... and how to heal us.

“Physical activity improves health and well-being. It reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs, increases energy levels, helps you maintain and achieve a healthy body weight and it improves your outlook on life.”(Lerche Davis.

Jeanie Aug. 2, 2001}

Research shows that physical inactivity can cause premature death, chronic disease and disability.

For children, regular physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development. For adults, it allows daily tasks to be accomplished with greater ease and comfort and with less fatigue. For seniors, weight-bearing physical activity reduces the rate of bone loss associated with osteoporosis and regular physical activity maintains strength and flexibility, balance and coordination and can help reduce the risk of falls. Regular physical activity prolongs independent living. Being physically active not only 57

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Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

strengthens your body -- it also makes you feel good about yourself.

There is so much that can be done to get physical activity in your life. Bodily movement is something that everyone can do on a regular basis. It is not necessary to run a marathon or spend time at a gym unless that is your preference. All you need to do is find uncomplicated ways to be physically active every day.

What you could do is:

• Take a walk during your lunch period.

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

• Get from in front of the television or computer.

• Play with your children.

• Get a workout video.

• Get buddy to workout with.

• Walk or ride a bike instead of driving.

• Jump rope.

• Park your car farther and walk more.

• Participate in gardening.

• Do housework.

• Dance, dance, dance.

• Just move daily.


Stress and health are closely linked. It is well known that stress, either chronic or acute, can encourage risky body mind disorders. Disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic health problems. In the long run they may also affect our bodies other systems.

There are variable thoughts on whether stress actually has any impact on our cardiovascular system or not. However, there is research that shows that in certain individuals stress does contribute to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiac risk factors such as addictions and obesity.

Stress induced or not, suffering from cardiac conditions is in itself quite stressful for most individuals and their families.

Still physical causes of stress such as vigorous physical activity and exercises can place demands on the heart muscle of the weak or of people already suffering from coronary blockage. It is evident that people who live in chronically stressed-out conditions are more likely to take up smoking, alcohol and substance abuse (drugs, prescribed or illegal), fall into eating disorders (unhealthy food habits) and inertia.

Medical practitioners say all of these stress-related behaviors have a direct effect on the development of coronary artery diseases. It is extremely important to consultant your doctor, before beginning any exercise program especially if you are currently under a doctor’s care.

My Story: My journey to physical wellness has definitely had its ups, downs and turnarounds to say the least.

It’s been challenging, frustrating and truly disappointing at times. My weight has fluctuated since I can remember. I suffered from high blood pressure until I decided to make a 59

Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

change and do something about it. I knew that I was not being a physically active as I needed and I enlisted some help. I joined gyms, paid for them and didn’t go; I bought videos and DVDs, paid for them and didn’t use them. It was not until I got sick and tired of wasting my hard earned money that I knew I had to make a serious commitment to change my life by losing weight and becoming physically fit.

I have done better over the years; it is a lifelong process, but I feel better, look better and act better as a result of better, improved overall physical health. I am still struggling as I am writing this book, I have good days and I have bad days but most importantly I have healthy days. I have changed my eating habits for the better, I eat everything in moderation, and I don’t deprive myself of the foods I like. I have found new, healthy and delicious ways to prepare my food. I am determined to reach my goal by my next birthday. I know that the older you get the harder it get to lose the weight. I am determined to be in the best physical condition I possibly can be and to live the live the life I was designed, created and destined to. I have a vision of what the perfect physical me looks like and I won’t stop until I reach my goal. I know that I will have setbacks but I will not use them as crutches or excuses not to continue what I started. I found this great new program called The Diet free Life System and I absolutely love it. It has helped me begin a program that I can live with for the rest of my life because simply, I love food and I will be a food lover for life. Visit for

more information. I have not reached my goal yet, but I will not stop trying until I accomplish my goal and reach my goal weight. I continue to read books and view workout programs to find solutions to my problem. I am more than a conqueror and I will be a winner, physically and in every area of my 60

life. If you are ready to begin your physical journey we can do this together. I am a big advocate of pampering to destress to lessen the attack on the physical body. I have been involved in Aromatherapy for some time now and it has changed my life, it not only has helped my body but it has helped my mind as well.