Be In Good Health by Cee Cee H. Caldwell - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Environmental Health – Safe or Hazardous What is Environmental Health?

Environmental health simply put is the wellness of our surroundings from where we live, work and play. There are many infractions, which create bad environmental health.


Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

Ingesting the wrong material can poison a person. Sometimes poisons are subtle parts of the environment, such as smog or drugs. Being aware of potential poisons is an important defense. Sometimes environmental poisoning is unavoidable, since you may not even realize it is happening to you. In many communities, people spread poisons on their lawns to kill insects and then let their children play on the lawn, often resulting in problems years down the road. It is a fact that our bodies are constantly under attack from our environment.

Sometimes it is under attack even from us. It is our responsibility to save the planet from destruction, by doing whatever we can individually as well as collectively to ensure a long happy life.

The toxins in our environment greatly attribute to the seriousness of the illnesses that we have contracted with no cure. Our children are subjected to toxins at school because of the chemicals used in the industrial cleaning products.

Pollution, dust, and smog etc., are all contributors to our unsafe environment. Improper garbage disposal, contaminated water systems all add to a disease-ridden culture. We all must be active participants in the fight for environmental equality and safety.

As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our children from all things. Environmental health usually slips behind the radar. The chemicals we use in our homes can cause the illnesses that our children suffer from. We must educate ourselves, so that we can educate our children, so that we can create a healthier, better world around us. Global Warming is a very serious thing and we all must be active participants in our own Environmental Health. There are many products on 62

the market today, which can definitely assist us in making the necessary changes because everyone can do something. We must all make the sacrifice to have safe the planet.

My story: I have just learned over the last couple years about the toxins that I encountered in my daily living and I have since made healthier, safer choices about the household & personal products I use. I have personally removed a great number of the unsafe toxic products from my home & personal care regimen. I have switched to better environmentally safe products for the home like Atomy, Youngevity and some online brands just to name a few. And I have changed to healthier nature based personal care products from Soul Purpose, Warm Spirit etc. Because of my need to use better, safer products I decided to create my own line of products called Just Make Scents. By switching products, I believe I am doing my part to help the environment last a little longer for my children’s, children and generations to come. Everyone can do his or her part in saving our environment, so why don’t you join me by making a change for the better TODAY! Start with one thing at a time and keep making small changes and trust me you will be glad you did. It will not only help you and your family but it will be a help to our world.


Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!