Be In Good Health by Cee Cee H. Caldwell - HTML preview

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I decided to write this book because, it was my belief that when you hear the word health, we so often just think about the physical. Health is much more than how your physical body works, it encompasses so much more. Health involves the physical but it also involves: spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, social, relational, environmental and educational health.

So I wanted to write a book in plain old English, that would encourage people to open themselves up to the possibility of being healthy and whole completely. We were created to be healthy, happy and whole, while living a life of abundance and prosperity. When I speak of abundance and prosperity I am referring to wholeness in mind, body and spirit. There are so many things that cause us to be unhealthy, unproductive and feel unworthy. I have felt all of these things at one point in time but I had to finally make a decision to make a change in my life.

I realized that I deserved a life of happiness, joy and total fulfillment, that’s when I decided it, was time to begin my life again. I knew the journey would not be easy, I knew that there would be challenges and setbacks but I was willing to take the chance to see what the future had in store for me.

What I began to understand was that in order to become whole and complete, I would have to be willing to fail while trying instead of not trying at all. There is no failure in trying but there is in making excuses for not trying at all. I wanted this project to inspire, encourage and support those who were willing to work to win the prize of a lifetime, which is total wellness. If you are tired of being sick and tired, of not living the life you have always dreamed of or just want to feel better, stronger, happier and more energetic, then this is the book for you. I wrote this book to help you jump-start your new beginning. I have included resources that I believe will help you on your journey to holistic health and wellness. I am not a medical doctor but I am a holistic practitioner/

wellness consultant and an experienced wellness seeker. I have tried many of the suggestions outlined in this book, some of which I was successful at and some of which I was not but, I still believe in them all.

My lack of success was not due to the suggestions or methods; it was due to my own lack of discipline and steadfastness. I know you can change your life and become the person that you always knew was there but it will take, time, strength, dedication and support to reach the finish line.

It is my aim to equip you with the tools to live your best life from the inside out.

Once you reach your goal in one area of wellness, then move on to the next, remember if some areas are lacking continue to move toward wholeness one step at a time. Every single thing in your life right now -- your job, relationships, money, health, and all that you have intellectually, emotionally and spiritually -- is a reflection of your beliefs.

Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

Your belief has the power to attract your deepest desires and so much more than you could have ever imagined. It’s all up to you, Get on your mark, get set, and GO!


With deepest gratitude I would like to thank everyone who had some hand in the writing of this book.

Firstly, I would like to thank God for putting this project on my heart and trusting me with the information that I believe will be a blessing to the lives of others. If it were not for him, blessing me with the gifts that he has, I would not be writing this book or living today. To God be the glory for the things he has done is doing and will do in my future.

Secondly, I would like to thank the Health and Wellness industry for giving me the opportunity to be a part of such a growing industry and at the same time allowing me to use my ability to help people enrich their lives through my knowledge of better health, wellness and self-care.

Thirdly, I would like to thank all of the powerful women who have impacted my life in one form or another.

The women who have inspired me to reach for the top and continue until I reached my goals while striving to live the life that I was purposed and destined to by God.

And finally, I would like to thank everyone who has allowed me to share a part of my life with them and who have been a part of mine at any point in time. I believe that everyone comes into your life for a purpose and a season and

I am grateful to all who have blessed my life just by being a part of it, thanks for your unwavering support.

A special thank you goes to Teri Jackson-Carson; from the first time I met Teri through Warm Spirit I felt blessed to learn about the Wellness industry from someone like her. Her love for helping people dance with amazing choreography captured me from the start. Teri caused me to want to learn more about health and wellness and that is why I am able to write this book today. So I bless her and I sincerely thank her for being a great wellness mentor. And I will always remember, “Your Health Is Your Wealth!

Finally, I would like to thank the world for allowing me the pleasure to share my life, my gifts and my love for helping people become the best they can be by helping them on their journey to wholeness and happiness.

Remember, Be in Good Health, and be good to yourself and each other. You Are Worth It!

Cee Cee H. Caldwell-Miller, MA, CPC, ALS

Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

Let Your Journey to

Holistic Wellness

begin…… Where you

start is totally up to

you, just make

yourself a priority on

your own list!