Be In Good Health by Cee Cee H. Caldwell - HTML preview

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Living Life To The Fullest - You must be complete.

Your destiny is not really about what happens to you. It is built and fulfilled by the things that you cause to happen, by what you do with the precious life you have been blessed with. It happens in every moment, with every choice, with every thought and every action.

Always remember, you are creating your own unique destiny. If you live your life to the fullest by being rich, not in money but by being whole and complete in every area of my life, you will obtain the prosperity that you were destined for.

As I began to do research for this book, I questioned whether I had the ability to write it or not. And as I pondered the thought, I realized that I didn’t have to possess a PhD. in medicine or health to successfully share the knowledge I have gained in the area of health, wellness and self-care. The reason that I feel capable of sharing the information presented, is my own life experiences, choices and training.

My hope is that this book will encourage you to be all that you can be, by working from the inside out to create the YOU that you were meant to be in every area of your life. From your physical health to your moral health, I hope to inspire you to begin the journey or complete the journey that you may have already begun in pursuing complete wholeness in your life.


Be In Good Health

Living A Life of Happiness, Wholeness and Wellness!

Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a health professional, or just seeking to better understand yourself and your relationships so you can heal and grow, this book is for you.

Over the years, I have personally struggled with the issues that I will address in this book from physical wellness to emotional wellness and many more. It has been a daily journey for me, toward wholeness and often not an easy one. I have had failures and successes in my life but through my strong faith I have been able to conquer the challenges and push my way through to enjoy the fruit of my labor. I believe that everyone deserves to be whole and happy no matter what experiences they have endured throughout their lifetime. I know that the journey ahead may seem difficult but trust me, it is well worth it and there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s begin the journey with a look into the area of mental health.