Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Body Detoxification On Target Organs

A real body detoxification program is more than just swallowing a couple of pills and drinking some special concoctions. With toxins coming in from all directions, the shotgun method in detoxification is inadequate.

The best strategy is to concentrate on the body's waste processing organs themselves. As always, before starting on the program, it is best to consult your doctor.


To be effective, the liver needs proteins. You can get them from beef, eggs, and fish (especially salmon). Whey is one of the best liver helper.

Liver detoxification is enhanced by vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, magnesium, and inositol. Herbs like dandelion, milk thistle, and black radish stimulate detoxification.


Do a daily deep breathing exercise for 10 minutes twice daily. Do this in areas with clean air (secluded parks or buildings with good air purifiers).

Exercises include aerobics, singing, and "belly breathing" (breathing that expands the belly).


The kidneys are in charge of removing water-soluble toxins from our system. When the urine is dilute (because of sufficient water), the toxins are also diluted during elimination.

With too little water ingestion, the toxins are concentrated and can damage kidney functions. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day is necessary. Drink more if you sweat in your manual activity or exercise.


Eat fiber-rich foods daily, and not just during detoxification. The recommended intake is 10 grams.

Start with 2 tablespoons of crude wheat bran (insoluble fiber) with one ounce of oat bran (soluble fiber) per day. You may add ground flax seeds for both fiber types and the extra Omega-3 fatty acids.

Activated charcoal absorbs digestive toxins. Take a tablespoonful daily. Commercially, they are available in capsule forms if you want to avoid the mess during ingestion.


The skin is the largest organ for eliminating wastes. Sweat has the same composition as urine (only more dilute) and the skin takes care of eliminating it by evaporation.

Acne, psoriasis and other skin diseases may mean your internal toxicity is active. If the liver, kidneys or colon are not able to remove toxins effectively, the skin is the last resort. Those removed toxins cause skin diseases.

Do your daily skin brushing from head to toe and follow this up with a warm shower using pure soap. (Saunas and steam baths are good skin detoxifiers.)

Body detoxification programs can be done on your own (after consultation with your doctor first.) It pays to detoxify the eliminating organs directly.