Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Body Detoxification And The Healing Process

Body detoxification is one concept that had gained more and more importance now that there is evidence that we are all victims of ingesting toxins. Today, it had become a catch phrase spurred by the media.

Detoxification is actually important not just on the general health and fitness on regular people. This is important among convalescing patients who are starting to restore their body's health.

Often, medical and health professionals will then urge these patients to undergo a full body detoxification regimen aimed at boosting the healing process of their bodies.


Substances causing harmful effects or giving stress on our organs and body systems are typically called toxins. Some (food additives, preservatives, etc.) we ingest without knowledge, some (cigarettes, excess sugar, etc.) we choose to put into our systems.

Every day, we are also exposed to environmental toxins in the air, water and elsewhere. There is mercury in our fish, hormones in our chicken, preservatives in our processed food, pesticide residues in our fruits; the list gets longer and longer every day.

Chemicals and drugs

We get to imbibe some unknown chemicals from our hair dyes and sprays, paints and other industrial products. Even medications are toxic, too for many people.

Some of them are man-made and our bodies are hard put to process them even after their beneficial effects. Over time, the accumulation of these chemicals in our bodies becomes dangerous and deadly.

Toxicity symptoms

Unexplained sudden headaches, fatigue, insomnia, rashes, and unexplained pains and aches can be attributed to high levels of toxins in the body. Other symptoms include constipation, poor digestion, gas, weight gain, poor concentration and memory, depression, bad breath and body odor.

Detoxifying the body

Normally, the body is very good in eliminating wastes and other toxins and heals itself. The liver cleanse the blood. The kidneys also act as another filtering system for the body. The intestines throw out unnecessary wastes (and toxins) regularly.

The presence of toxins usually interferes with the work of these organs.

The first step is to see a doctor. There is need for a thorough examination to determine your needs. The recommended health regimen may include a combination of botanicals, homeopathic formulas, and diet.

All these are intended to help the body's impaired natural processes, including the cleansing of toxins that have built up over time. The diet stimulates the body's eliminating organs while at the same time slowly helps in healing them back to their previous health.

Until pollution and other environmental problems are totally solved, we cannot help it but have to live with these toxins. The best defense is knowledge about them and being able to do body detoxification regimens to help ourselves.